Pick Demand Cancel

If you edit this topic, review Pick Demand Confirm and Pick Confirm Inquiry.

Menu Path: Warehouse Management Images\bluerarw.gif Shipment Processing Images\bluerarw.gif Utilities Images\bluerarw.gif Pick Demand Cancel


Cancel pick demands.


Use Pick Demand Cancel to cancel already created picks. This window is similar to Pick Demand Confirm, which has the same fields.

Canceling a Pick Demand

To cancel a printed pick demand:

  1. Enter a pick demand number in the Pick Demand field. If you do not know the pick demand, you can enter a location, purchase order number, bill of lading number, customer purchase order number, and/or customer code to filter pick demands, and then click the Lookup button to the right of Pick Demand field to select a pick demand based on the entered criteria.

If there are Wireless Warehouse tasks associated with the pick demand, the Information dialog box appears, and asks if you want to cancel the tasks. Click the Yes button.

  1. Click the OK button in the ribbon to cancel the pick demand. The pick demand is cancelled.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Pick Demand Cancel window.

As Is

This button is disabled in this window.


This button is disabled in this window.

Print Labels

Click this button to display Pick Demand Label Print, which allows you to print pick demand labels.

Weigh Package

This button is disabled in this window, and is only displayed if you click the Advanced Packages tab.

Pick Replenishments

Click this button to display Pick Demand Replenishments, which allows you to view bin move demands related to a selected pick demand.

View Picked

Click this button to display Pick Demand Product Inquiry, which allows you to view product information for a selected pick demand.


Click this button to display Notes Entry, which allows you to view and enter notes for a selected pick demand. This button is only available if the Items tab is displayed.


Click this button to display Remark Entry, which allows you to enter remarks for a selected pick demand. This button is only available if the Items tab is displayed.

Shipper Select

This button is disabled in this window.

Shipper Interface Detail

Click this button to display Shipper Interface Detail, which allows you to view shipper interface audit records for a selected pick demand. Shipper interface audit records are only created when using FSMS or cloud-based UPS shipper integration to communicate with the shipper. For more information, see Integrating with Shippers.

Shipping Options

Click this button to display Shipping Options, which allows you to view shipping additional services for the pick demand.


Click this button to cancel a selected pick demand.


Click this button to cancel the cancellation of the pick demand.

Real Time Pack

This button is disabled in this window, and is only displayed if you click the Advanced Packages tab.

Pack Remainder

This button is disabled in this window, and is only displayed if you click the Advanced Packages tab.

Pre Pack

This button is disabled in this window, and is only displayed if you click the Advanced Packages tab.

New Pallet

This button is disabled in this window, and is only displayed if you click the Advanced Packages tab.

Auto Build Packages

This button is disabled in this window, and is only displayed if you click the Advanced Packages tab.


This button is disabled in this window, and is only displayed if you click the Advanced Packages tab.

Shipment Tracking

Click this button to view package tracking information after products have been picked and shipped. This button is only available if you click the Shipment tab. For information on the default carriers for which you can track packages, and the carrier's Web sites, see Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC).

Ribbon Batch Tab Buttons




Click this button to display Select a New Batch, which allows you to select a previously created batch.


Click this button to display Open a New Batch, which allows you to create a new batch.


Click this button to display Close A Batch, which allows you to close a batch.


Click this button to display Edit A Batch, which allows you to edit an existing batch.

Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Single-single Line Pack Station Mode

This check box is not used in this window.


Enter the shipping location prefix or name for the pick demand, or click one of the Lookup buttons to select a shipping location prefix or name. The location defaults from the location entered in the Shipping Location field in User Extended Options.

Pick Demand

Enter the pick demand you want to cancel, or click the Lookup button to select a pick demand. You can also click the button to the right of the Lookup button to select a previously confirmed pick demand.

If you enter a location in the Location field, and then click the Lookup button for the Pick Demand field, only pick demands for that location appear. However, if you leave the Location field blank, pick demands for all locations appear in the Lookup window.

