Supplier Goal Seek Rule Maintenance

Menu Path: Purchasing Images\bluerarw.gif Distribution Resource Planning Images\bluerarw.gif Setup Images\bluerarw.gif Supplier Goal Seek Rule Maintenance


Set up and maintain supplier goal seek rules for DRP.


Use Supplier Goal Seek Rule Maintenance to view, create, edit, and delete supplier goal seek rules, which you can use to optimize recommended purchase quantities in Summary DRP Management based on supplier constraints and incentives.

Example A supplier offers free freight if you order 50 cases by the end of the year. You can set up a supplier goal seek rule for this scenario to ensure that your purchases allow you to earn this incentive.

Each supplier goal seek rule is comprised of the following criteria:

For more information on using supplier goal seek rules with DRP, see Using Goal Seek.

Creating Supplier Goal Seek Rules

To create a supplier goal seek rule:

  1. Click the New button in the ribbon.

  2. If you want the supplier goal seek rule to only be for a specific supplier, clear the All check box, and enter the supplier code or name.

  3. If you want the supplier goal seek rule to only be for a specific location, clear the All check box, and enter the location prefix or name.

  4. Enter a name for the supplier goal seek rule in the Goal Seek Name field.

  5. Select one of the Type radio buttons to indicate the products evaluated for the rule.

  6. If you selected a Type other than All in step 5, enter the specific product category, product subcategory, product line, style, color, or size for the goal seek rule.

Note If you selected the Subcategory radio button, enter both a product category and subcategory.

  1. Select whether a quantity, amount, unit of measure, or container is being measured for the supplier goal seek rule.

  2. Enter the currency, volume unit of measure, net weight unit of measure, gross weight unit of measure, container type, or goal seek unit code for the supplier goal seek rule

  3. If you selected a Measure other than Container in step 7, enter the numeric goal for the rule in the Value field.

  4. Enter the default purchase period time buckets for the supplier goal seek rule.

  5. If you want to enable goal seek alerts to be created when a percentage of the rule is met within a specified number of purchase periods, enter the number of purchase periods and percentage in the Alert Purchase Periods and Alert% fields. For information on creating goal seek alerts, see Goal Seek Alert Create.

  6. Enter the start and end date for the rule in the Start Date and End Date fields.

  7. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The rule is created.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Supplier Goal Seek Rule Maintenance window.


Click this button to create a new supplier goal seek rule.


Click this button to edit an existing supplier goal seek rule.


Click this button to delete the currently displayed supplier goal seek rule.


Click this button to accept an action. This button is only available after you click the New, Update, or Delete button in the ribbon.


Click this button to accept an action. This button is only available after you click the New, Update, or Delete button in the ribbon.


Click this button to display the first supplier goal seek rule for the selected supplier.


Click this button to display the previous supplier goal seek rule for the selected supplier.


Click this button to display the next supplier goal seek rule for the selected supplier.


Click this button to display the last supplier goal seek rule for the selected supplier.


Click this button to display Attachment Entry, which allows you to view and enter attached files for a selected supplier goal seek rule.


Click this button to display Notes Entry, which allows you to view and enter notes for a selected supplier goal seek rule.

Container Type Maintenance

Click this button to display Container Type Maintenance, which allows you to view and enter shipping container types. This button is only available if the Container radio button is selected for the selected supplier goal seek rule.

Fields and Buttons



All (Suppliers)

Select this check box if the supplier goal seek rule is for all suppliers. This check box is selected by default.


Enter the supplier code for the supplier goal seek rule, or click the Lookup button to select a supplier code. This field is only enabled if you clear the All check box to the left of it.

Name (Supplier)

Enter the supplier name for the supplier goal seek rule, or click the Lookup button to select a supplier name. This field is only enabled if you clear the All check box to the left of it.

All (Locations)

Select this check box if the supplier goal seek rule is for all locations. This check box is selected by default.


Enter the location prefix for the supplier goal seek rule, or click the Lookup button to select a location prefix. This field is only enabled if you clear the All check box to the left of it.

Name (Location)

Enter the location name for the supplier goal seek rule, or click the Lookup button to select a location name. This field is only enabled if you clear the All check box to the left of it.

Goal Seek Name

Enter a descriptive name for the supplier goal seek rule.

Example Minimum Purchase

Main Tab Fields and Buttons




Select one of the following supplier goal seek rule types to indicate the products that qualify for the rule:

  • All - The rule is for all products.

