Purchase Order Inquiry

If you edit this topic, review Purchase Order Maintenance.

Menu Path: Purchasing Images\bluerarw.gif Inquiries Images\bluerarw.gif Purchase Orders Images\bluerarw.gif Purchase Order Inquiry

Note If your user ID is not authorized to create and edit purchase orders, Purchase Order Inquiry is also displayed if you select Purchasing Images\bluerarw.gif Purchase Order Maintenance.


View detailed information for purchase orders.


Use Purchase Order Inquiry to display detailed information for existing purchase orders. Purchase Order Inquiry is similar to Purchase Order Maintenance, but you cannot create, edit, or delete purchase orders.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Purchase Order Inquiry window.


Click this button to display Purchase Order Print, which allows you to print the selected purchase order.

Note You can only print purchase orders that have been ordered unless your user ID has authorization to print unordered purchase orders.

Show Data

Click this button to refresh data if the Relationships or Shipments tab is displayed.


Click this button to display Receiving Labels Print, which allows you to generate receiving labels.


Click this button to create EDI 850 data to transmit to the trading partner. For information on setting up EDI for purchase orders, see EDI Purchase Order FAQ.

Users To Notify

Click this button to display Users To Notify, which allows you to select users to email when the product on the selected purchase order is received or when containers are created.

Note If you want to notify people for specific line items only, click this button in PO Line Item Entry instead.

Additional Charges

Click this button to display Charge Entry, which allows you to view additional charges for a purchase order line item. This button is only available if the Items tab is displayed and you are not creating or editing the purchase order. The icon for this button includes a check mark if additional charges exist for the selected line item.


Click this button to display PO Accounts, which allows you to view, enter, and edit general ledger accounts associated with the selected purchase order line item. This button is only available if you display the Items tab.

Blanket Release

Click this button to display Blanket Purchase Order Release Entry, which allows you to view, enter, edit, delete, and print blanket purchase order releases. This button is only available if the Items tab is displayed, and only enabled for blanket purchase orders. For more information on blanket orders, see Blanket Purchase Order Process Flow.

Line Item User Defined Fields

Click this button to display Line Item User Defined Fields, which allows you to view user-defined fields associated with the selected line item. This button is only available if you click the Items tab.


Click this button to display User Extended Options, which allows you to set up purchase order options for your user ID.


Click this button to display PO Supplier Contact, which allows you to view, create, and edit purchase order supplier contacts.


Click this button to display Supplier Maintenance, which allows you to view, create, edit, and delete suppliers.

Audit Trail

Click this button to display PO Audit Detail, which allows you to view information about changes made to the selected purchase order.

Approval Detail

Click this button to display PO Authorization Detail, which allows you to view information about authorization for the selected purchase order.


Click this button to display Order Edit, which allows you to view and update an order associated with the selected purchase order.

Note If you are not authorized to use Order Edit, the Order Entry window appears instead, and allows you to view and update information for the associated order. If you are not authorized to use Order Edit or Order Entry, the Order Inquiry window appears instead, and allows you to view order information for the associated order.

Blanket Release (Inquiries)

Click this button to display Blanket Purchase Order Inquiry, which allows you to view detailed information for blanket purchase orders. This button is only available if you display the Items tab, and only enabled for blanket purchase orders.

View Date Change History

Click this button to display Purchasing Date Change Inquiry, which allows you to view date changes for the selected purchase order.

Production Monitoring Data Entry

If the icon for this button includes a check mark, a supplier production monitoring workflow exists for the purchase order. You can then click this button to display Monitoring Data Entry, which allows you to enter data for the workflow.

If the icon for this button does not include a check mark, click this button to display Monitoring Data Entry Management, which allows you to manage workflows for supplier production monitoring data entry.

Drop Ship Confirm

Click this button to display Drop Ship Purchase Order Confirmation, which allows you to create confirmed pick demands and adjust inventory for sales orders associated with a selected drop-ship purchase order. This button is only available if you select a drop-ship purchase order and the Automatically Invoice Drop Ship Customers check box is cleared in Customer Service Control Maintenance.


Click this button to display Notes Entry, which allows you to view notes for a selected purchase order or purchase order line item.


