Price Logic FAQ

For more information, see Pricing Structure Diagram.

Question: How does the system automatically determine the price during order entry?

Answer: Prices can be determined automatically or manually during order entry.

Automatic prices are stored as follows:

Automatic Price Source


Price Matrix

Price matrix information is maintained in the various price matrix windows (for example, Price Book Price Maintenance), and is date range driven.

Example If the ending date of a price matrix record has expired, the record will be overlooked when searching for a price.

Product Location

List prices are stored by product and location. These prices are date range dependent.

The software first searches for a valid price matrix using the hierarchy set up in the Price Lookup grid on the Cost/Pricing in Customer Service Control Maintenance (or the best price if the Use Best Price Lookup check box is selected in Customer Service Control Maintenance or Yes is selected for the Use Best Price radio set in Customer Maintenance). If a price matrix is found, a price is determined. If no valid price matrix is found, then the next rule is whether to display a list price from the product location or leave the price as zero (and have someone manually override the price).

This rule is set up globally in the If Price is not Found Return field on the Order Entry tab in Customer Service Control Maintenance.

If you select Default Price, the price used is the price entered in the Default Price field on the Cost/Pricing tab.

Question: Can prices be set up in multiple units of measure?

Answer: Yes, prices can be set up in multiple units of measure. If you happen to sell in a different unit of measure, the price is converted to reflect the unit of measure.

Example You set up a price of $10/each for price book 123, product ABC, and all price regions. A price book 123 customer orders 1 case/12 of this product. The case/12 price is converted to $120 on the order.

Note If you change the default selling unit of measure for a product/location, this will not automatically change prices that have been set up previously for the former selling unit of measure.

Question: How does the system determine what date to use when searching for price matrix prices?

Answer: You control what date to use in the Pricing Option field in Order Class Maintenance. You can select Order Date or Required Date.

Question: Can you overlap the start dates and end dates on price matrix records?

Answer: No. The same type of price matrix record cannot have overlapping dates with another similar price matrix record (for obvious reasons - there would be no way to determine which price to select).

Question: Can sales contract information stored in Sales Contract Maintenance be linked to price matrix records?

Answer: No, not at the present time.

Question: How can I set up pricing for returns? If I want the software to automatically determine the price of a return, how would I set this up?

Answer: If you want the software to determine the price from a price matrix (instead of selecting a price based on a prior order), then, select the Calculate Price for Returns check box in Order Class Maintenance.

Question: If there are multiple possible price matrix records, which one is selected?

Answer: There is a user-defined price lookup sequence in the Price Lookup field on the Cost/Pricing tab in Customer Service Control Maintenance. The software looks for the first valid price matrix record in the sequence listed.

If you want the pricing rule to always find the best price for a specific customer, select Yes for the Use Best Price radio set on the Sales tab in Customer Maintenance.

If you want the pricing rule to always find the best price for all customers, select the Use Best Price Lookup check box on the Cost/Pricing tab.

Additionally, if pricing is set up separately for multiple units of measure for a price class or product style, and both units of measure are the same for a product, the following hierarchy is used:

  1. Default selling

  2. Base unit of measure

  3. Default display

  4. Default packaging

  5. Default purchasing

  6. Default receipt

  7. blank (no specific unit of measure)

Question: Is there a way to have prices rounded or netted?

Answer: Yes, this depends on how you want prices to be displayed on invoices.

If you want a single rounded unit price on the order (and invoice), perform the following steps:

  1. In Customer Service Control Maintenance, select the Yes radio button in the Round Price field on the Order Entry tab.

  2. Enter the number of decimals in the price in the Decimals to Round Price field.

If you want a unit price less a discount (or plus an additional amount if cost-plus pricing) on the order (and invoice), perform the following steps:

  1. In Customer Service Control Maintenance, select the No radio button in the Round Price field on the Order Entry tab.

  2. Select the Yes radio button in the Round Price Adj field.

  3. Enter the number of decimals in the price adjustment in the Decimals to Round Price Adj field.

Question: Can a customer quote be automatically converted into a price matrix so that if the customer places the order, the quoted price will automatically appear?

