Using Goal Seek

The Goal Seek feature enables you to optimize recommended DRP purchase quantities so you can adhere to supplier constraints or earn supplier incentives. The system allows you to track each constraint or incentive as a supplier goal seek rule, which you can select to apply while processing DRP.

Example The following table lists several supplier constraints and incentives for scenarios in which the Goal Seek feature can help you optimize purchase quantities:

Supplier Constraint/Incentive


A supplier requires a minimum order quantity for products in a specific product category


A supplier requires you to maximize use of a container for an overseas purchase


Freight is free if an order is a specific monetary amount


A discount is offered if a specific number of cases are purchased


To set up Goal Seek:

  1. If you want to group subsets of products for the Goal Seek feature, set up goal seek units in Goal Seek Unit Maintenance.

  2. If you set up goal seek units in step 1, assign a default goal seek unit for each supplier in Supplier Maintenance.

  3. If you set up goal seek units in step 1, assign goal seek units for each supplier product in Supplier Product Maintenance, and indicate the conversion factor between the goal seek unit and the default purchasing unit of measure.

  4. Set up supplier goal seek rules for each constraint or incentive in Supplier Goal Seek Rule Maintenance.

  5. If you want to exclude products from goal seek calculations, select the Exclude from Goal Seeking check box for the products on the Buying tab in Product Maintenance.

  6. If you want to set up a default purchase class for purchase orders created for Goal Seek, select the Default for Goal Seeking check box for a purchase class in Purchase Class Maintenance.

To use Goal Seek:

  1. In Summary DRP Management, select filter and processing options on the Selection tab, and then click the Show Data button in the ribbon.

  2. Click the Purchase tab.

  3. If you want to view goal seek rules for specific suppliers and you did not enter a supplier code or name in step 1, clear the All Suppliers check box, and then enter a supplier code or name, or click the List button to select multiple suppliers.

  4. If you did not enter a location prefix or name in step 1, enter a location prefix/name, or if you want to use Goal Seek for all locations, leave the All Locations check box selected.

  5. If you want to calculate Goal Seek data for a specific range of dates, select a date type, clear the All Purchase Order Date check box, and enter a date range in the From and To fields.

  6. If you want to perform Goal Seek for specific purchase classes, clear the All Purchase Classes check box and select one or more purchase classes.

  7. Enter volume and weight units of measure.

  8. Select the sorting methods for supplier goal seek rules.

  9. Click the Show Goal Seek Options button in the ribbon. Active supplier goal seek rules appear in the Goal Seek Options grid.

  10. Select the check box in the Goal Seek Select column of the Goal Seek Options grid for the supplier goal seek rule you want to use for Goal Seek calculations.

  11. Click the Calculate Goal Seek button in the ribbon. Calculated recommended purchase quantities appear in the Purchase Details grid. Quantities are allocated to products based on the actual planned receipts and the measure used for the supplier goal seek rule.

  12. Review the recommended purchase quantities in the Purchase Details grid, and manually update any values as necessary in the Order Quantity column.

  13. Click the Create Purchase Orders button in the ribbon. The Create Purchase / Work / Transfer Orders window appears.

  14. Select a purchase class, select report output options, and click the Create button in the ribbon. A purchase order is created with multiple line items for each supplier you entered in step 3. Each product is only included on one line item on each purchase order even if the product is required for multiple purchase periods.

For examples of goal seek calculations, see Goal Seek FAQ.