Click this button to display Remark Entry, which allows you to view remarks for a selected purchase order or purchase order line item.


Click this button to display Attachment Entry, which allows you to view attachments for a selected purchase order. The icon for this button includes a check mark if attachments exist for the purchase order.

Re-Price PO

This button is disabled in this window, and is only available if the Main tab is displayed.

Quality Control Detail

Click this button to display Quality Control Detail Inquiry, which allows you to view defective product information for the purchase order. This button is only available if the Relationships tab is displayed. The icon for this button includes a check mark if defective products exist for the purchase order.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Purchase Order #

Enter an order number of a purchase order you want to view, or click the Lookup button to select an order number.

Note If you click the Lookup button, you cannot select a transfer order. To select a transfer order, click the Transfer button.

To select an existing order quickly, you can enter the location prefix, followed by a period, then the number.

Example To display order number CH000000056, type ch.56. The order information appears when you press the Tab key.


Click this button to select a transfer order you want to view.

Amendment Code

This field displays the amendment code if you are using amendments.

Purchase Class

This field displays the purchase class that defines the type of purchase order.


This field displays the type for the purchase class entered in the Purchase Class field. The type is selected for the purchase class in Purchase Class Maintenance, and can be one of the following:

  • Blanket

  • Drop Ship

  • Group

  • Purchases

  • Quote

  • Requisition

  • Returns

  • Special Order

  • Transfer

Supplier Code

This field displays the supplier code for the supplier from which you are purchasing products.

Supplier Name

This field displays the supplier name for the supplier from which you are purchasing products.

Payment Terms

This field displays the payment terms for the purchase order.

Payment Method

This field displays the payment method that will be used to pay the supplier for the purchase order.

Bill to Location

This field displays the location prefix for the location to which the supplier's invoice will be sent for the purchase order.

Name (Bill-To Location)

This field displays the location name for the location to which the supplier's invoice will be sent for the purchase order.

Ship to Location

This field displays the location prefix for the location to which the supplier will ship the ordered goods for the purchase order.

Name (Ship-To Location)

This field displays the location name for the location to which the supplier will ship the ordered goods for the purchase order.

Project #

This field displays the general ledger project number for the order if one is associated with the purchase order.

Requisition #

This field displays the requisition number for the purchase order.

Shipper ID

This field displays the shipper ID of the carrier that will deliver the ordered products to the ship-to location for the purchase order.


This field displays the FOB code for the purchase order.


This field displays the currency for the purchase order.

Originating Country

This field displays the country from which products for the purchase order are shipped.


This field displays the user ID for the purchase order's buyer.


This field displays the user ID of the person from which the purchase order originated.

Supplier's Confirming Order #

This field displays a supplier’s confirming order number, if one is provided. This is an information-only field and is not used logically elsewhere in the software.

Sales Contract Code

This field displays the sales contract code associated with the purchase order. For information on setting up sales contracts, see Sales Contract Maintenance.

First Customer Code / Customer Code

This field displays the customer code of the customer for the sales order associated with the purchase order, or the first customer code if multiple customers are associated with the purchase order. This field is only available if the purchase order is associated with a drop-ship sales order.

Customer Name

This field displays the customer name of the customer for the sales order associated with the purchase order. This field is only available if the purchase order is associated with a drop-ship sales order.

Sales Order #

This field displays the sales order number associated with the purchase order. This field is only available if the purchase order is associated with a drop-ship sales order.

Default Exchange Rate

This field displays the default exchange rate for the purchase order.

Use Override Exchange Rate

This check box is selected if an override exchange rate is entered for the purchase order. This check box is only available if you are authorized to override the exchange rate, and if the purchase order currency is not the functional ledger currency.

Override Currency Exchange Rate

This field displays the override currency exchange rate for the purchase order. This field is only available if the Use Override Exchange Rate check box is selected.

VAT Taxable

This check box is selected if VAT is assessed for the purchase order.

Note This check box is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

VAT Exempt Reason Code

This field displays a reason code to explain why the purchase order is exempt from VAT if the purchase order is not VAT taxable, but is being shipped to a VAT-taxable country.

Note This field is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

VAT Supplier

These fields display the supplier code or name of the supplier collecting VAT for the purchase order if it is VAT taxable.

