Supplier Inquiry

If you edit this topic, review Supplier Maintenance.

Menu Path: Purchasing Images\bluerarw.gif Inquiries Images\bluerarw.gif Suppliers Images\bluerarw.gif Supplier Inquiry



Use Supplier Inquiry to view all information about your suppliers. Use Supplier Inquiry to also view the GDPR consent-related information. This window is the inquiry-only mode of Supplier Maintenance.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Supplier Inquiry window.


Click this button to display the first supplier code or name based on the selected Navigate by radio button.


Click this button to display the previous supplier code or name based on the selected Navigate by radio button.


Click this button to display the next supplier code or name based on the selected Navigate by radio button.


Click this button to display the last supplier code or name based on the selected Navigate by radio button.

Voucher History

Click this button to display Voucher Inquiry, which allows you to view supplier vouchers.


Click this button to display Attachment Entry, which allows you to view attached files for a selected supplier or contact.


Click this button to display Notes Entry, which allows you to view notes for a selected supplier or contact.


Click this button to display Supplier Standard Remark Maintenance, which allows you to view standard remarks to be placed on documents related to a selected supplier.


Click this button to display Contact Maintenance, which allows you to view, create, edit, and delete contacts. This button is only available if you click the Contact tab. The icon for this button includes a check mark if contacts exist for the selected supplier.

Bank Account Lookup

Click this button to display Supplier Bank Account Maintenance, which allows you to view and update supplier bank account information for a remit-to address. This button is only available if the Remit-To tab is displayed.

Container Type Maintenance

Click this button to display Container Type Maintenance, which allows you to view and enter shipping container types. This button is only available if the Goal Seek Rules tab is selected and a rule for a specific container is selected.


Click this button to display Customer Maintenance, which allows you to view and update customer information for the invoice customer associated with the selected supplier. This button is only available if the Main tab is displayed.

Note If you are not authorized to use Customer Maintenance, the Customer Inquiry window appears instead, and allows you to view information for the customer.

Trading Partner

Click this button to display EDI Trading Partner Maintenance, which allows you to create a trading partner to relate to customers. This button is only available if the Main tab is displayed.


Click this button to open the GDPR Maintenance window, which allows you to view the data subjects' consent to use their personal data in Apprise. Note that an orange check mark appears on this button if personal data such as an address has been erased or filled already in GDPR Maintenance. This button is only available on the tabs that contain personal data such as addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers, and email addresses.

Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Supplier Code

Enter a supplier code for which you want to view information, or click the Lookup button to select a supplier code.

Supplier Name

Enter a supplier name for which you want to view information, or click the Lookup button to select a supplier name.

Navigate by

Select whether to navigate by supplier code or name when you click the First, Prev, Next, and Last buttons in the ribbon.

Search Name

This field displays an alternate name or acronym to use for browsing and searching for this supplier instead of the supplier's full name.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button



This check box is selected if the supplier is active. If this check box is selected, the supplier appears in most Lookup windows, and can be selected in Voucher Entry and other windows where a supplier is entered.

Discontinue Purchase Orders

This check box is selected if purchase orders cannot be created for the supplier. If this check box is selected, vouchers and payments can still be entered for the supplier, but purchase orders cannot be entered or imported for the supplier.

Temporary Supplier

This check box is selected for temporary suppliers. If this check box is selected, this supplier does not appear in most Lookup windows (such as from Voucher Entry).

Note You can still manually enter the supplier code to enter invoices in Voucher Entry for a temporary supplier.

Start Date

This field displays the start date for the supplier's services. This field is informational only.


This field displays the current status of the supplier, as follows:

  • Active - Invoices can be entered and paid.

  • On Hold - Invoices can be entered, but they are put on hold and need to be released for payment. Additionally, the supplier cannot have invoices selected for payment.

  • On Watch - This status is only used in custom reports and inquiries.

  • Other -This status  is only used in custom reports and inquiries.

