Lifecycle Task Inquiry

If you edit this topic, review Monitoring Task Inquiry.

Menu Path: Product Lifecycle Management Images\bluerarw.gif Inquiries Images\bluerarw.gif Lifecycle Task Inquiry


View product lifecycle management tasks.


Use Lifecycle Task Inquiry to display a list of product lifecycle management tasks. This window is an inquiry-only version of Lifecycle Task Maintenance.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Lifecycle Task Inquiry window.


Click this button to display the first product lifecycle management task.


Click this button to display the previous product lifecycle management task.


Click this button to display the next product lifecycle management task.


Click this button to display the last product lifecycle management task.


Click this button to display Attachment Entry, which allows you to view attachments for a selected product lifecycle management task.


Click this button to display Notes Entry, which allows you to view notes for a selected product lifecycle management task.

Ribbon Links

Click this button to display Ribbon Link Maintenance, which allows you to view ribbon buttons previously set up so users can launch programs when a tab is displayed. This button is only available if a tabpage format task is selected.

Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Workflow Type

Enter a workflow type for the task you want to display, or click the Lookup button to select a workflow type.

Workflow Level

Enter a workflow level for the task you want to display, or click the Lookup button to select a workflow level. The available levels are based on the selected workflow type.

Task Name

Enter the task name you want to display, or click the Lookup button to select a task name.

Label Code

This field displays the label code associated with the selected task.


Enter a display sequence number of a task you want to display, or click the Lookup button to select a sequence number.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Detailed Description

This field displays the detailed description of the selected task.


This field displays the location prefix associated with the tab or section. This field is only available for tabs and sections, and if Product is selected for both the Workflow Type and Workflow Level fields. The selected location is used to import data from tasks in the tab or section to a product/location record. If no location is selected, data from tasks in the tab or section can be imported to a product record. For more information, see Updating Products in the Product Lifecycle Management Module.


This field displays the location name associated with the tab or section. This field is only available for tabs and sections, and if Product is selected for both the Workflow Type and Workflow Level fields. The selected location is used to import data from tasks in the tab or section to a product/location record. If no location is selected, data from tasks in the tab or section can be imported to a product record. For more information, see Updating Products in the Product Lifecycle Management Module.


This field displays the status of the selected task.

Section / Tabpage

This field displays the name of the section or tab on which the selected task is displayed. This field is not available for tabpage format tasks.

Default Team

This field displays the default product lifecycle management team for the selected task. For information on setting up product lifecycle management teams, see Lifecycle Team Maintenance.


This field displays the description of the product lifecycle management team for the selected task.


This field displays the security setting for the selected task.

Update Field

This field displays the product or product/location field that is updated when the task is completed. This field is only available if Product is selected for both the Workflow Type and Workflow Level fields, and the Field radio button is selected in the Type radio set. For more information, see Updating Products in the Product Lifecycle Management Module.

Product/Product Location

The selected radio button indicates whether the task is used to update data for products or products/locations. The settings for the selected tab or section for the task control this setting. This radio set is only available if Product is selected for both the Workflow Type and Workflow Level fields, a section or tab is selected for the task, and the Field radio button is selected in the Type radio set. For more information, see Updating Products in the Product Lifecycle Management Module.

Can Be Skipped

This check box is selected if the task is not required and can be skipped.


This check box is selected if the field for the task is hidden during workflow data entry.

Data Entry Column

This check box is selected if the task appears as a column in the grid in Lifecycle Data Entry Management for workflows that include the task.

Group Tasks

This check box is selected if Simplified mode is enabled by default for the section or tab in Lifecycle Definition Designer. This check box is only available for sections and tabs. For information on Simplified mode, see Using Lifecycle Definition Designer.

Detailed Alerts

This check box is selected if users will receive alerts that specify the task details when the task is assigned. If this check box is cleared, users only receive a generic alert when the task is assigned, which indicates they have work to perform.

Automatically Assign User

This check box is selected if the task is automatically assigned to the user that launches the workflow in which the task is included (if the user is a member of the team assigned to the task).

Mark Task Completed After Import

This check box is selected if the task is automatically marked completed after importing data for it in Lifecycle Entry Import. This check box is only available if the Field radio button is selected for the Type radio set.


One of the following types is selected for each task:

  • Field - This task allows users to enter data in a field.

  • Grid - The task allows users to enter data in a grid. If you select this format, the Grid Columns tab appears and allows you to set up the grid. Grids can be user-defined or used for creating product records from product data entered for a workflow.

  • Operation - This is used to create a ribbon button for creating product records from product data entered for a workflow.

