Price and Availability Inquiry

Menu Path: Customer Service Images\bluerarw.gif Inquiries Images\bluerarw.gif Orders Images\bluerarw.gif Price and Availability Inquiry


View price and availability of a product for a selected customer.


Use Price and Availability Inquiry to display the quantity available of a selected product and the price breakdown of that product for a selected customer depending on the quantity ordered. For more information, see Price Logic FAQ.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Price and Availability Inquiry window.

Show Data

Click this button to display information for the selected product.

Item Data

Click this button to display Detail for Product, which allows you to view detailed information for the selected product.

On Order

Click this button to display Scheduled Delivery Dates, which allows you to view inbound on-order information for the selected product.

Inventory Matrix

Click this button to display Inventory Matrix Inquiry, which allows you to view inventory balances for the selected product.

Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Sales Location

Enter a sales location prefix or name, or click the Lookup button to select a sales location prefix or name. For information on sales locations, see Sales Location / Shipping Location.

Shipping Location

Enter a shipping location prefix or name, or click the Lookup button to select a shipping location prefix or name. For information on shipping locations, see Sales Location / Shipping Location.

Price Region

This field displays the price region for your default sales location.

Product Code

Enter a product code, or click the Lookup button to select a product code.


Click this button to select a product based on its elements.

Name (Product)

Enter a product name, or click the Lookup button to select a product name.

View Image

Click this button to view an image of the product (if one exists).

Customer Code

Enter a customer code, or click the Lookup button to select a customer code.

Name (Customer)

Enter a customer name, or click the Lookup button to select a customer name.

Qty Ordered

Enter the quantity expected to be ordered. You can also enter a unit of measure, or click the Lookup button to select a unit of measure.

Price Book

This field displays the price book (if applicable) of the price record selected for the price determination.

Price Book Group

This field displays the price book group (if applicable) of the price record selected for the price determination.

Use Best Price Lookup

This check box is selected if the best price from all price matrix entries for the entered customer and product was used to determine the price.

Lookup Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Order Date

Enter an order date (for price determination purposes), or click the drop-down arrow to select a date.

Required Date

Enter a required date (for price determination purposes), or click the drop-down arrow to select a date.

Order Class

Enter an order class (for price determination purposes), or click the Lookup button to select an order class. For information on setting up order classes, see Order Class Maintenance.


This field displays the currency of the price. Click the Lookup button to select a different currency for the price.

Qty On Hand

This field displays quantity on hand in the display unit of measure. For more information on quantity on hand, see Inventory Matrix Inquiry FAQ. For more information on units of measure, see Unit of Measure Fields FAQ.

Qty Available

This field displays quantity available in the display unit of measure. For more information on quantity available, see Inventory Matrix Inquiry FAQ. For more information on units of measure, see Unit of Measure Fields FAQ.

Unit Price

This field displays the relevant unit price based on the data you entered.

Price Source

This field displays the price source of the price record selected for the price determination.

Price Adj. Amt

This field displays the price adjustment percentage or amount (if necessary).

Start Date

This field displays the start date of the price record selected for the price determination.

End Date

This field displays the end date of the price record selected for the price determination.

Unit Extended Price

This field displays the unit extended price.

Price Class/Product Style

This field displays the price class or product style (if applicable) of the price record selected for the price determination.

Unit of Measure

This field displays the unit of measure (if applicable) of the price record selected for the price determination.

Total Price

This field displays the total price, which equals the quantity ordered multiplied by the unit extended price.

Price Type

This field displays one of the following to indicate the price type:

  • Amount Discount - The price is from a price matrix for which prices are costs or prices minus a specific discount amount.

  • Fixed Price - The price is from a price matrix of prices for quantity breaks.

  • Percent Discount - The price is from a price matrix for which prices are costs or prices minus a specific discount percentage.

  • Price Multiplier - The price is from a price matrix for which prices are costs or prices multiplied by specific multiple values.

Multiply Against/Discount Price Source

If the price is determined from a price matrix that uses a price multiplier or a discount, then this field displays the source (for example, List 1 Price).

VAT Amount

This field displays the VAT amount for the price. This field is only available if the selected shipping location is in a country for which VAT is tracked.

Price Includes VAT/Price Excludes VAT

The selected radio button indicates whether the prices include or exclude VAT. These radio buttons are only available if the selected shipping location is in a country for which VAT is tracked.

VAT-Inclusive Price

This field displays the price including VAT. This field is only available if the selected shipping location is in a country for which VAT is tracked.

Current VAT Rate

This field displays the current product/location VAT rate for the selected product. This field is only available if the selected shipping location is in a country for which VAT is tracked.

Breaks - Prices Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Break 1-10

These fields display the quantities for the price breaks for the product.

Price 1-10/Multiple 1-10/Discount 1-10

These fields display the prices, multiples, or discounts for the price breaks for the product.

VAT 1-10

These fields display the VAT for each price break.

VAT-Inclusive Price 1-10

These fields display the price including VAT for each price break.

Breaks - Charges Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Charge 1-10

These fields display additional charges associated with each quantity price break.

Breaks - Freight Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Freight Free - Break 1-10

These check boxes are selected if there is free freight based on a quantity price break.

Price Lookup Detail Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Price Sources

This grid displays the hierarchy of price sources that are applicable for the order line item.