Parent Supplier

This field displays the supplier code of the parent company of the supplier if one exists. If one does not exist, the supplier code is displayed in this field. This field is informational only.

Supplier Type

This field displays the supplier type used to classify the supplier.

Supplier Division

This field displays the defined division to which the supplier belongs. Supplier divisions are defined and maintained in Supplier Division Maintenance. The supplier division is used in reports and EIS inquiries.

Royalty Book

This field displays the royalty book for the supplier. For information on setting up royalty books, see Royalty Book Maintenance.

Supplier Group

This field displays the defined group to which the supplier belongs. Supplier groups are defined and maintained in Supplier Group Maintenance. The supplier group is used in reports and EIS inquiries.

Address 1

This field displays the first line of the supplier's address.

Address 2

This field displays the second line of the supplier's address.

Address 3

This field displays the third line of the supplier's address.


This field displays the city of the supplier's address.


This field displays the state or province of the supplier's address. For more information on states, see State Codes.

Postal Code

This field displays the postal code of the supplier's address.


This field displays the country of the supplier's address. For more information, see Country Codes.


This field displays the county of the supplier's address.

Phone #

This field displays the supplier's phone number. This field is informational only.

Fax #

This field displays the supplier's fax number. This field is informational only.


This field displays the supplier's email address. This field is informational only.


This field displays the address of the supplier's Website.


Click this button to display the supplier's Website entered in the Website field.


This field displays the default currency in which the supplier is normally paid. This currency is used as the default currency in Voucher Entry.

Payment Terms

This field displays the default payment terms for the supplier. For information on setting up payment terms, see Payment Terms Maintenance.

Payment Method

This field displays the default payment method for the supplier.

Extended Due Days

This field displays a number between 0 and 365 for the number of extended due days for the supplier. You can use this field to track a number of days late that you can pay the supplier without the supplier charging a fee.

Standard Discount

This field displays a standard discount from the supplier. This field is informational only.

Days to Clear Checks

This field displays the number of days it normally takes for this supplier to clear checks. This field is informational only.

Supplier's Account Number

This field displays the supplier's account number for you. This number is printed on check remittance stubs to make it easy for the supplier's accounts receivable department to apply the payment.

Default Cash Account

This field displays the default cash general ledger account used for payment of vouchers to the supplier.

Invoice Customer Code

This field displays the customer code of the supplier for which to create invoices when using supplier allowances and/or invoice billbacks. For more information, see Using Supplier Allowances.

Invoice Customer Name

This field displays the customer name of the supplier for which to create invoices when using supplier allowances and/or invoice billbacks. For more information, see Using Supplier Allowances.

Billback Type

The selected radio button indicates whether to use invoice billbacks or voucher billbacks for the supplier.

Display Billback Detail on Invoice

This check box is selected if billback detail is displayed on billback invoices for the supplier.

Default Ship and Debit Type

The selected radio button indicates the default ship and debit type for the supplier. One of the following is selected:

  • Units - Fixed Rebate - Calculate the rebate based on quantity breaks

  • Price - Fixed Rebate - Calculate the rebate based on a specific price

  • Units - Fixed Cost - Calculate the cost based on quantity breaks

Ship From Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Sequence #

This field displays the sequence number for the supplier's ship-from address. Click the Lookup button to select a ship-from address by the sequence number.

Name (Ship-From Address)

This field displays the name for the supplier's ship-from address.

Address 1

This field displays the first line of the supplier's ship-from address.

Address 2

This field displays the second line of the supplier's ship-from address.

Address 3

This field displays the third line of the supplier's ship-from address.


This field displays the city of the supplier's ship-from address.


This field displays the state or province of the supplier's ship-from address.

Postal Code

This field displays the postal code of the supplier's ship-from address.


This field displays the country of the supplier's ship-from address.


This field displays the county of the supplier's ship-from address.