Note These fields are only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

Purchase Date

This field displays the date the purchase order was created.

Ship Date

This field displays the date the products will ship from the supplier.

Required Date

This field displays the date by which you want to receive goods in the ship-to location.

Delivery Date

This field displays the date goods are to be delivered to the ship-to location. This date is used to calculate a promise date during order entry, and to determine the delivery date for DRP.

Delivery Time

These fields display the time of day that goods are to be delivered to the ship-to location.

Final Change Date

This field displays the date of the last change that can be made to this purchase order. You should not change an order after this date, unless you change this date.

The date in this field is also used for DRP. If you are using DRP, there is functionality that can assist in determining if there will be excess inventory during a given time period, e.g. the month of October. For example, circumstances may have changed: orders cancelled, forecasts changed, etc. If there is excess inventory in a given time period, the software can then, as part of its DRP algorithms and logic, determine if there are purchase orders that can be changed; perhaps production or shipment/delivery dates can be pushed out. It will exclude purchase orders for which the date entered in the Final Change Date field has passed. This could indicate that production is already done, the order is already on a container being shipped, etc. If this is the case, the software will not alert a user to review the purchase order and change it.

Voided on

This field displays the date that the purchase order was voided. This field is only available if the purchase order was voided.

Voided Reason

Click this button to display Voiding Reason, which allows you to enter view the reason an order was previously voided. This button is only available if the purchase order was voided.

Purchase Order Status

This field displays the status of the purchase order in the order process flow. For more information, see Purchase Order Status.

Voucher Status

This field displays the status of the accounts payable voucher for the order. This field may display the following:

  • Invoiced - A voucher was entered and reconciled against the purchase order in Voucher Entry.

  • Fully Invoiced - All products and additional charges are reconciled against the purchase order.

EDI Transmission Status

This field displays the status of EDI transmission to the trading partner for the purchase order. It displays one of the following statuses:

  • On Hold

  • To Be Transmitted

  • Transmitted

This field is only available for a purchase order if the supplier is set up as an EDI trading partner and the EDI button in the ribbon has been clicked for the purchase order.


This check box is selected if the order is marked as a rush order. Custom messages can be printed on a purchase order if this check box is selected.


This check box is selected if the purchase order is finalized. This check box is selected by default when you create a new purchase order. A finalized purchase order is considered to be a purchase order requisition, and the purchase order status is Approved. However, you cannot receive in goods when the purchase order is in this status. You must complete the purchase order transaction by ordering the purchase order before you can receive goods for the purchase order.


This check box is selected if the purchase order was ordered. Goods cannot be received until a purchase order is marked as ordered. When a purchase order is ordered, the on order inventory is increased for the products on the purchase order.

Note For blanket purchase orders, on order inventory is not increased. For more information, see Blanket Purchase Order Process Flow.


This check box is selected if the purchase order is marked as an expedited order.


This check box is selected if the purchase order was printed.

Times Printed

This field displays the number of times the purchase order was printed.

First Printed by

This field displays the user ID for the first person who printed the purchase order.

First Printed Date

This field displays the date the purchase order was first printed.

First Printed Time

This field displays the time the purchase order was first printed.

Last Printed by

This field displays the user ID of the last person who printed the purchase order.

Last Printed Date

This field displays the date the purchase order was last printed.

Last Printed Time

This field displays the time the purchase order was last printed.

Items Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button



This grid displays information for line items on the purchase order, including the net landed cost for the items. For more information, see Purchase Order Maintenance Items Grid Columns.

Lines Total

This field displays the total amount of the line items, including additional charges for line items with a PO supplier type.

Total Item VAT

This field displays the total VAT amount of the line items, including VAT amounts of additional charges for line items with a PO supplier type. For more information on additional charges, see Purchase Additional Charge Maintenance.

Note This field is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

Lines Total W/VAT

This field displays the total amount of the line items, including additional charges for line items with a PO supplier type, and any VAT amounts for both. For more information on additional charges, see Purchase Additional Charge Maintenance.

Note This field is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

Additional Charges

This field displays the total amount of additional charges for the order with a PO supplier type. These charges are entered on the Additional Charges tab. For more information on additional charges, see Purchase Additional Charge Maintenance.

