Additional Lot Information

Menu Path: None

To use Additional Lot Information, click the Additional Lot Information button in the ribbon in PO Item Receipt, Lot Information Update, Lot Audit Inquiry, Lot Management Inquiry, and Lot Inquiry.


Enter and view manufacturer lot information.


Use Additional Lot Information to enter detailed manufacturer lot information for a lot-tracked product, and to view previously entered information.

Note You can only enter manufacturer lot information if you accessed Additional Lot Information from PO Item Receipt or Lot Information Update.

Entering Manufacturer Lot Information

To enter manufacturer lot information:

  1. Enter the manufacturer lot in the Manufacturer Lot field.

  2. Enter the quantity associated with the manufacturer lot in the Original Quantity field.

  3. Enter any additional associated information for the manufacturer lot.

  4. Click the Add button.

  5. Repeat steps 1-4 for all manufacturer lots.

  6. Click the Exit button in the ribbon.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Additional Lot Information window.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Product Code

This field displays the product code of the lot-tracked product.


This field displays the lot of the lot-tracked product.

Manufacturer Lot

Enter a manufacturer lot associated with the selected lot.

Original Quantity

Enter a product quantity associated with the manufacturer lot.

Other Information 1-4

Enter additional information associated with the manufacturer lot. The labels for these fields are set up in the Lot Detail Label 1-4 fields in Warehouse Management Control Maintenance.


Click this button to enter the manufacturer lot record for the lot. When you click this button, the manufacturer lot information appears in the Manufacturer Lots grid.


Click this button to remove the selected manufacturer lot record from the Manufacturer Lots grid.

Manufacturer Lots

This grid displays manufacturer lots associated with the lot-tracked product.