Royalty Rate Maintenance

Menu Path: Customer Service Images\bluerarw.gif Suppliers Images\bluerarw.gif Royalties Images\bluerarw.gif Setup Images\bluerarw.gif Royalty Rate Maintenance


Create royalty rates.


Use Royalty Rate Maintenance to set up a royalty for a supplier. This information is accessed when using Royalty Report. For set up and processing details, see Royalty FAQ.

Royalties can be calculated based on customer invoices or supplier receipts. For royalties calculated based on customer invoices, you can set up to five royalty breaks with different percentages and/or amounts for each total royalty amount.

On the Customer Allowances tab, you can also specify customer allowance type groups for which you want to deduct customer allowance amounts before calculating royalties for a royalty rate.

You can also import royalty rates in Royalty Rate Import.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Royalty Rate Maintenance window.


Click this button to create a new royalty rate.


Click this button to edit the selected royalty rate.


Click this button to delete the selected royalty rate.


Click this button to accept an action. This button is only available after you click the New, Update, or Delete button in the ribbon.


Click this button to cancel an action. This button is only available after you click the New, Update, or Delete button in the ribbon.


Click this button to display the first royalty rate.


Click this button to display the previous royalty rate.


Click this button to display the next royalty rate.


Click this button to display the last royalty rate.

Group Maintenance

Click this button to display Customer Allowance Type Group Maintenance, which allows you to enter, view, edit, or delete customer allowance type groups.

Rule Maintenance

Click this button to display Customer Allowance Rule Maintenance, which allows you to enter, view, edit, or delete customer allowance rules.


Click this button to display Supplier Maintenance, which allows you to view and update supplier information, such as the supplier's royalty expense and accrual accounts.

Note If you are not authorized to use Supplier Maintenance, the Supplier Inquiry window appears instead, and allows you to view information for the supplier.

Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Royalty Calculation Basis

Select whether to calculate royalties for the royalty rate based on customer invoices or supplier receipts.

Royalty Deal ID

Enter a royalty deal for the royalty rate, or click the Lookup button to select a royalty deal ID. For information on setting up royalty deal ID's, see Royalty Deal Maintenance.

Navigate by

Select a method for navigation. These options work in conjunction with the standard navigation buttons, and determine the sort order of records being viewed. These radio buttons are not available after you click the New, Update, or Delete button in the ribbon.

Royalty Deal Description

This field displays the description of the selected royalty deal ID.

Product/Royalty Class

Select whether to enter or view royalty rates by product or royalty class.

Product Code

Enter a product code, or click the Lookup button to select a product code. This field is only available if you select the Product radio button.

Product Name

Enter a product name, or click the Lookup button to select a product name. This field is only available if you select the Product radio button.

Royalty Class

Enter a royalty class, or click the Lookup button to select a royalty class. This field is only available if you select the Royalty Class radio button.

Description (Royalty Class)

This field displays the short description of the selected royalty class. This field is only displayed if you select the Royalty Class radio button.

Customer/Royalty Book/All Customers/Supplier/All Suppliers

If you select the Customer Invoice radio button, select whether the royalty rate is for a specific customer, a specific royalty book, or all customers.

If you select the Supplier Receipt radio button, select whether the royalty rate is for a specific supplier, a specific royalty book, or all suppliers.

Customer Code

Enter a customer code for the royalty rate, or click the Lookup button to select a customer code. This field is only available if you select the Customer radio button.

Supplier Code

Enter a supplier code for the royalty rate, or click the Lookup button to select a supplier code. This field is only available if you select the Supplier radio button.

Customer Name

Enter a customer name for the royalty rate, or click the Lookup button to select a customer name. This field is only available if you select the Customer radio button.

Supplier Name

Enter a supplier name for the royalty rate, or click the Lookup button to select a supplier name. This field is only available if you select the Supplier radio button.

Royalty Book

Enter a royalty book for the royalty rate, or click the Lookup button to select a royalty book. This field is only available if you select the Royalty Book radio button.

Description (Royalty Book)

This field displays the description of the selected royalty book. This field is only available if you select the Royalty Book radio button.

Royalty Supplier Code

Enter the supplier code for the supplier that will receive the royalty, or click the Lookup button to select a supplier code.

Note If there is more than one supplier receiving a royalty for a specific product or royalty class, then set up multiple records to accommodate each supplier.

Example The NFL receives a 1% royalty and the Players Association receives a 0.5% royalty for all football hats (all football hat products have the same royalty class). One record would be set up for each of these royalty suppliers.

Royalty Supplier Name

Enter the supplier name for the supplier that will receive the royalty, or click the Lookup button to select a supplier name.

Note If there is more than one supplier receiving a royalty for a specific product or royalty class, then set up multiple records to accommodate each supplier.

Example The NFL receives a 1% royalty and the Players Association receives a 0.5% royalty for all football hats (all football hat products have the same royalty class). One record would be set up for each of these royalty suppliers.

All Regions

Select this check box if the royalty rate is for all royalty regions. This check box is selected by default.

From Royalty Region

Enter a royalty region from which the order or purchase order ships for the royalty rate, or click the Lookup button to select a region. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Regions check box. For information on setting up royalty regions, see Royalty Region Maintenance.

