Price Book Price Maintenance

Menu Path: Customer Service Images\bluerarw.gif Order Options Images\bluerarw.gif Pricing Images\bluerarw.gif Price Book Price Maintenance


Define price book pricing for a product, price class, or style.


Use Price Book Price Maintenance to link a product, price class, or style to a price book to create a price record. For more information, see Price Logic FAQ.

Note Use the Sales tab in Customer Maintenance to associate customers to price books.

Example Retail, Wholesale

Use the top of the window to select the type of record being created, updated, or deleted. Use the three tabs at the bottom of the window to enter or update information for that record. You must first select from the top section before you can enter pricing in the tabs.

Note Navigation is by ascending product code, price class, or style, and then by descending start date for the selected price book. For example, if you have three price records for the same price book/product code with start dates of 01/01/2020, 01/01/2021, and 01/01/2022, you would see the 01/01/2022 record first. Clicking the Next button displays the 01/01/2021 record second, and then clicking the Next button again displays the 01/01/2020 record last.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Price Book Price Maintenance window.


Click this button to create a new price book price record.


Click this button to edit the selected price book price record.


Click this button to delete the selected price book price record.


Click this button to accept an action. This button is only available after you click the New, Update, or Delete button in the ribbon.


Click this button to cancel an action. This button is only available after you click the New, Update, or Delete button in the ribbon.

Show Data

Click this button to display products for a price matrix on the Product Overrides tab. This button is only available if the Product Overrides tab is displayed.

Clear Overrides

Click this button to clear all product override pricing and ship and debit amounts on the Product Overrides tab. This button is only available if the Product Overrides tab is displayed.


Click this button to display the first price book price record.


Click this button to display the previous price book price record.


Click this button to display the next price book price record.


Click this button to display the last price book price record.

Cost Matrix

Click this button to display Purchase Cost Matrix Maintenance, which allows you to define a cost matrix for a selected supplier and product or cost class.

Commission Rate Maintenance

Click this button to display Commission Rate Maintenance, which allows you to define sales representative commissions.

Ship and Debit

Click this button to display Ship and Debit Maintenance, which allows you to define criteria for shipper rebates.

Product Inventory Reservations

Click this button to display Product Inventory Reservation Maintenance, which allows you to reserve product quantities for specific customers or customer divisions.

Note If you do not have permission to access Product Inventory Reservation Maintenance, click this button to display Product Inventory Reservation Inquiry, which allows you to view reserved product quantities for specific customers or customer divisions.

Customer Inventory Reservations

Click this button to display Customer Inventory Reservation Maintenance, which allows you to reserve product quantities for specific customers or customer divisions.

Note If you do not have permission to access Customer Inventory Reservation Maintenance, click this button to display Customer Inventory Reservation Inquiry, which allows you to view reserved product quantities for specific customers or customer divisions.

Sales Restrictions

Click this button to display Sales Restriction Maintenance, which allows you to define sales restrictions on products, product categories, or product subcategories.

Note If you do not have permission to access Sales Restriction Maintenance, click this button to display Sales Restriction Inquiry, which allows you to view sales restrictions on products, product categories, or product subcategories.

Companion Order

Click this button to display Companion Order Inquiry, which allows you to view orders for a companion product.


Click this button to display Notes Entry, which allows you to view and enter notes for a selected price record. The icon for this button includes a check mark if notes exist for the price book price record.

Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Price Book

Enter a price book, or click the Lookup button to select a price book.


This field displays the short description for the selected price book.

Ignore Margin Check

Select this check box if you want this price to be ignored by margin checking, if margin checking is turned on for the related product. This check box is cleared by default.

Note For more information, see Gross Margin Testing FAQ.

Define Prices for

Select whether to define a price for a specific product, price class, or product style.

Special Promotions

Select this check box to indicate this price matrix is for a special promotion. Quantity sold for special promotions is tracked separately for sales analysis and DRP purposes.

Note Promotional Items displays products for which this check box is selected.

Product Code/Price Class/Product Style

If you selected the Product radio button in the Define Prices for field, enter a product code, or click the Lookup button to select a product code.

If you selected the Price Class radio button in the Define Prices for field, enter a price class ID, or click the Lookup button to select a price class ID. Price classes are selected for products in Product Location Maintenance for pricing purposes.

If you selected the Style radio button in the Define Prices for field, enter a style code, or click the Lookup button to select a style code. Styles are selected for products in Product Maintenance for pricing purposes.


If you selected the Product radio button in the Define Prices for field, enter a product name, or click the Lookup button to select a product name.

If you selected the Price Class radio button in the Define Prices for field, enter a price class name, or click the Lookup button to select a price class name. Price classes are selected for products in Product Location Maintenance for pricing purposes.

