Inventory Matrix Inquiry FAQ

Question: How are the quantity buckets calculated in Inventory Matrix Inquiry?

Answer: It depends on the level. If looking at the location level (level 2), the calculations are as follows:



Database Fields

On Hand

The current quantity on hand



The sum of:

  • Quantity allocated to customer orders

  • Quantity reserved for customers or divisions



Quantity available to be allocated to sales orders or work orders. There are two calculations depending on whether you select to hold inventory for backorders in Product Location Maintenance. If you are holding inventory for backorders, then:

On Hand - Pending + Future - Not Available + MFG Alloc

If not holding inventory for backorders, then:

On Hand - Allocated - Not Available + MFG Alloc

Not stored in the database; a calculated field

Not Available

Quantity in bins that have been marked as not available (can only specify at the bin level in Bin Maintenance)


Pending Invoice

This column displays the quantity of each product for which inventory has been adjusted, but for which an invoice has not yet been created.


MFG Only

Quantity in bins that have been marked as holding raw material only (can only specify at the bin level in Bin Maintenance)


MFG Alloc

This column is not currently used.


WO Alloc

In the Manufacturing module, the quantity of the component at the location level on issued work orders that is allocated (when the work order is created and allocated). When the work order is printed, it allocates further to the bin level.



Quantity on customer orders to be allocated in the future. For more information, see allocation days.



The sum of:

  • All open sales order quantities (regardless of allocated, future, or backordered)

  • Quantity reserved for customers or divisions

  • Quantity needed for open work orders


On Order

Quantity ordered on purchase orders, work orders and transfer orders, except special orders and drop ship orders



The quantity backordered on customer orders

Pending - Allocated - Future

Not stored in the database; a calculated field

Back Ord. Held

If this check box is selected, then the Hold Inventory for Backorders check box is selected for the product/location on the Warehouse tab in Product Location Maintenance


On Drop Ship

If this check box is selected, then there are drop-ship quantities for this location


On Direct Ship

If this check box is selected, then there are direct shipments associated with blanket purchase orders for this location


On Special Order

If this check box is selected, then there are special order quantities for this location


PO Unreleased Qty

Unreleased quantity for blanket purchase orders for this location


PO Released Qty

Released quantity for blanket purchase orders for this location


PO Open Qty

Quantity not yet received of blanket purchase orders for this location


In Transit

Quantity in transit on a ship-confirmed transfer order from another location


WO Pending

In the Manufacturing module, the quantity of the component at the location level on issued work orders not yet completed.

This quantity increases when:

This quantity decreases when:


EDI Hold

This column displays the quantity of each product for EDI orders that are on hold.


Pre-Billed Quantity

This column displays the quantity on pre-bill invoices for each product for bill and hold orders.

sum of oe-trailer.qty-pre-billed for open orders


This column displays the quantity for active customer reservations of each product. Future reservations are not included in these quantities.


Question: What columns display blanket purchase order information?

Answer: The following columns display blanket purchase order information:

Note The Blanket Releases button in the ribbon in Inventory Matrix Inquiry allows you to view blanket purchase order release information.

For more information, see Blanket Purchase Order Process Flow.

Question: Why are some column headings in Inventory Matrix Inquiry formatted with underlines?

Answer: This formatting indicates that you can double-click cells in these columns to drill down to more detailed information. When you drill down, a separate window opens, as follows:




Allocated and In Use Product Inquiry


Product / Style Order Inquiry

On Hand

Inventory Transaction Detail

On Order

Scheduled Delivery Dates


Product / Style Order Inquiry


Backorder Schedule

PO Unreleased Qty

Product Supplier Purchase Order Inquiry

PO Released Qty

Product Supplier Purchase Order Inquiry

PO Open Qty

Product Supplier Purchase Order Inquiry

In Transit

Scheduled Delivery Dates

MFG Only

Build Inquiry

MFG Alloc

Build Inquiry

WO Pending

Work Order Component Inquiry

WO Alloc

Work Order Component Inquiry

List Price 1-4

Product Location Maintenance or Product Location Inquiry

Avg Cost

Product Location Maintenance or Product Location Inquiry

Last Cost

Product Location Maintenance or Product Location Inquiry

Std Cost

Product Location Maintenance or Product Location Inquiry

Bdn Cost

Product Location Maintenance or Product Location Inquiry

Gross Unit Wt.

Product Location Maintenance or Product Location Inquiry

Net Unit Wt.

Product Location Maintenance or Product Location Inquiry

Weight U/M

Product Location Maintenance or Product Location Inquiry

Pending Invoice

Product / Style Order Inquiry

EDI Hold

Product / Style Order Inquiry

These windows can also be opened using the ribbon buttons.