Processing Receipts

To process receipts:

  1. Open Receiving Entry.

  2. Enter a ship-to location in the Ship To Location field.

  3. Enter a dock in the Dock field.

  4. Select whether you are receiving purchases, transfers, containers, or releases.

  5. If you are receiving purchases and you want to receive for a single supplier, buyer, or originator, clear the All Suppliers, All Buyers, or All Originators check box, and enter the supplier, buyer, or originator in the Supplier, Buyer, or Originator field.

If you are receiving transfers and you want to receive for a single location, buyer, or originator, clear the All Locations, All Buyers, or All Originators check box, and enter the location, buyer, or originator in the Location, Buyer, or Originator field.

If you are receiving containers or releases and you want to receive for a single shipper or shipment, clear the All Shippers or All Shipments check box, and enter the shipper or shipment number in the Shipper or Shipment Number field.

  1. Click the Show Data button in the ribbon if you changed any settings in step 4 or changed any settings in steps 1 to 2, and then left the Purchases radio button selected in step 3.

  2. If there are many purchases, transfers, containers, or releases, and you want to find a specific one, enter it in the Position To Purchase Order or Position To Container Number field.

  3. If you are receiving purchases and want to view details for a purchase order, select it, and then click the View PO button in the ribbon. The Purchase Order Maintenance window appears, and allows you to view the purchase order. Close the window when you are finished viewing the details.

  4. Select a purchase order, transfer order, container, or release in the Receipts grid, and click the Receipt button in the ribbon. The Purchase Order Receipt window appears, and allows you to continue the receiving process.

Note If you selected a single supplier, you can select multiple purchase orders for that supplier using the Shift or Ctrl keys, and receive the purchase orders at the same time.

  1. Enter a bill of lading number in the BOL field.

  2. Enter a receipt date if it is not the current (default) date in the Receipt Date field.

  3. Enter a receipt time in the Receipt Time field, and click the Lookup button to select AM or PM.

  4. To receive a line item as is, select the line item and click the As Is button in the ribbon, and then skip to step 23. When you click this button, the values in the Received Qty column in the Line Items grid are set to the values in the Expected Qty column.

Note The expected quantity and received quantity are in the default receipt unit of measure if the purchase order quantity in the purchase order unit of measure is evenly divisible into the default receipt unit of measure. For information on setting up the default receipt unit of measure, see Product Maintenance. The receipt unit of measure is important because the software keeps track of quantities by unit of measure.

Note When receiving a container of a shipment, special care needs to be taken if the shipment has additional charges associated with it. Generally, to ensure correct allocation of additional charges to a container, the container should be received only if the expected quantity equals the received quantity. If you try to receive a container where the expected quantity does not equal the received quantity, you will receive a warning message. For more information, see Purchase Additional Charges and Landed Cost FAQ.

  1. If you will not receive items as is, select a line item, and then click Receive Item. The PO Item Receipt window appears.

  2. Enter the receipt quantity (if it is other than the expected quantity) in the Receipt Qty field.  You can also click the Lookup button to adjust the unit of measure.

  3. Enter a bin, lot, or serial number associated with the product you want to receive in the appropriate field.

  4. Click Enter to accept the receipt quantity. The product appears in the Receipts grid.

Note Click the Delete button in the ribbon to restore the receipt quantity to the original amount (the receipt quantity equals the expected quantity).

  1. The Receipt Complete check box is automatically selected if goods have been received in full. It can also be checked manually if you no longer want to receive any other on order products. Doing so removes the on order quantity from the inventory matrix. When the receipt is marked as complete here, the check box for the line item is selected in the Rcpt. Cmp column in the Items grid In PO Line Item Entry.

  2. If you want to display the bin information for the product that is being received, click the Inventory Matrix button in the ribbon to display Bin Inquiry.

  3. You can add additional charges, notes, and remarks for the product that is being receipted by clicking the Add Charges, Notes, or Remarks button.

  4. You can use the up and down arrow buttons to display other products that are to be received. These are the products that are displayed in the Items tab in Purchase Order Receipt.

  5. Click the OK button to return to the Purchase Order Receipt window.

  6. Click Add Items if you want to add other products to a purchase order that is being receipted. The PO Receipt Item Entry window appears. Select a product code or name, and enter in the quantity to be added. You can also select a supplier product code. Click Enter to add the product, and click Exit to return to the Purchase Order Receipt window.

Note The Add Items button is only available if the Can Enter Additional Receipt Items check box is selected for your user ID in User Extended Options.

  1. You can attach a receiving image file to the receipt by entering a valid file name and path in the Receiving Image field.

  2. Click the Additional Charges tab if you want to create additional charges for the purchase order that is being receipted. Enter a charge type in the Type field. You can also add a comment to the additional charge. Click Enter to accept the charge. For more information on additional charges, see Purchase Additional Charge Maintenance.

  3. Click the Print Options tab and select options for outputting the receiving ticket.

  4. Click the Print button in the ribbon to output the receiving ticket.

  5. Click the OK button to save the receipt information you processed and create a receipt number. The receipt number is displayed. The Question dialog box appears and asks you if you want to print receiving labels.

  6. Click the Yes button to print receiving labels or click the No button if you do not want to print receiving labels. If you click the Yes button, see Receiving Labels Print for information on printing receiving labels.

Notes on Purchase Order Receipts

Serial-tracked products can only be received one at a time since each serial number is unique.

If a transfer order is partially shipped, and it is determined that the remainder will never ship, click the Close Transfer button.  This functions like receiving a partial amount and marking it as receipt-complete as far as inventory and the general ledger are concerned. This is done in receiving and gets posted with the receiving posting.