If you selected the Style radio button in the Define Prices for field, enter a style code, or click the Lookup button to select a style code. Styles are selected for products in Product Maintenance for pricing purposes.

Mix and Match

Select this check box if price break quantities can be met by the total of ordered products in a price class or product style (instead of the quantity ordered for individual products).

Example A price matrix is set up for a price class that includes Product A and Product B. If 10 units are ordered, the products have a lower price. If this check box is selected, the customer can order 6 units of Product A and 4 units of Product B to receive the lower price. If this check box is cleared, the customer must order 10 units of Product A or 10 units of Product B to receive the lower price.

This check box is cleared by default, and only enabled if the Product radio button is not selected and the Family Code field is blank.

View Planned Records

Select this check box to view records that have a status code of Plan or Review. If this check box is cleared, you can only navigate through records with an Active status code. For more information, see Pricing Authorization Level FAQ.

View Expired Records

Select this check box to view records with an end date before the current date. If this check box is cleared, you can only navigate through records that are not yet expired.

Start Date

Enter the first date in a range of dates for this price record, or click the drop-down arrow to select a date.

Note Effective dates cannot overlap for the same price book/price class (or product, or style)/price region/unit of measure combination.

End Date

Enter the last date in a range of dates for this price record, or click the drop-down arrow to select a date.

Note Effective dates cannot overlap for the same price book/price class (or product, or style)/price region/unit of measure combination.

Unit of Measure

If you selected the Product radio button in the Define Prices for radio set, enter the unit of measure for the price matrix, or click the Lookup button to select a unit of measure. Otherwise, click the Lookup button to select the type of unit of measure for the price matrix. If this field is blank, the price matrix is based on the default selling unit of measure.

Selling UM

This field displays the default selling unit of measure for the selected product. This field is only available if the Product radio button is selected.


Select Plan, Review, or Active. For more information, see Pricing Authorization Level FAQ.

Price Region

Enter a price region, click the Lookup button to select a price region. If the price is not region specific, enter All. This defaults to the price region associated with the default sales or shipping location for your user ID.

Note On the Cost/Pricing tab in Customer Service Control Maintenance, you designate whether the price region will be based on sales or shipping locations. For more information, see Sales Location / Shipping Location.


Enter a country for the price record, or click the Lookup button to select a country. For information on setting up countries, see Country Maintenance.


Click the Lookup button to select the currency of the price. This defaults to the general ledger home currency.

Note The pricing logic only considers price records that are the same as the order currency.

Price Type

Click the Lookup button and select one of the following price types for the price matrix:

  • Amount Discount - Select this option to enter a price matrix for which prices are costs or prices minus a specific discount amount. If you select this check box, the Price 1 - Price 10 fields are replaced by the Discount 1 - Discount 10 fields. If you select this option, enter the discount amounts and select a price or cost in the Price Source field.

  • Fixed Price - Select this option to enter a price matrix of prices for quantity breaks.

  • Percent Discount - Select this option to enter a price matrix for which prices are costs or prices minus a specific discount percentage. If you select this option, the Price 1 - Price 10 fields are replaced by the Discount % 1 - Discount % 10 fields. If you select this option, enter the discount amounts and select a price or cost in the Price Source field.

  • Price Multiplier - Select this option to enter a price matrix for which prices are costs or prices multiplied by specific multiple values. If you select this option, the Price 1 - Price 10 fields are replaced by the Multiple 1 - Multiple 10 fields. If you select this option, enter price multiplier values and select a price or cost in the Multiply Against field.

Multiply Against/Price Source

Click the Lookup button to select the price or cost type to multiply against or subtract from when creating a price matrix for a product, price class, or style. This field is only available if an option other than Fixed Price is selected for the Price Type field.

Example If you select List Price 1 for the Multiply Against field and enter 0.75 in the Multiple 1 field, then the product is sold at 75% of List Price 1.


Select one of the following options when entering a price matrix that includes a price multiplier or discount off of a specific price:

  • Price Adj - During order entry, enter the price discount or amount based on a multiplier as an adjustment.

  • Unit Price - During order entry, enter the price (including the discount or amount based on a multiplier) as the product unit price.

These radio buttons are only available if an option other than Fixed Price is selected for the Price Type field.

User Field 1-3

The labels for these user-defined fields are set up on the Cost/Pricing tab in Customer Service Control Maintenance.

Family Code

Enter a family price code if applicable, or click the Lookup button to select a family price code. For more information, see Price Logic FAQ. This field is only enabled if the Mix and Match check box is cleared.

Current VAT Rate

This field displays the current product/location VAT rate for the selected product. This field is only available if the Product radio button is selected, and VAT-inclusive prices are allowed for the selected price region.

