Product Style Create

Menu Path: Warehouse Management Images\bluerarw.gif Module Setup Images\bluerarw.gif Styles Images\bluerarw.gif Product Style Create


Define products from a style.


Use Product Style Create to create multiple product codes based on color and size combinations. This allows you to quickly create a large number of product codes automatically for variations of a single product.

Example You sell shirts that are available in 10 colors and 10 sizes, and you want to create product codes for each combination of color and size. You can set up a style, product codes, sizes, and colors, and then use Product Style Create to quickly create 100 product codes for each color and size combination.

Before you use Product Style Create, set up styles in Style Maintenance, base products in Product Maintenance, colors in Color Maintenance, and sizes in Size Maintenance.

Note You can also create and edit color and size combinations in a spreadsheet, and then import the products using Product Import.

When you use Product Style Create to create product codes, you must specify the structure for the codes. You can either use a structure that combines a prefix and a sequential suffix, or you can use a structure that combines a prefix with a color and size. You can also specify a separator character for the product codes, such as a dash or slash.

Example If you enter Casual as the prefix, 001 as the suffix, and a dash (-) as the separator, you can create product codes Casual-001, Casual-002, etc. If you prefer to use color and sizes in the product codes, you can create product codes Casual-10-Blue, Casual-12-Red, etc.

Note Created product codes will not include the entire structure if the structure creates codes that are longer than the product code length set up in Product Code Length Maintenance.

You can only create product codes for a style/color/size combination if they were not previously created.

Creating Products

To create product codes:

  1. Enter a style in the Product Style field. For information on setting up styles, see Style Maintenance.

  2. Enter a prefix for product names, descriptions, and long descriptions in the Creation Name field.

  3. If you want to create product codes based on an existing product code, enter a product code in the Base Product Code field. For information on setting up products, see Product Maintenance.

  4. If you want to create inactive products, select the Create Inactive Products check box.

  5. Select either Prefix/Suffix or Prefix/Color/Size for the product code structure.

  6. If you want to change the order of the items in the product code structure, select an item in the Product Code Structure field, and then click the up or down arrow button.

  7. Enter a product code structure prefix in the Product Code Prefix field.

  8. If you selected Prefix/Suffix in step 4, enter a suffix in the Product Code Suffix field.

  9. Click the Lookup button for the Product Code Separator field, and select a separator character for product codes.

  10. Select size codes using one of the following methods:

  1. Select color codes using one of the following methods:

  1. Click the Add Product button in the ribbon.

  2. Click the Show Data button in the ribbon. The products that will be created display in the Product grid.

  3. Click the Create Products button in the ribbon.

  4. If you entered a base product code in step 2, continue to the next step.

If you did not enter a base product code in step 2, Product Maintenance appears, and allows you to enter the information for the new product codes. Enter this information for the first product code, and it is copied for all the other product codes.

The number of new product codes you created is displayed.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Product Style Create window.

Show Data

Click this button to display the new product codes you are about to create in the Product grid.

Add Product

Click this button to add products based on the selected sizes and colors. After you click this button, click the Show Data button in the ribbon to view the added products.

Note This button does not create the actual products. You must click the Create Products button in the ribbon to create new product codes.

Remove Product

Click this button to remove the selected product code from the Product grid.

Remove All Products

Click this button to remove all product codes from the Product grid.

Create Products

Click this button to create products based on the entered information.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Product Style

Enter a style for which you want to create product codes, or click the Lookup button to select a style. For information on setting up styles, see Style Maintenance.

Create Inactive Products

Select this check box to only create inactive products.

Style Code Name

Enter a style description for which you want to create product codes, or click the Lookup button to select a style description. For information on setting up styles, see Style Maintenance.

Creation Name

Enter a prefix for product names, descriptions, and long descriptions.

Base Product Code

Enter a product code to use as a template for created product codes, or click the Lookup button to select a product code. For information on setting up products, see Product Maintenance.

Base Product Name

Enter a product name to use as a template for created product codes, or click the Lookup button to select a product name. For information on setting up products, see Product Maintenance.

Product Code Structure (sequence)

Select an item in this grid, and then click the up or down arrow button to rearrange the product code structure. The first items listed here appear first in product codes.

Product Code Prefix

Enter a product code structure prefix. This field defaults to the style selected in the Product Style field.

Product Code Suffix

Enter a product code structure suffix. This field is only available if the Prefix/Color/Size radio button is selected for the Product Code Structure.

Product Code Separator

Click the Lookup button, and select a character to use a separator for the product code structure. You can select a period, dash, forward slash, or back slash. You can also select to not use a product code separator.

Product Code Structure

Select one of the following structures for created product codes:

  • Prefix/Suffix - Creates product codes based on the values in the Product Code Prefix and Product Code Suffix fields.

  • Prefix/Color/Size - Creates product codes based on the value in the Product Code Prefix field and the selected color and size.

Code (Size)

Enter a size code for which to create a product code, or click the Lookup button to select a size code. For information on setting up size codes, see Size Maintenance.

Add B/M

This button is slated for functionality in a future release.

Add (Size)

Click this button to add the selected size to the Size grid.

Add All (Size)

Click this button to add all sizes to the Size grid.

Name (Size)

Enter a size name for which to create a product code, or click the Lookup button to select a size name. For information on setting up size codes, see Size Maintenance.

Remove (Size)

Click this button to remove the selected size from the Size grid.

Remove All (Size)

Click this button to remove all sizes from the Size grid.


This grid displays all the sizes for which you are creating product codes.

Code (Color)

Enter a color code for which to create a product code, or click the Lookup button to select a color code. For information on setting up color codes, see Color Maintenance.

Add (Color)

Click this button to add the selected color to the Color grid.

Add All (Color)

Click this button to add all colors to the Color grid.

Remove (Color)

Click this button to remove the selected color from the Color grid.

Remove All (Color)

Click this button to remove all colors from the Color grid.


This grid displays all colors for which you are creating product codes.


This grid displays product information for the product codes you are creating. You can edit this information before you create the product codes.