Fleet Delivery Management

If your company uses an in house fleet delivery system, you can use routing management to facilitate picking, packing, loading, and delivery of products to customers. Routing management is comprised of creating routes, waves, and stops, and associating the complete route to a customer's record.

Routes correspond to truck routes, stops are the stops for each route, and waves are a group of routes.

To set up an integrated routing system, use the following:

Routing Manifest

You can use Fleet Delivery Route Manifest Management to track all pick demands for customers with routes/stops for a given date. It also provides a total number of stops for the selected route based on the date provided.

This window offers a two-part functionality. It can be used in Inquiry mode to allow service representatives to view all orders that are being delivered. It can also be used in Update mode to allow users to make any necessary adjustments to route/stops by pick demand. This activity should be performed by users with authority to override routing information; only those in charge of shipments.

NOTE Changing any routing information in Fleet Delivery Route Manifest Management will save changes only for the selected pick demand, it will not have an impact on the customer's route/stop record defined in Fleet Delivery Stop Maintenance.

Effects on Order Entry

During order processing, if a customer has a stop record defined in Fleet Delivery Stop Maintenance, the required date for the order is calculated to the next available route required date. This functionality will take place only if the Fleet Delivery Auto-Select Required Date check box is selected on the Order Entry tab in Customer Service Control Maintenance. The Ship To tab in Order Entry will display the route for the customer's order.

Effects on Pick Demand Creation/Printing

Pick demand for customers with defined route/stops will typically print in reverse stop order (although this can be changed). That is, the first stop number will be the last to be delivered, therefore goods for that customer will be in the back of the truck. Goods for the last stop number will be in the front of the truck.