Total Add Chrg VAT

This field displays the total VAT amount of additional charges for the order with a PO supplier type. For more information on additional charges, see Purchase Additional Charge Maintenance.

Note This field is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

Additional Charges W/VAT

This field displays the total amount of additional charges for the order with a PO supplier type, including any VAT amount. For more information on additional charges, see Purchase Additional Charge Maintenance.

Note This field is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

Other Charges

This field displays the total amount of additional charges for the order and line items with an Other or None supplier type. For more information on additional charges, see Purchase Additional Charge Maintenance.

Note Other type charges for which the purchase order supplier is selected are not included in this amount.

Total Other Chrg VAT

This field displays the total VAT amount of additional charges for the order and line items with an Other or None supplier type. For more information on additional charges, see Purchase Additional Charge Maintenance.

Note This field is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

Other Charges W/VAT

This field displays the total amount of additional charges for the order and line items with an Other or None supplier type, including any VAT amounts for both. For more information on additional charges, see Purchase Additional Charge Maintenance.

Note This field is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

Supplier Total

This field displays the sum of the values in the Lines Total and Additional Charges fields, which is the total amount owed to the supplier.

VAT Total

This field displays the total VAT amount for the purchase order, which is the sum of the Total Item VAT, Total Add Chrg VAT, and Total Other Chrg VAT fields.

Note This field is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

Grand Total

This field displays the total amount of all lines and additional charges, and is equal to the sum of the Lines Total, Additional Charges, and Other Charges fields.

Additional Charges Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Charge Type

This field displays the type of an additional charge after you double-click it in the Additional Charges grid.


This field displays the revision of the an additional charge after you double-click it in the Additional Charges grid.


This field displays the currency for an additional charge after you double-click it in the Additional Charges grid.

Amount Type

These radio buttons indicate how an additional charge is calculated after you double-click it in the Additional Charges grid.

Effect on Order

These radio buttons indicate whether the amount is added or subtracted to the order for an additional charge after you double-click it in the Additional Charges grid.


This field displays the monetary amount or percentage of an additional charge after you double-click it in the Additional Charges grid.

Freight Free

This check box is disabled in this window.

VAT Taxable

This check box is selected if VAT is assessed for an additional charge after you double-click it in the Additional Charges grid.

Note This check box is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

VAT Class Code

If the additional charge is VAT taxable, this field displays a VAT class code associated with the additional charge after you double-click it in the Additional Charges grid.

Note This field is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

VAT Amount

This field displays the VAT amount for an additional charge after you double-click it in the Additional Charges grid. This amount is calculated based on the current rate for the VAT class entered in the VAT Class Code field.

Note This field is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

VAT Exempt Reason Code

If the additional charge is not VAT taxable and the purchase order is being shipped to a VAT-taxable country, this field displays a reason code to explain why the additional charge is exempt from VAT after you double-click it in the Additional Charges grid.

Note This field is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

VAT-Inclusive Amount

This field displays the sum of the additional charge amount and the VAT amount for the additional charge after you double-click it in the Additional Charges grid.

Note This field is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

VAT Supplier

If the additional charge is VAT taxable, these fields display the supplier code and name of the supplier collecting VAT for the additional charge after you double-click it in the Additional Charges grid.

Note These fields are only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

Supplier Code

This field displays the supplier code (if applicable) for an additional charge after you double-click it in the Additional Charges grid.

Supplier Name

This field displays the supplier name (if applicable) for an additional charge after you double-click it in the Additional Charges grid.


This field displays the comment for an additional charge after you double-click it in the Additional Charges grid.


This button is disabled in this window.


This button is disabled in this window.

Additional Charges

This grid displays all additional charges entered for an order. This grid includes the following columns:

  • Type - This column displays the type for each additional charge.

  • Revision - This column displays the revision for each additional charge.

  • Supplier Code - This column displays the supplier code for each additional charge.

  • Supplier Name - This column displays the supplier name for each additional charge.

  • VAT Supplier Code - This column displays the VAT supplier code for each additional charge. This column is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

  • VAT Supplier Name - This column displays the VAT supplier name for each additional charge. This column is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

  • Amount (PO Curr) - This column displays the actual amount of each additional charge in the currency for the purchase order.

