Open Order Inquiry

Menu Path: Customer Service Images\bluerarw.gif Inquiries Images\bluerarw.gif Orders Images\bluerarw.gif Open Order Inquiry

Alternate Menu Path: Warehouse Management Images\bluerarw.gif Inquiries Images\bluerarw.gif Orders Images\bluerarw.gif Open Order Inquiry

Alternate Menu Path: Electronic Data Interchange Images\bluerarw.gif Inquiries Images\bluerarw.gif Open Order Inquiry


View open orders for selected shipping and sales locations.


Use Open Order Inquiry to display an open order summary. You can select to display open orders for all shipping locations, all sales locations, and all users, or select a specific shipping location, sales location, and/or user. You can double-click an order to display the line items for it.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Open Order Inquiry window.

Show Data

Click this button to display open order information on the Results tab, based on the criteria selected on the Select tab.

Order Relationship Inquiry

Click this button to display Order Relationship Inquiry, which allows you to view relationships for the order selected in the Open Orders grid. This button is only available if the Results tab is displayed.

Order Detail

Click this button to display Order Edit, which allows you to view and update order information for the order selected in the Open Orders grid. This button is only available if the Results tab is displayed.

Note If you are not authorized to use Order Edit, the Order Entry window appears instead, and allows you to view and update information for the selected order. If you are not authorized to use Order Edit or Order Entry, the Order Inquiry window appears instead, and allows you to view order information for the selected order.

Ribbon Filters Tab Buttons



Modify My Additional Filters

Click this button to display Screen Additional Filters Maintenance, which allows you to set up additional filters for the Open Order Inquiry window.

Select Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


All Shipping Locations

Select this check box to display orders for all shipping locations. This check box is selected by default.

Shipping Location Prefix

Enter a shipping location prefix for which to display orders, or click the Lookup button to select a shipping location prefix. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Shipping Locations check box. For more information on shipping locations, see Sales Location / Shipping Location.

Name (Shipping Location)

Enter a shipping location name for which to display orders, or click the Lookup button to select a shipping location name. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Shipping Locations check box. For more information on shipping locations, see Sales Location / Shipping Location.

Include Closed Orders

Select this check box to display closed orders. This check box is only enabled if the All On Hold Reasons and All Order Statuses check boxes are selected.

All Sales Locations

Select this check box to display orders for all sales locations. This check box is selected by default.

Sales Location Prefix

Enter a sales location prefix for which to display orders, or click the Lookup button to select a sales location prefix. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Sales Locations check box. For more information on sales locations, see Sales Location / Shipping Location.

Name (Sales Location)

Enter a sales location name for which to display orders, or click the Lookup button to select a sales location name. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Sales Locations check box. For more information on sales locations, see Sales Location / Shipping Location.

Include Voided Orders

Select this check box to display voided orders. This check box is only enabled if the All On Hold Reasons and All Order Statuses check boxes are selected.

All Order Created By

Select this check box to display orders created by all users. This check box is selected by default.

User ID

Enter a user ID for which to display orders, or click the Lookup button to select a user ID. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Order Created By check box.

Name (User)

Enter a user name for which to display orders, or click the Lookup button to select a user name. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Order Created By check box.

Include Quote Orders

Select this check box to display quotes. This check box is only enabled if the All Order Classes and All Order Types check boxes are selected.

All Customers

Select this check box to display orders for all customers. This check box is selected by default.

Customer Code

Enter a customer code for which to display orders, or click the Lookup button to select a customer code. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Customers check box.

Name (Customer)

Enter a customer name for which to display orders, or click the Lookup button to select a customer name. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Customers check box.

Include Transfer Orders

Select this check box to display transfer orders. This check box is only enabled if the All Order Classes and All Order Types check boxes are selected.

All Billing Customers

Select this check box to display orders for all billing customers. This check box is selected by default.

Billing Customer Code

Enter a billing customer code for which to display orders, or click the Lookup button to select a billing customer code. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Billing Customers check box.

Name (Billing Customer)

Enter a billing customer name for which to display orders, or click the Lookup button to select a billing customer name. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Billing Customers check box.

Show Shippable, Backordered, and Bin Allocated Amounts

Select this check box to include the Shippable Amount, Backordered Amount, and Bin Allocated Amount columns in the Open Orders grid.

The Shippable Amount column displays the monetary amount of products currently allocated to each open sales order.

The Backordered Amount column displays the monetary amount of backordered products for each open sales order.

The Bin Allocated Amount column displays the monetary amount of products allocated to each open sales order that are on a pick demand for which inventory has not yet been adjusted.

All Buying Groups

Select this check box to display orders for all buying groups. This check box is selected by default.

Buying Group

Enter a buying group for which to display orders, or click the Lookup button to select a buying group. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Buying Groups check box.

Show Only Orders With Short Shipped Lines

Select this check box to only display orders for which the quantity picked was less than the quantity ordered. This check box is cleared by default.

All EDI Trade IDs

Select this check box to display orders for all EDI trading partners. This check box is selected by default.