  • Category - The rule is for products in a specific product category.

  • Subcategory - The rule is for products in a specific product category and product subcategory.

  • Product Line - The rule is for products in a specific product line.

  • Style - The rule is for products in a specific style.

  • Color - The rule is for products of a specific color.

  • Size - The rule is for products of a specific size.


Enter the product category for the supplier goal seek rule, or click the Lookup button to select the product category. This field is only available if you select the Subcategory radio button.

Type Code

Enter the product category, product subcategory, product line, style, color, or size for the supplier goal seek rule, or click the Lookup button to select the product category, product subcategory, product line, style, color, or size. This field is only enabled if you select a Type option other than All.


Select one of the following to indicate what is being measured for the rule:

  • Amount - The goal is a specific amount in a specific currency.

  • Volume - The goal is a specific volume in a specific unit of measure.

  • Net Weight - The goal is a specific net weight in a specific unit of measure.

  • Gross Weight - The goal is a specific gross weight in a specific unit of measure.

  • Units - The goal is a specific quantity of units in a specific goal seek unit code. For information on setting up goal seek unit codes, see Goal Seek Unit Maintenance.

  • Container - The goal is to maximize the use of a specific container type. The software attempts to fill up the maximum volume, gross weight, and units set up for the container type. For information on setting up container types, see Container Type Maintenance.

Currency/Volume U/M/Net Weight U/M/Gross Weight U/M/Measure U/M/Container Type

Enter the currency, volume unit of measure, net weight unit of measure, gross weight unit of measure, or container type for the supplier goal seek rule, or click the Lookup button to select a currency, volume unit of measure, net weight unit of measure, gross weight unit of measure, or container type. This field is only enabled if you select a Measure other than Units.

Example If you selected Gross Weight as the Measure, you could enter kg.

Unit Code

Enter the goal seek unit code for the supplier goal seek rule, or click the Lookup button to select a goal seek unit code. This field is only enabled if you select the Units radio button. For information on setting up goal seek unit codes, see Goal Seek Unit Maintenance.


Enter the numeric goal for the rule.

Example If the goal is to order 50 cases, enter 50.

Allocation Method

The selected radio button indicates the allocation method for the supplier goal seek rule. The allocation method determines the products to which recommended quantities are allocated when using the Goal Seek feature.

Past Due Allowed to Exceed Goal Seek Limits

Select this check box to include all past due quantities in goal seek calculations for the rule, even if the quantities exceed the goal for the rule. This check box is cleared by default. This setting can be overridden in Summary DRP Management. For more information on using this check box with the Include Open Purchase Orders check box, see Goal Seek FAQ.

Include Open Purchase Orders

Select this check box to include quantities from open purchase orders in goal seek calculations for the rule. This check box is cleared by default. This setting can be overridden in Summary DRP Management. For more information on using this check box with the Past Due Allowed to Exceed Goal Seek Limits check box, see Goal Seek FAQ.

Purchase Period Days 1-5

Enter the number of default days in each of five time buckets for the supplier goal seek rule. Each time bucket displays as a separate column in the Purchase Details grid on the Purchase tab in Summary DRP Management, and lists the quantity that should be purchased in the time bucket.

Example Enter 7 in each of these fields if you want each time bucket to be for one week. The first period would include everything you need to buy in the next seven days based on product actual planned receipts and lead time.

Note If you want to use less than five time buckets, leave 0 entered in any time buckets you do not want to use.

Alert Purchase Periods

Enter the number of purchase periods (as defined in the Purchase Periods section) for the alert percentage for which to create a goal seek alert in Goal Seek Alert Create.

Example If you enter 2 in this field and the percentage entered in the Alert% field is reached within 2 purchase periods, an alert is created.


Enter the percentage of the goal seek rule at which to create a goal seek alert in Goal Seek Alert Create.

Example If you enter 80 in this field and 80% of the requirements for the rule are reached within the number of purchase periods entered in the Alert Purchase Periods field, an alert is created.

Start Date

Enter the first date in a range of effective dates for the supplier goal seek rule, or click the drop-down arrow to select a date. If the current date is before this date, the rule does not appear in Summary DRP Management.

End Date

Enter the last date in a range of effective dates for the supplier goal seek rule, or click the drop-down arrow to select a date. If the current date is after this date, the rule does not appear in Summary DRP Management.