Note If you enter a pick demand number for which Wireless Warehouse tasks exist, the Information dialog box appears, and asks you if you want to cancel the tasks. If you want to cancel the tasks, and proceed to cancel the pick demand, click Yes. If you click No, you cannot proceed to cancel the pick demand.

NOTE When canceling a pick demand that is included in a merged picking task, the system cancels only that pick demand from the merged picking task.

Order Number

Enter the order number for which you want to cancel a pick demand, or click the Lookup button to select an order number.

Tote ID

Scan or enter the Tote ID (unpacked) and the systems enters the linked pick demand details automatically.

Customer Code

Enter a customer code for a customer for which you want to cancel a pick demand, or click the Lookup button to select a customer code. After you enter a customer code, only pick demands for that customer are displayed when you click the Lookup button for the Pick Demand field.

Customer Name

Enter a customer name for a customer for which you want to cancel a pick demand, or click the Lookup button to select a customer name. After you enter a customer name, only pick demands for that customer are displayed when you click the Lookup button for the Pick Demand field.

Picked By

This field is disabled in this window.

Packed By

This field is disabled in this window.

Conf. Date

This field is not used in this window.

Batch #

This field displays the batch number. You can use the Select, Open, Edit, and Close buttons on the Batch tab in the ribbon to work with batches.

Shipper ID

This field displays the shipper for the selected pick demand.

Freight Collection

This field displays the freight collection terms code for the pick demand.

Fully Confirmed

This check box is not used in this window.

Load Number

This field is disabled in this window.

Pre Build Cartons

This check box is selected if the Pre Build Cartons check box was selected when creating the pick demand in Pick Demand Create and Print. This check box is informational only, and is disabled.

Items Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Items to Be Picked

This grid displays the products on the selected pick demand. Double-click a line item to display Pick Demand Product Selection, which allows you to manually make any adjustments in picking for the selected line.

Backorder Cancelled on

This field displays whether some, all, or no items have been marked to cancel a backorder.

Cancel/Create Backorder

This button is disabled in this window.

Package Laydown Bin

This field is disabled in this window.

Position to Line #

This field is disabled in this window.

Advanced Packages Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Packages Summary

This grid displays the packages for the selected pick demand. Double-click a package to display Pack Detail Entry Screen - Real Time Pack, which allows you to update package information for a selected package.


Click this button to display Pack Detail Entry Screen - Real Time Pack, which allows you to view package information for a selected package in the Packages Summary grid.


This button is disabled in this window.

Total Weight

This field displays the total weight of all packages for the selected pick demand.

Total Packages

This field displays the total number of packages for the selected pick demand.

Packages Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Sequence #

This field displays the package sequence number. This number is automatically generated.


This field is disabled in this window.

Tracking #

This field is disabled in this window.


This field is disabled in this window.


This button is disabled in this window.


This grid displays the packages for the selected pick demand.


This button is disabled in this window.

Total Weight

This field displays the total weight of all packages for the selected pick demand.

Additional Charges Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button



This field is disabled in this window.

Effect on Order

These radio buttons are disabled in this window.


This field is disabled in this window.

All Orders

This check box is disabled in this window.

Order Number

This field is disabled in this window.


These radio buttons are disabled in this window.


This field is disabled in this window.

VAT Taxable

This check box is disabled in this window.

Note This check box is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

VAT Amount

This field is disabled in this window.

Note This field is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

VAT Exempt Reason Code

This field is disabled in this window.

Note This field is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

VAT-Inclusive Amount

This field is disabled in this window.

Note This field is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.


This button is disabled in this window.

Additional Charges

This grid displays additional charges for the selected pick demand.


This button is disabled in this window.

Total Charges

This field display the total amount of all additional charges for the pick demand.

Images Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Proof of Delivery Image File

This field is disabled in this window.

View Image

Click this button to display the image file entered in the Proof of Delivery Image File field.


This button is not used in this window.

Shipment Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button



This grid displays shipment information for the selected pick demand.