EDI Trade ID

Enter an EDI trading partner ID for which to display orders, or click the Lookup button to select an EDI trading partner ID. This field is only enabled if you clear the All EDI Trade IDs check box.

All Orders

Select this to display all orders that meet the selected filter criteria. This check box is selected by default.

From (Order)

Enter an order number you want to display, or click the Lookup button to select an order number. If you want to display a range of orders, enter the first order number in the range. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Orders check box.

To (Order)

Enter the last order number in a range of orders you want to display, or click the Lookup button to select an order. If you want to only display a single order, you can leave this field blank. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Orders check box.

All Group Orders

Select this check box to display orders for all group orders. This check box is selected by default.

From (Group Order)

Enter a group order for which to display orders, or click the Lookup button to select a group order number. If you want to display orders for a range of group orders, enter the first group order number in the range. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Group Orders check box.

To (Group Order)

Enter the last group order number in a range of group orders for which to display orders, or click the Lookup button to select a group order number. If you want to only display orders for a single group order, you can leave this field blank. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Group Orders check box.

All Order Types

Select this check box to display orders for all order types (sales, transfer, etc.). This check box is selected by default.

Order Type

Click the Lookup button to select an order type for which to display orders. The Lookup button is only enabled if you clear the All Order Types check box.

All Order Classes

Select this check box to display orders for all order classes. This check box is selected by default.

Order Class

Enter an order class for which to display orders, or click the Lookup button to select an order class. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Order Classes check box.

All Shippers

Select this check box to display orders for all shippers. This check box is selected by default.


Enter a shipper for which to display orders, or click the Lookup button to select a shipper. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Shippers check box.

All Customer Purchase Orders

Select this check box to display orders for all customer purchase orders. This check box is selected by default.

From (Customer Purchase Order)

Enter a customer purchase order for which to display orders, or click the Lookup button to select a customer purchase order. If you want to display orders for a range of customer purchase orders, enter the first customer purchase order number in the range. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Customer Purchase Orders check box.

To (Customer Purchase Order)

Enter the last customer purchase order number in a range of customer purchase orders for which to display orders, or click the Lookup button to select a customer purchase order number. If you want to display orders for only a single customer purchase order, you can leave this field blank. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Customer Purchase Orders check box.

All Order Dates

Select this check box to display orders for all order dates. This check box is selected by default.

From (Order Date)

Enter the first date in a range of order dates for which to display orders, or click the drop-down arrow to select a date. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Order Dates check box.

To (Order Date)

Enter the last date in a range of order dates for which to display orders, or click the drop-down arrow to select a date. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Order Dates check box.

All Required Dates

Select this check box to display orders for all required dates. This check box is selected by default.

From (Required Date)

Enter the first date in a range of required dates for which to display orders, or click the drop-down arrow to select a date. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Required Dates check box.

To (Required Date)

Enter the last date in a range of required dates for which to display orders, or click the drop-down arrow to select a date. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Required Dates check box.

All On Hold Reasons

Select this check box to display orders for all on-hold reasons. This check box is selected by default.

On Hold Reason

Click the Lookup button to select an on-hold reason for which to display orders. The Lookup button is only enabled if you clear the All On Hold Reasons check box.

All Order Statuses

Select this check box to display orders for all order statuses. This check box is selected by default.

Order Status

Click the Lookup button to select an order status for which to display orders. The Lookup button is only enabled if you clear the All Order Statuses check box.

All Primary Contacts

Select this check box to display orders for all contacts. This check box is selected by default.

Primary Contact

Enter a primary contact for which to display orders, or click the Lookup button to select a contact. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Primary Contacts check box.

All Forecast Groups

Select this check box to display orders for all customer forecast groups. This check box is selected by default.

Forecast Group

Enter a customer forecast group for which to display orders, or click the Lookup button to select a forecast group. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Forecast Groups check box.

Sort by and Position to

Select a method for sorting displayed orders and optionally positioning to a specific record. You can sort and position by the following:

  • Order number

  • Order date

  • Required date

  • Customer's purchase order number

  • Customer code

  • Billing customer code

Order Number/Order Date/Required Date/Customer PO/Customer Code/Billing Customer Code

Enter a criterion for the first order to display, or click the drop-down arrow or Lookup button to select a criteria. The value you select or enter depends on your selection for the Sort by and Position to radio set.

Example If you select the Required Date radio button, and you enter today’s date in the Required Date field, you can see all orders, with orders that have a required date of today listed first.

Additional Customer Filters Tab Fields and Buttons

This tab may include additional customer filters if customer filters are set up in Screen Additional Filters Maintenance, or set up and loaded from an additional filters template in Additional Filters Template Maintenance.

Results Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Open Orders

This grid displays open order information for the criteria specified on the Select tab. Double-click an order to display Line Items, which allows you to view the line item information for the order.

Note By default, this grid is cached to improve performance, and you cannot sort, filter, group, graph, or summarize data in it. However, you can use Screen Customizer to update the grid settings if you do not want the grid to be cached.


This field displays the total number of displayed open orders.

Order Amount

This field displays the total amount of displayed open orders.