Order Entry Item Price Lookup

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To use Order Entry Item Price Lookup, perform one of the following:



Use Order Entry Item Price Lookup to view the unit price and price source for a specific product and unit of measure, and to view the hierarchy of pricing for the product. This window also displays the quantity ordered and total price for an order.

If you are authorized to change prices, you can select a different price source for the order line item.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Order Entry Item Price Lookup window.

Price Lookup Detail Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Customer Code

This field displays the customer code for the order.

Name (Customer)

This field displays the customer name for the order.

Price Book

This field displays the price book used to calculate the price for the order line item.

Price Book Group

This field displays the price book group for the order line item.

Product Code

This field displays the product code for the order line item.

Name (Product)

This field displays the product name for the order line item.


This field displays the quantity of the product ordered for the order line item.


This field displays the currency for the price of the order line item.

Pricing Date

This field displays the date used to determine the pricing for the order line item. This date is calculated based on the order class settings for the order.

Last Price

This field displays the price for the customer's last order for the line item.

Last Order Date

This field displays the last order date for the customer's last order for the line item.

Estimated Unit Cost

This field displays the estimated cost per unit of the order line item.

Total Estimated Cost

This field displays the total cost of product for the order line item.

Estimated Margin %

This field displays the estimated margin percentage for the order line item.

Use Best Price Lookup

This check box is selected if the best price from all price matrix entries for the entered customer and product was used to determine the price for the order line item.

Price Sources

This grid displays the hierarchy of price sources that are applicable for the order line item.

To use a different price source, select the check box in the Price Override column, and double-click the associated cell in the Override Break Level column, and select the override break level.

Example The customer did not order enough to qualify for a discount, but you want to give the customer a discount anyway. You can select the discount level.

This grid is disabled if you have not yet entered the order line item. If this is the case, you can double-click a price source to select the price for the line item.

Note The Effective Best Price column shows the calculated price including free goods, and is not necessarily the price used for orders.

Price Detail Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Customer Name

This field displays the customer name for the order.

Customer Code

This field displays the customer code for the order.

Product Name

This field displays the product name.

Product UM

This field displays the unit of measure for the product.

Product Code

This field displays the product code.

Family Code

This field displays the family code for the price. This field is only available if the price source is a price matrix.

Mix and Match Quantity

This field displays the quantity used for the price break calculation if the line item pricing is based on a mix and match price matrix.

Mix and Match

This check box is selected if a mix and match price matrix was used to calculate the order line item price.

Start Date

This field displays the start date for the price. This field is only available if the price source is a price matrix.

Required Date

This field displays the required date for the order. This field is only available if the price source is a price matrix.

End Date

This field displays the end date for the price. This field is only available if the price source is a price matrix.

Price Type

This field displays one of the following to indicate the price type:

  • Amount Discount - The price is from a price matrix for which prices are costs or prices minus a specific discount amount.

  • Fixed Price - The price is from a price matrix of prices for quantity breaks.

  • Percent Discount - The price is from a price matrix for which prices are costs or prices minus a specific discount percentage.

  • Price Multiplier - The price is from a price matrix for which prices are costs or prices multiplied by specific multiple values.

Multiply Against/Price Source

This field displays the price or cost used to determine the price if the price uses a price multiplier or discount. This field is only available if the price uses a price multiplier or discount.

Unit Price

This field displays the unit price for the product.

Pricing Weight

This field displays the weight used for the price.

Price U/M

This field displays the unit of measure for the price.

Break 1-10

These fields display the quantities for the price breaks for the product. These fields are only available if the price source is a price matrix.

Price 1-10/Mult. 1-10/Discount 1-10

These fields display the prices, multiples, or discounts for the price breaks for the product. These fields are only available if the price source is a price matrix.

Qty Ordered

This field displays the quantity of the product ordered.

Total Price

This field displays the total price of the product for the order.

Qty Adjusted

This field displays the adjusted quantity of the product for the order.

Price Source

This field displays the price source for the order.

Price Matrix Override

This check box is selected if a price matrix was manually selected for the order line item.


This field displays the currency for the order.