  • Shipment # - This column displays the shipment number for each additional charge.

  • PO Currency - This column displays the currency for the purchase order.

  • Entered Currency Amount - This column displays the original amount of each additional charge in the currency for the additional charge.

  • Amount Type - This column displays the calculation method for each additional charge.

  • Entered Currency - This column displays the currency in which each additional charge is entered.

  • VAT Rate - This column displays the VAT rate for each additional charge. This column is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

  • VAT Amount (Entered Currency) - This column displays the VAT amount for each additional charge in the currency in which each additional charge is entered. This column is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

  • VAT Class Code - This column displays the VAT class code for each additional charge. This column is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

  • VAT-Inclusive Amount (PO Curr) - This column displays the amount of each additional charge including VAT in the currency for the purchase order. This column is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

  • VAT-Inclusive Amount (Entered Currency) - This column displays the amount of each additional charge including VAT in the currency in which each additional charge is entered. This column is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

  • VAT Amount (PO Curr) - This column displays the VAT amount for each additional charge in the currency for the purchase order. This column is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

  • VAT Taxable - The check box in this column is selected for each additional charge for which VAT is assessed. This column is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

  • VAT Exempt Reason Code - This column displays the VAT exempt reason code for each additional charge that is exempt from VAT. This column is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

  • Unrounded VAT Amount (PO Curr) - This column displays the unrounded VAT amount for each additional charge in the currency for the purchase order. This column is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

Double-click an additional charge to display information for it above the grid.

Lines Total

This field displays the total amount of the line items, including additional charges for line items with a PO supplier type. For more information on additional charges, see Purchase Additional Charge Maintenance.

Total Item VAT

This field displays the total VAT amount of the line items, including VAT amounts of additional charges for line items with a PO supplier type. For more information on additional charges, see Purchase Additional Charge Maintenance.

Note This field is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

Lines Total W/VAT

This field displays the total amount of the line items, including additional charges for line items with a PO supplier type, and any VAT amounts for both. For more information on additional charges, see Purchase Additional Charge Maintenance.

Note This field is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

Additional Charges

This field displays the total amount of additional charges for the order with a PO supplier type. For more information on additional charges, see Purchase Additional Charge Maintenance.

Total Add Chrg VAT

This field displays the total VAT amount of additional charges for the order with a PO supplier type. For more information on additional charges, see Purchase Additional Charge Maintenance.

Note This field is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

Additional Charges W/VAT

This field displays the total amount of additional charges for the order with a PO supplier type, including any VAT amount. For more information on additional charges, see Purchase Additional Charge Maintenance.

Note This field is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

Other Charges

This field displays the total amount of additional charges for the order and line items with an Other or None supplier type. For more information on additional charges, see Purchase Additional Charge Maintenance.

Total Other Chrg VAT

This field displays the total VAT amount of additional charges for the order and line items with an Other or None supplier type. For more information on additional charges, see Purchase Additional Charge Maintenance.

Note This field is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

Other Charges W/VAT

This field displays the total amount of additional charges for the order and line items with an Other or None supplier type, including any VAT amounts for both. For more information on additional charges, see Purchase Additional Charge Maintenance.

Note This field is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

Supplier Total

This field displays the total amount owed to the supplier for the purchase order.

VAT Total

This field displays the total VAT amount for the purchase order, which is the sum of the Total Item VAT, Total Add Chrg VAT, and Total Other Chrg VAT fields.

Note This field is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

Grand Total

This field displays the total amount of all lines and additional charges, and is equal to the sum of the Lines Total W/VAT, Additional Charges W/VAT, and Other Charges W/VAT fields.

Ship To Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Ship-To Supplier Name

This field displays a supplier name if the purchase order is being shipped to a supplier address. Sometimes you may want to select a supplier’s (consolidator or freight forwarder, for example) address as the initial ship-to destination (especially for blanket type orders).


This field displays the ship-to address name.

Address 1

This field displays the first line of the ship-to address.

Address 2

This field displays the second line of the ship-to address.

Address 3

This field displays the third line of the ship-to address.