Primary Address

This check box is selected if the ship-from address is the primary ship-from address for the supplier. Only one ship-from address is the primary address for each supplier. The primary address is used as the default ship-from address when purchase orders are created in Purchase Order Maintenance.

Phone #

This field displays the phone number for the supplier's ship-from address.

Fax #

This field displays the fax number for the supplier's ship-from address.


This field displays the email address for the supplier's ship-from address.

Supplier VAT ID

This field displays the VAT identification number for the supplier's ship-from address.

Excise ID

This field displays the excise tax ID for the supplier's ship-from address if the address is a tax warehouse.

Default VAT Supplier

This field displays the supplier code of the default VAT supplier to which you will pay VAT for purchase orders shipped from the ship-from address. This can be overridden for specific purchase orders. This field is only available for ship-from addresses in countries that are set up to use VAT.

Name (Default VAT Supplier)

This field displays the supplier name of the default VAT supplier to which you will pay VAT for purchase orders shipped from the ship-from address. This can be overridden for specific purchase orders. This field is only available for ship-from addresses in countries that are set up to use VAT.


Click this button to display the first ship-from address.


Click this button to display the previous ship-from address.


Click this button to display the next ship-from address.


Click this button to display the last ship-from address.


This button is disabled in this window.


This button is disabled in this window.


This button is disabled in this window.

Remit-To Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Sequence #

This field displays the sequence number for the supplier's remit-to address. Click the Lookup button to select a remit-to address by the sequence number.


This field displays the supplier name for the remit-to address.

Address 1

This field displays the first line of the supplier's remit-to address.

Address 2

This field displays the second line of the supplier's remit-to address.

Address 3

This field displays the third line of the supplier's remit-to address.


This field displays the city of the supplier's remit-to address.

Phone #

This field displays the phone number for the supplier's remit-to address.


This field displays the state or province of the supplier's remit-to address.

Postal Code

This field displays the postal code of the supplier's remit-to address.


This field displays the country of the supplier's remit-to address.


This field displays the county of the supplier's remit-to address.

Email Address

This field displays the email address for the supplier's remit-to address.

Primary Address

This check box is selected if the remit-to address is the primary remit-to address for the supplier.


Click this button to display the first remit-to address.


Click this button to display the previous remit-to address.


Click this button to display the next remit-to address.


Click this button to display the last remit-to address.


This button is disabled in this window.


This button is disabled in this window.


This button is disabled in this window.

Account Masks Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


A/P Mask

This field displays all or part of the accounts payable general ledger account to use when resolving the account from the supplier. For more information on accounts payable accounts, see Purchasing Account Resolution.

Pre-payment Mask

This field displays all or part of the prepayment general ledger account to use when resolving the account from the supplier. For more information on prepayment accounts, see Purchasing Account Resolution.

A/P Clearing Mask

This field displays all or part of the accounts payable clearing account to use when resolving the account from the supplier. For more information on accounts payable clearing accounts, see Purchasing Account Resolution.

Inbound Mask

This field displays all or part of the inbound general ledger account to use when resolving the account from the supplier. For more information on inbound accounts, see Purchasing Account Resolution.

Royalty Expense Mask

This field displays all or part of the royalty expense account for the supplier. If no royalty expense account is entered for a supplier, royalties for the supplier are posted to the default royalty expense account set up in Purchasing Control Maintenance.

Royalty Accrual Mask

This field displays all or part of the royalty accrual account for the supplier.  If no royalty accrual account is entered for a supplier, royalties for the supplier are posted to the default royalty accrual account set up in Purchasing Control Maintenance.

Input VAT Clearing

This field displays all or part of the input VAT clearing general ledger account to use when resolving the account from the supplier. For more information on input VAT clearing accounts, see VAT Account Resolution.

Input VAT

This field displays all or part of the input VAT general ledger account to use when resolving the account from the supplier. For more information on input VAT accounts, see VAT Account Resolution.