Answer: Yes. To set this up, select the Automatic or Ask radio button in the Create/Update price record on quote entry field on the Order Entry tab in Customer Service Control Maintenance.

Question: If I want to set up pricing geographically for the East Coast and West Coast, and I have four East Coast warehouses and two West Coast warehouses, how would I set this up?

Answer: You can set this up by sales location or by shipping location. For more information on sales and shipping locations, see Location Maintenance.

If you want to set up pricing by sales location, perform the following steps:

  1. In Customer Service Control Maintenance, select the Sales radio button in the Price Region Location field on the Cost/Pricing tab.

  2. If Other is not at the top of the Price Region Priority field, select it, and click the button.

  3. In Price Region Maintenance, set up price regions, such as East Coast and West Coast.

  4. In Location Maintenance, enter the appropriate price region in the Price Region field for all sales locations.

If you want to set up pricing by shipping location, perform the following steps:

  1. In Customer Service Control Maintenance, select the Shipping radio button in the Price Region Location field on the Cost/Pricing tab.

  2. If Other is not at the top of the Price Region Priority field, select it, and click the button.

  3. In Price Region Maintenance, set up price regions, such as East Coast and West Coast.

  4. In Location Maintenance, enter the appropriate price region in the Price Region field for all shipping locations.

Question: What programs are used to set up price matrix records?

Answer: There are several programs, depending on your specific needs.



Price Book Price Maintenance

Create prices for groups of customers (price books).

Customer Price Maintenance

Create prices for specific customers.

Product Price Maintenance

Create prices for specific products or styles.

Price Book/Product Profit Price Maintenance

Create prices for groups of customers (price books) and specific products (by profitability).

Question: We have products that we want to group together for quantity break purposes. How would I set this up?

Answer: You would use family price codes to group products together. A product can only belong to one family group. To set this up, perform the following steps:

  1. In Family Price Maintenance, set up family price codes, which are used to group products for quantity breaks.

  2. In Product Maintenance, enter the family price code associated with each product in the Family Price Code field on the Pricing tab. This will be used as the default for new price matrix records.

  3. In any price matrix window, set up each product within the family price code with quantity price breaks.

  4. In Order Entry, click the Re-Price button in the ribbon to reprice an order using the aggregate quantity with a family price code. The software determines quantity price breaks for each product ordered.

Note You can also use the Mix and Match option for a price matrix to group products for quantity breaks.

Question: A customer is sometimes priced from one price book and sometimes from another price book. How do I handle this?

Answer: You can set up the primary price book for the customer, which will default to the order, and then override it during order entry. To do this, enter both price books on the Sales tab in Customer Maintenance, and move the primary price book to the top of the price book hierarchy. The price book hierarchy can be overridden during order entry.

Question: Three customers have common ownership and they receive the same pricing. Other than setting up a price book for them, can I create pricing for one of these customers and have the other two customers follow that pricing?

Answer: Yes, you can change the pricing customer code of the other two customers to the customer code of the primary customer. To do this, enter the pricing customer code in the Pricing Customer Code field on the Sales tab in Customer Maintenance.

Note Care and planning are necessary when using a pricing customer code other than the customer code. If you have a similar price matrix (example, customer product) set up under the original customer as well as the pricing customer code, the original customer’s price matrix will take precedence over the pricing customer code’s price matrix.

Note If Yes is selected for the Use Best Price radio set for a customer, the software evaluates all price matrix records of the original customer and the pricing customer code.

Question: The home general ledger currency is U.S. A Canadian customer is sold using Canadian currency. Will the price logic convert a U.S. price matrix record into its Canadian equivalent?

Answer: No. Only price matrix records with Canadian currency are considered by the price logic.