Blanket Purchase Order Release Entry

Menu Path: None

To use Blanket Purchase Order Release Entry, click the Release button in the ribbon in Order Entry or the Blanket Release button in the ribbon in Purchase Order Maintenance.

Note The Release or Blanket Release button is only available if the Items tab is displayed, and only enabled for blanket purchase orders. Certain fields are pre-populated based on the method you use to access this window.


Maintain releases of blanket purchase orders.


Use Blanket Purchase Order Release Entry to record the release of products for shipment either directly to customers or to warehouse locations. For more information, see Blanket Purchase Order Process Flow.

One release can have quantities from multiple purchase order lines of a blanket purchase order. Each quantity released is linked to either a customer direct ship order line or a warehouse location. For information on release constraints, see Blanket Purchase Orders FAQ.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Blanket Purchase Order Release Entry window.


Click this button to create a new blanket purchase order release line.


Click this button to edit the selected blanket purchase order release line.

Note For a direct-ship release that was prepared for labels, you can only edit the FOB, Shipper ID, Ship Date, and Delivery Date fields.


Click this button to delete the selected blanket purchase order release line.

Note When you delete a blanket purchase order release, it is completely removed from the database, as if it was never created. If you only want to mark the release as cancelled, use the Cancel Release button instead.


Click this button to display PO Release Print, which allows you to print the selected blanket purchase order release.


Click this button to accept an action. This button only appears after you click the New, Update, or Delete button in the ribbon.


Click this button to cancel an action. This button only appears after you click the New, Update, or Delete button in the ribbon.

Cancel Release

Click this button to cancel the selected blanket purchase order release line.

Note When you cancel a blanket purchase order release, it remains in the database, but is marked as cancelled. If you want to completely remove a blanket purchase order release from the database, as if it was never created, use the Delete button instead.

Finalize Release

Click this button to finalize the release. A release must go through the finalization stage before certain processes can occur. For more information, see Blanket Purchase Order Process Flow.

Prep for Labels

Click this button to prepare the release for labels. A release must go through the preparation stage before certain processes can occur. For more information, see Blanket Purchase Order Process Flow.

Sales Order

Click this button to display Order Edit, which allows you to view and update detailed information for a sales order associated with a selected blanket purchase order release.

Note If you are not authorized to use Order Edit, the Order Entry window appears instead, and allows you to view and update information for the associated order. If you are not authorized to use Order Edit or Order Entry, the Order Inquiry window appears instead, and allows you to view order information for the associated order.

Purchase Order

Click this button to display Purchase Order Maintenance, which allows you to view and update information for the selected blanket purchase order.

Note If you are not authorized to use Purchase Order Maintenance, the Purchase Order Inquiry window appears instead, and allows you to view information for the purchase order.

Product Supplier

Click this button to display Product Supplier Purchase Order Inquiry, which allows you to view purchase orders for the product and supplier of the release.

Inventory Matrix

Click this button to display Inventory Matrix Inquiry, which allows you to view information about the selected product for the blanket purchase order release.


Click this button to display Notes Entry, which allows you to view and enter notes for a selected blanket purchase order release.


Click this button to display Remark Entry, which allows you to enter remarks for a selected blanket purchase order release.

Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Blanket Order #

Enter the purchase order number for a blanket purchase order, or click the Lookup button to select a purchase order number.

Release #

Enter a release number, or click the Lookup button to select a release number. If you are creating a new release and want to use the next release number, you can click Next Release to enter the next sequential release number automatically.

Next Release

Click this button to enter the next sequential release number for the blanket purchase order in the Release # field

Release Date

Enter a date for the blanket purchase order release, or click the drop-down arrow to select a date. This date defaults to the current date.

Release Status

This field displays the status of the purchase order release. For information on release statuses, see Blanket Purchase Order Process Flow.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Release Line #

Enter a release line number, or click the Lookup button to select a release line number. Every release can have multiple lines. If you want to add a new line to a release, click the New button in the ribbon.

Product Code

Enter the product code for the release line, or click the Lookup button to select a product code. This field defaults to the product code for the line selected in Order Entry or Purchase Order Maintenance before you accessed this window.

Product Name

Enter the product name for the release line, or click the Lookup button to select a product name. This field defaults to the product name for the line selected in Order Entry or Purchase Order Maintenance before you accessed this window.

Supplier Code

Enter the supplier code for the supplier from which you are purchasing products, or click the Lookup button to select a supplier code. This field defaults to the supplier code if you accessed this window from Purchase Order Maintenance.

Supplier Name

Enter the supplier name for the supplier from which you are purchasing products, or click the Lookup button to select a supplier name. This field defaults to the supplier name if you accessed this window from Purchase Order Maintenance.

Released Quantity

Enter the quantity of the product for the release in the displayed unit of measure.


