Processing Bills of Lading

The basic process for creating a planned bill of lading is as follows:

  1. In Order Entry, create the sales orders. Open displays in the Order Status field and the Invoice Status field is blank.

  2. In Planned Bill of Lading Management, click the New button in the ribbon to create a new planned bill of lading. You can use the options on the Selection tab to select order filter criteria, and then click the Show Data button to display the orders. On the Update BOL tab, complete at least the required fields. Select the check box in the Create BOL column in the grid for the items you want to include in the bill of lading. You may do this at the stop, order, and product level, as controlled by the radio buttons to the left of the grid. Click the OK button in the ribbon to create the master and child bills of lading. You can use Planned Bill of Lading Inquiry to review bills of lading.

  3. In Pick Demand Create and Print, enter filter criteria and create a pick demand based on your criteria. You may base it on the bill of lading you created by selecting the BOL # radio button on the Selection tab. Click the Print button in the ribbon to print the pick demand.

Note You cannot print a pick demand for a bill of lading until the date entered in the BOL Release Date field in Planned Bill of Lading Management.

  1. In Pick Demand Confirm, select the pick demand, pack the products, and click the OK button in the ribbon to confirm the pick demand (or confirm a batch of pick demands in Batch Pick Demand Confirm).

  2. In Master Bill of Lading Print (you can also print or update child bills of lading individually in Bill of Lading Print), select the master bill of lading number, and click the Process button in the ribbon to enter the truck number, seal code, and other information. After you print the bill of lading, the Information dialog box appears and asks if you want to complete the bill of lading. If you click the Yes button, the bill of lading is completed and no updates are allowed to it. In Order Entry, Fully Confirmed displays in the Order Status field and Ready to Invoice displays in the Invoice Status field. Inventory adjusts automatically.