To Royalty Region

Enter a royalty region to which the order or purchase order ships for the royalty rate, or click the Lookup button to select a region. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Regions check box. For information on setting up royalty regions, see Royalty Region Maintenance.

All Order Classes

Select this check box if the royalty rate is for all order classes. This check box is selected by default, and is only enabled if the Customer Invoice radio button is selected.

Order Class

Enter an order class for the royalty rate, or click the Lookup button to select an order class. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Order Classes check box.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Start Date

Enter the first date in a range of dates for the royalty rate, or click the drop-down arrow to select a date.

Note The invoice date for invoices and credit memos is used for this date range.

End Date

Enter the last date in a range of dates for the royalty rate, or click the drop-down arrow to select a date.

Note The invoice date for invoices and credit memos is used for this date range.

Percent Basis

Click the Lookup button to select the cost basis for the percent rate type. This field is only available if the Percent radio button is selected for the Rate Type radio set. You can set up the label for list prices on the Cost/Pricing tab in Customer Service Control Maintenance.

Rate Type

Select one of the following rate types.

  • Percent of Sales - The royalty is based on a percentage of the sales amount. This rate type is only available if you select the Customer Invoice radio button.

  • Percent of Profit - The royalty is based on the royalty gross profit. This rate type is only available if you select the Customer Invoice radio button.

  • Percent - The royalty is based on the list price selected for the Percent Basis field for the product/location. This rate type is only available if you select the Supplier Receipt radio button.

  • Fixed Amount - The royalty is a fixed amount entered in the Amount field(s). You can only select this for a royalty rate set up for a specific product.

  • Multiple Rate Comparison - The royalty is based on a percent of sales or a fixed amount. If the Use Highest Royalty Amount check box is selected, the higher of the two is used for the royalty. If that check box is cleared, the lower of the two is used. This rate type is only available if you select the Customer Invoice radio button.

Royalty Type

Select one of the following royalty types:

  • Actual - This is the standard royalty type.

  • Retroactive - This is used for retroactive royalties, which can be set up to recalculate existing royalties if the rate changed. You can apply retroactive royalties in Royalty Invoice Update.


Select this check box to mark the royalty rate as a master royalty rate. This designation is only used for the Royalty Report. When you set up the report, you can select to only report on master royalty rates. Use master royalty rates for products for which royalties are paid to several suppliers. This allows you to only report on sales associated with the master royalty rate, so that sales amounts associated with royalties can be reconciled with overall sales amounts. When reporting on master royalty rates, royalty sales are reported only once instead of multiple times.

Use Highest Royalty Amount

Select this check box when comparing a percent of sales and fixed amount to use the higher of the two for the royalty calculation. This check box is only available if you select the Multiple Rate Comparison radio button.

Min. Royalty Per Item

If there is a minimum amount per product, then enter the amount.

Example The NFL receives a 1% royalty subject to a $0.50 minimum per football jersey. If a football jersey sells for $25.00, then the 1% royalty amount of $0.25 is overridden by the $0.50 minimum.


Enter the percentage or amount for the royalty rate, based on the selected rate type. This field is only available if you select the Supplier Receipt radio button.


Enter the unit of measure for the royalty rate, or click the Lookup button to select the unit of measure. This field is only available if you select the Supplier Receipt, Product, and Fixed Amount radio buttons.

Total Royalty

Enter the total monetary amount of royalties that must be reached during the date range of the royalty rate for each break. For the first break, this is zero and cannot be changed. These fields are only available if you select the Customer Invoice radio button.

Example You enter 10000 for the second break, and are setting up a royalty rate that is a percent of sales. For the first break, the percent of sales is 10%, and for the second break, the percent of sales is 5%. Invoices that meet the criteria for the royalty rate up to and including the invoice that passes $10,000 in total royalties are assessed a royalty of 10%. All subsequent invoices for the royalty rate are assessed a 5% royalty.

Percent of Sales/Percent of Profit

Enter the percentage for the royalty rate for up to five breaks. These fields are only available if you select the Customer Invoice radio button, and only enabled if you select a Rate Type other than Fixed Amount.


Enter the amount for the royalty rate for up to five breaks. These fields are only available if you select the Customer Invoice radio button, and only enabled if you select the Fixed Amount or Multiple Rate Comparison radio button.

U/M (or U/M Type)

For a product royalty rate, enter the unit of measure for the royalty rate for up to five breaks, or click the Lookup button to select the unit of measure.

For a royalty class royalty rate, click the Lookup button and select whether to use the display, product, receipt, or selling unit of measure in the royalty rate for up to five breaks.

These fields are only available if you select the Customer Invoice radio button, and only enabled if you select the Fixed Amount or Multiple Rate Comparison radio button.

Customer Allowances Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


No Royalty Impact

This grid displays customer allowance type groups that include customer allowance types that have no impact on royalties for the royalty rate.

Click this button to add the selected customer allowance type group in the No Royalty Impact grid to the Royalty Impact grid.

Click this button to add all customer allowance type groups in the No Royalty Impact grid to the Royalty Impact grid.

Click this button to remove the selected customer allowance type group from the Royalty Impact grid.

Click this button to remove all customer allowance type groups from the Royalty Impact grid.

Royalty Impact

This grid displays customer allowance type groups that include customer allowance types that impact royalties for the royalty rate. Customer allowance amounts for these customer allowance type groups are deducted before calculating royalties for the royalty rate.