For more information on creating product records from product data entered for a workflow, see Creating Products in the Product Lifecycle Management Module.


This check box is selected if the task is a specific value, and cannot be entered by users.


This field displays the format for the task, which is one of the following formats:

  • Character - The task allows users to enter data as both letters and numbers.

  • Date - The task allows users to enter a date.

  • Decimal - The task allows users to enter a decimal value.

  • File Path - The task allows users to enter a folder path to a file, or click a Lookup button and select a file. The task also has an Open button, which allows users to open a file associated with the task.

  • Integer - The task allows users to enter an integer value.

  • Logical - The task allows users to enter a value of Yes or No.

  • Text - The task allows users to enter data as both letters and numbers. This task is similar to a character format task. However, it allows users to enter more information, and this type of task cannot be validated.


This field displays the width (in characters) of the field displayed for a selected character format task. This field is only available if you select a task for which Character appears in the Format field.

Decimal Places

This field displays the number of decimal places for data for a selected decimal format task. This field is only available if you select a task for which Decimal appears in the Format field.

Integer Places

This field displays the number of digits (not including decimal places) for data for a selected integer or decimal format task. This field is only available if you select a task for which Integer or Decimal appears in the Format field.

Use Thousands Separators

This check box is selected for a selected integer or decimal format task if the task is set up to use separator characters (commas, periods, etc.) between thousands. This check box is only available if you select a task for which Integer or Decimal appears in the Format field.


One of the following options is selected for each task:

  • Import and Maintain - Create product records and display Product Maintenance.

  • Import and Inquiry - Create product records and display Product Inquiry.

  • Import File - Create product records only.

This radio set is only available if the Operation radio button is selected for the Type radio set.

Calculation Column

This check box is selected if the task is a calculated value based on a formula. If this check box is selected, users will not perform data entry for the task. Instead, the value for the task is automatically calculated. This check box is only available for integer and decimal tasks.

Calculation Formula ID

This field displays a unique identifier for a task if the task is used in a formula for a calculated task. The calculation formula ID cannot include spaces or special characters. This field is only available for integer and decimal tasks.


This field displays the formula used to calculate the value for the task. This field is only available if the Calculation Column check box is selected for the task. The formula should include references to the calculation formula ID of other tasks and can use the following operators:

  • +

  • -

  • /

  • *

  • AND

  • OR

  • >

  • <

  • <=

  • >=

  • =

  • <>

You can also use parenthesis in the statement.

Example If a task is set up with a calculation formula ID of Cost and another task is set up with a calculation formula ID of Price, you can create a third task, which is a calculated task that displays profit, and enter the following formula in this field for it: Price-Cost.

Calculation Tasks

This grid displays tasks that are assigned a calculation formula ID. You can use the information in this grid when entering a formula in the Calculation field. This grid is only available if the Calculation Column check box is selected for the task.

Validation Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Uses Sanity Check

This check box is selected if the selected task has a sanity check to ensure that entered data is within a range of acceptable values.


This field displays the first value in a range of values for the selected task's sanity check. This field is only available if the Uses Sanity Check check box is selected.


This field displays the last value in a range of values for the selected task's sanity check. This field is only available if the Uses Sanity Check check box is selected.

Use Validation

This check box is selected if data is validated for the selected task.

Validate from List

This check box is selected if data for the selected task is validated from a list of values.


This button is disabled in this window.

Validation Field

This field displays specific data used to validate the selected task.

Related Field

This field displays a field that is related to the field for the task.

Security Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button



This field is disabled in this window.

Team Name

This field is disabled in this window.


This field is disabled in this window.


This button is disabled in this window.


This button is disabled in this window.


This grid displays product lifecycle management team-specific security settings set up for the selected task.

Grid Columns Tab Fields and Buttons

Note This tab is only available if you select a task for which Grid appears in the Format field on the Main tab.

Field or Button



This field is disabled in this window.

Data Type

This field is disabled in this window.


This field is disabled in this window.


This field is disabled in this window.


This button is disabled in this window.


This button is disabled in this window.

Default Rows

This button is disabled in this window.

Use Validation

This field is disabled in this window.

Validate from List

This field is disabled in this window.


This button is disabled in this window.

Validation Field

This field is disabled in this window.

Related Field

This field is disabled in this window.


This check box is disabled in this window.


This check box is disabled in this window.

Grid Columns

This grid displays information about the columns for the selected grid format task.

Note Each row in this grid represents a column record in the grid for the task.

This button is disabled in this window.

This button is disabled in this window.