Enter an FOB, or click the Lookup button to select an FOB. For information on setting up FOB's, see Freight On Board Maintenance.

Shipper ID

Enter the shipper ID of the carrier that will deliver the ordered products to the ship-to location, or click the Lookup button to select a shipper ID. For information on setting up shipper ID's, see Shipper Maintenance.

Ship Date

Enter the date the products will ship from the supplier, or click the drop-down arrow to select a date.


Enter the general ledger project number for general ledger posting if one is associated with the release, or click the Lookup button to select a project number. Projects are defined in Project Maintenance.

Delivery Date

Enter the date goods are to be delivered to the ship-to location, or click the drop-down arrow to select a date. This date is used to calculate a promise date during order entry, and to determine the delivery date for DRP.

Finalized Date

Enter the date the blanket order release is finalized, or click the drop-down arrow to select a date. This field is only available when finalizing a release for a direct ship order. The date entered in this field is used to determine the posting period for the release.

Note If the date is not in an open period, the current period is used for posting.

PO Line #

Click the Lookup button to select a line item for the blanket purchase order. This field defaults to the selected purchase order line number if you accessed this window from Purchase Order Maintenance.

Original Quantity

These fields display the quantity of the product ordered on the specified line of the blanket purchase order, and the unit of measure.

Unreleased Quantity

These fields display the quantity of the product ordered on the specified line of the blanket purchase order that has not yet been released, and the unit of measure.

Gross Weight

This field displays the gross weight of the products in the release line.

Net Weight

This field displays the net weight of the products in the release line.


This field displays the total volume of the products in the release line.


This field displays the total cost of the products in the release line.

Release Method

Select one of the following methods for the release:

  • Direct Ship - Ship product directly to a customer. If you select this option, the Sales Order # and Line # fields are enabled, so you can select the sales order line associated with the release.

  • Warehouse - Ship product to a warehouse location. If you select this option, the Ship to Location field is enabled, so you can select the warehouse location.

This option defaults for each user based on the Blanket Release Method option in User Extended Options.

Ship to Location

Enter a location prefix or name to which the product on the release will ship. These fields are only enabled if you select the Warehouse radio button.

Note If the blanket purchase order is VAT taxable, this location must be in the same country as the ship-to location of the purchase order.

Order Ship to Location

Enter the ship-to location prefix or name for the release, or click the Lookup buttons to select the order ship-to location prefix or name. These fields default to the sales order ship-to location prefix and name if you accessed this window from Order Entry.

Customer Code

Enter the customer code for the release, or click the Lookup button to select a customer code. This field defaults to the customer code for the selected sales order if you accessed this window from Order Entry.

Customer Name

Enter the customer name for the release, or click the Lookup button to select a customer name. This field defaults to the customer name for the selected sales order if you accessed this window from Order Entry.

Sales Order #

Enter the sales order number for the release, or click the Lookup button to select a sales order number. This field is only enabled if you select the Direct Ship radio button. This field defaults to the selected sales order number if you accessed this window from Order Entry.

Line #

Enter the sales order line number for the release, or click the Lookup button to select a sales order line number. This field is only enabled if you select the Direct Ship radio button. This field defaults to the selected sales order line number if you accessed this window from Order Entry.

Sales Order Quantity

This field displays the total quantity on the selected sales order line.

Unreleased Quantity

This field displays the unreleased quantity for the selected sales order line, which is calculated as the sales order quantity minus any prior releases against the sales order line.

Address Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Ship-To Supplier Name

Enter a supplier name if you want to ship to a supplier address, or click the Lookup button to select a supplier name. Sometimes you may want to select a supplier’s (consolidator or freight forwarder, for example) address as the initial ship-to destination (especially for blanket type orders). If you select a supplier, the supplier's address information is entered on the Address tab.


Enter the ship-to address name.

Address 1

Enter the first line of the ship-to address. This field is required if you are entering an address.

Address 2

Enter the second line of the ship-to address.

Address 3

Enter the third line of the ship-to address.


Enter the city of the ship-to address, or click the Lookup button to select a city. This field is required if you enter the first line of an address in the Address 1 field.


Enter the state or province of the ship-to address, or click the Lookup button to select a state or province. This field is required if you enter the first line of an address in the Address 1 field, but is not required if you enter a country in the Country field for which a state/province is not required.

Postal Code

Enter the postal code of the ship-to address, or click the Lookup button to select a postal code. This field is required if you enter the first line of an address in the Address 1 field, but is not required if you enter a country in the Country field for which a postal code is not required.


Enter the country of the ship-to address, or click the Lookup button to select a country. This field is required if you enter the first line of an address in the Address 1 field.


Enter the contact name for the ship-to address.


Enter the phone number for the ship-to address.


Enter the fax number for the ship-to address.


Enter the email address for the ship-to address.