Using Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Before you can use CRM, set up market groups, market segments, task types, and campaign types. For information on setting up CRM, see Setting Up Customer Relationship Management (CRM).

To use CRM in Apprise:

  1. In Campaign Management, create a campaign for associated CRM tasks. The campaign target settings will determine the customer and/or prospect contacts you will communicate with for the campaign. For a list of available rules for target selection, see below.

  2. In Campaign Management, when you are ready to start the campaign you created in step 1, set the campaign status for the campaign to Active. This creates the tasks for the campaign for the campaign's targets.

  3. In CRM Task Management, manage the CRM tasks for the campaign. After a task is performed, you can mark it as completed, or if it is decided that it will not be performed, it can be marked as voided. You can also assign tasks to specific users, or create new tasks. You can email contacts, and use the Word Mail Merge feature to merge documents and contact lists.

  4. In Campaign Management, when all tasks for the campaign you created in step 1 are completed or voided, set the campaign status for the campaign to Completed.

In Customer Relationship Information, Customer Maintenance, and Prospect Maintenance, you can review the CRM tasks for each contact of a customer or prospect.

CRM Target Selection Rules

The following CRM target selection rules are available:

Rule Type

Selection Criteria

CRM Related Information

Contacts who are allowed to be contacted by phone

CRM Related Information

Contacts who are allowed to be contacted by fax

CRM Related Information

Contacts who are allowed to be contacted by mail

CRM Related Information

Contacts who are allowed to be contacted by email

CRM Related Information

Contacts who are allowed to be contacted by visit

CRM Related Information

Does not have the required contact information entered

CRM Related Information

Has (or has not) been contacted in the past X days

Customer Grouping

Customers assigned to customer division "X"

Customer Grouping

Customers assigned to customer group "X"

Customer Grouping

Customers assigned to sales territory "X"

Customer Grouping

Customers assigned to price book group "X"

Customer Grouping

Customers with access to price book "X"

Customer Grouping

Customer User Defined Field: X = "X"

Customer Grouping

Is (or is not) interested in market group or segment "X"


Customers who have shipping location "X"


Customers who are located in state/province "X"


Customers who are located in postal code "X"


Customers who have a phone number with area code "X"


Customers who have marketing representative 1 of "X"


Customers who have marketing representative 2 of "X"


Market Segment User Defined Field: X = "X"

Sales History

Did (or did not) buy in the past X days

Sales History

Did (or did not) buy product "X" in the past X days

Sales History

Did (or did not) buy product category "X" in the past X days

Sales History

Did (or did not) buy from supplier "X" in the past X days

Sales History

Did (or did not) buy products linked to market group or segment "X" in the past X days

Sales History

Orders have increased/declined by more than X percent within two date ranges

Sales History

Total orders over/under X USD within a date range

Sales Information

Customers who have a primary sales representative of "X"

Sales Information

Customers who have a secondary sales representative of "X"

Sales Information

Customers whose primary sales representative belongs to sales team "X"

Sales Information

Customers who have sales location "X"