Price Includes VAT/Price Excludes VAT

Select whether the prices for the price matrix include or exclude VAT. These radio buttons are only available if the Product radio button is selected, and VAT-inclusive prices are allowed for the selected price region.

Breaks - Prices Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Break 1-10

Enter up to 10 price break quantities.

Example You enter 1000 in the Break 2 field, 10 in the Price 1 field and 7 in the Price 2 field. If a customer orders 1-999 units, the price is 10 for each unit. If a customer orders 1000 or more units, the price is 7 for each unit.

Price 1-10/Multiple 1-10/Discount 1-10/Discount % 1-10

Enter prices, multipliers, discount amounts, or discount percentages related to the price break quantities. The values you enter are based on the selected Price Type option.

VAT 1-10

These fields display the VAT for each price break. These fields are only available if the Product radio button is selected, and VAT is allowed for the selected price region.

VAT-Inclusive/Exclusive Price 1-10

These fields display the price including or excluding VAT for each price break. These fields are only available if the Product radio button is selected, and VAT is allowed for the selected price region.

Breaks - Charges Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Charge 1-10

Enter an additional charge/ credit related to the price break quantity that will automatically be created during order entry, or click the Lookup button to select an additional charge/credit.

Example Charge 2 relates to Break 2; there can only be one automatic charge per price break quantity.

+/- Sign

Enter a + or - sign to designate the operation for the relevant charge.


Enter an amount or percentage, depending on the additional charge selected. A $ sign or % sign appears next to the amount.

Breaks - Freight Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Freight Free - Break 1-10

Select this check box to indicate a price break is freight free.

Note If this check box is selected, the check box is selected in the Freight Free column in O/E Line Item Entry. For more information, see O/E Line Item Entry Items Grid Columns.

Ship and Debit Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Break 1-10

These fields display the price break quantities for the price matrix (entered on the Breaks - Prices tab).

Price 1-10/Multiple 1-10/Discount 1-10/Discount % 1-10

These fields display the prices, multipliers, or discounts related to the price break quantities for the price matrix (entered on the Breaks - Prices tab).

Ship and Debit Amount 1-10

Enter the ship and debit amount for each price break quantity.

Product Overrides Tab Fields and Buttons

Note This tab is disabled if the Product radio button is selected.

Field or Button


Break 1-10

These fields display the price break quantities for the price matrix (entered on the Breaks - Prices tab).

Price 1-10/Multiple 1-10/Discount 1-10/Discount % 1-10

These fields display the prices, multipliers, or discounts related to the price break quantities for the price matrix (entered on the Breaks - Prices tab).

Product Overrides

This grid displays products for the price matrix. You can enter override pricing and/or ship and debit amounts for specific products.

Companion Products Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Action during Order Entry

Select one of the following options:

  • Prompt User - When a product that is defined to have a companion product is entered for an order, ask the user whether the companion product should be added.

  • Automatic Add - When a product that is defined to have a companion product is entered for an order, automatically add the companion product.

Shipping Rules

Select one of the following options:

  • Ship Companions Only in Proportion to Product - Product quantities can only be shipped with a proportionate amount of the companion product’s quantities.

  • Ship Product and Companion Product Independently - Product quantities can ship independent of companion product quantities.

Maximum Number of Uses

Select this check box if the companion product has a maximum number of uses, and then enter the number of uses.

EXAMPLE You only want to give away a free product once for a companion product combination. To set this up, select this check box, and enter 1.


Enter any notes to display during order entry when asking the user whether to add companion products to an order. This field is only available if the Prompt User radio button is selected.

Companion Product Code

Enter a product code for a product that is going to be a companion product for the selected rules, or click the Lookup button to select a product code.

Name (Companion Product)

Enter a product name for a product that is going to be a companion product for the selected rules, or click the Lookup button to select a product name.


Enter the unit of measure to use as a basis for calculating companion quantities, or click the Lookup button to select a unit of measure.

Pricing Option

Select one of the following options:

  • Free Goods - The customer is not charged for the companion product. The cost of the companion product still flows through.

  • Regular Price - Determine the price as if it was entered as an independent product.

  • Special Price - Use the price entered in the Special Price field, based on the unit of measure entered in the Special Price U/M field.

Special Price

Enter a special price for the companion product. This field is only enabled if you select Special Price for the Pricing Option field.

Break 1-10

These fields display the price break quantities for the price matrix (entered on the Breaks - Prices tab).

Quantity 1-10

Enter up to 10 quantities of the entered companion product to add to orders for each price break quantity.

Billback % 1-10

Enter up to 10 percentages of the cost that can be billed back to the supplier if the companion product is added to an order for each price break quantity.


Click this button to add the companion product to the Companion Products grid.


Click this button to remove a selected companion product from the Companion Products grid.

Companion Products

This grid displays companion products for the price matrix. Double-click a product if you want to view or edit the settings for it.