This field displays the city of the ship-to address.


This field displays the state or province of the ship-to address.

Postal Code

This field displays the postal code of the ship-to address.


This field displays the country of the ship-to address.


This field displays the county of the ship-to address.


This field displays the contact name for the ship-to address.


This field displays the phone number for the ship-to address.


This field displays the fax number for the ship-to address.


This field displays the email address for the ship-to address.

Excise ID

This field displays the excise ID for the ship-to address if the location is used as a tax warehouse for excise tax purposes.

Bill To Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button



This field displays the address name for the bill-to location entered in the Bill to Location field on the Main tab.

Address 1

This field displays the first line of the address for the bill-to location entered in the Bill to Location field on the Main tab.

Address 2

This field displays the second line of the address for the bill-to location entered in the Bill to Location field on the Main tab.

Address 3

This field displays the third line of the address for the bill-to location entered in the Bill to Location field on the Main tab.


This field displays the city of the address for the bill-to location entered in the Bill to Location field on the Main tab.


This field displays the state or province of the address for the bill-to location entered in the Bill to Location field on the Main tab.

Postal Code

This field displays the postal code of the address for the bill-to location entered in the Bill to Location field on the Main tab.


This field displays the country of the address for the bill-to location entered in the Bill to Location field on the Main tab.


This field displays the county of the address for the bill-to location entered in the Bill to Location field on the Main tab.


This field displays the contact name for the bill-to address.


This field displays the phone number for the bill-to address.


This field displays the fax number for the bill-to address.


This field displays the email address for the bill-to address.

Importer of Record Number

This field displays the C-TPAT importer of record number for the bill-to address.

Ship From Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button



This field displays a ship-from address name for the purchase order's supplier, or click the Lookup button to select the ship-from address name.

Address 1

This field displays the first line of the ship-from address for the purchase order.

Address 2

This field displays the second line of the ship-from address for the purchase order.

Address 3

This field displays the third line of the ship-from address for the purchase order.


This field displays the city of the ship-from address for the purchase order, or click the Lookup button to select a city.


This field displays the state or province of the ship-from address for the purchase order, or click the Lookup button to select a state or province.

Postal Code

This field displays the postal code of the ship-from address for the purchase order, or click the Lookup button to select a postal code.


This field displays the country of the ship-from address for the purchase order, or click the Lookup button to select a country.


This field displays the county of the ship-from address for the purchase order.

Phone #

This field displays the phone number for the ship-from address for the purchase order.

Fax #

This field displays the fax number for the ship-from address for the purchase order.


This field displays the email address for the ship-from address for the purchase order.

Supplier VAT ID

This field displays the supplier's tax identification number for VAT.

Note This field is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

Excise ID

Enter the excise tax ID for the supplier's ship-from address if the address is a tax warehouse.

Relationships Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button



This grid displays all necessary information about receipts for the selected purchase order. Double-click a receipt to display PO Receipt Inquiry, which allows you to view detailed information for the receipt.


This grid displays all necessary information about vouchers for the selected purchase order. Double-click a voucher to display A/P Detail, which allows you to view detailed information for the voucher.

Work Orders

This grid displays all necessary information about work orders associated with the selected purchase order.

Double-click a work order to display Work Order Maintenance, which allows you to view and edit information for the work order. If you are not authorized to use Work Order Maintenance, Work Order Inquiry appears instead, and allows you to view information for the work order.

Files Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


File Name

This field is disabled in this window.

Email Attachments in PO Print

This check box is selected if files attached to the selected purchase order are included when the purchase order is emailed.

Copy Product Attachments

This button is disabled in this window.


This grid displays all files attached to the selected purchase order and the folder path for the files.

Shipments Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Shipments and Containers

This grid displays shipment and container information for the purchase order. Select a shipment or container to view information about the line items included in it in the PO Items grid. Double-click a shipment to display Shipment Management, which allows you to view and modify shipment information.

PO Items

This grid displays purchase order line items for the selected shipment or container in the Shipments and Containers grid.

Other Information Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Purchase Order User Defined 1-20

These fields display the appropriate information for the purchase order user-defined fields. The label names and validations for these fields are set up in User Defined Fields Maintenance.