Input VAT Write-off

This field displays all or part of the input VAT write-off general ledger account to use when resolving the account from the supplier. For more information on input VAT write-off accounts, see VAT Account Resolution.

Input VAT Pending

This field displays all or part of the input VAT pending general ledger account to use when resolving the account from the supplier. For more information on input VAT pending accounts, see VAT Account Resolution.

Default Accounts Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button



This grid displays accounts and account groups for the selected supplier. Select an account or account group to display information for it below the grid.

Single Account/Group of Accounts

These radio buttons indicate whether the selected row in the Accounts/Groups grid is an account or account group.

Group ID

This field displays the group ID of the selected account group. This field is only available if you select an account group in the Accounts/Groups grid.

Description (Group)

This field displays the group description of the selected account group. This field is only available if you select an account group in the Accounts/Groups grid.


This button is disabled in this window.


This button is disabled in this window.


This button is disabled in this window.

Display Order

This field is disabled in this window.

G/L Account

This field displays the general ledger account number for the selected account.


This field is disabled in this window. This field is only available if you select an account group in the Accounts/Groups grid.

Description (Account)

This field displays the general ledger account description for the selected account.

Add (Account to Group)

This button is disabled in this window. This button is only available if you select an account group in the Accounts/Groups grid.


This grid displays accounts in a selected group of accounts and the percentage of the group for each account. This grid is only available if you select an account group in the Accounts/Groups grid.


This button is disabled in this window. This button is only available if you select an account group in the Accounts/Groups grid.

Total %

This field displays the total percentage of all accounts in the group of accounts. This field is only available if you select an account group in the Accounts/Groups grid.

Purchasing/Receiving Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Requires Purchase Order

This check box is selected if a purchase order must be entered in Voucher Entry.

Default FOB

This field displays the default FOB for the supplier. For information on setting up FOB's, see Freight On Board Maintenance.

Default Shipper

This field displays the default shipper ID for the supplier. This is used as the default shipper ID on purchase orders for the supplier. For information on setting up shipper ID's, see Shipper Maintenance.

Default Container Type

This field displays the supplier's default container type.

Review Days

This field displays the average number of days between reviews of a supplier to determine reorders. This is used by DRP.

Last Review Date

This field displays the last date the information for the supplier was reviewed.

Cost Based On

These radio buttons indicate whether to calculate costs for products on the supplier's purchase orders from a cost matrix based on either the purchase order date or the line item required date.

Example A purchase order is created with a purchase order date of 06/15/2020. The purchase order has one line item with a required date of 06/21/2020. A purchase cost matrix record exists for 06/18/2020 through 06/30/2020 for the ordered product. If the Purchase Order Date radio button is selected, the purchase cost matrix is not used because the purchase order date is outside the range of dates for the purchase cost matrix record. If the Required Date radio button is selected, the purchase cost matrix is used to calculate the price of the product on the purchase order.

Purchase Order Form Name

This field is disabled, and cannot be used.

Overage Percent

This field displays an overage percentage used for the supplier. In Receiving Entry, if the receiving amount is greater than the purchase order amount by this percentage, then the software automatically takes action.

Example If 10 displays in this field, and the original purchase order quantity is 100, the system takes the appropriate action if the quantity of the product received is greater than 110.

The action taken is based on the radio button selected to the right of this field.

For more information, see Purchase Additional Charges and Landed Cost FAQ.

Absorb/Warn/Send Back

These radio buttons display the action performed if the receiving amount is greater than the purchase order amount by the percentage entered in the Overage Percent field. One of the following options is selected:

  • Absorb - Keep excess product.

  • Warn - Display a warning message.

  • Send Back - Return excess product to the supplier.

Print Receiving Labels

This check box is selected if receiving labels are printed for the supplier when performing receiving from the supplier.

Freight Supplier

This check box is selected if the supplier is a freight supplier. This check box is informational only, and is used for custom reports and inquiries.

Freight ID

This field displays the supplier's freight ID used for reports and inquiries. This field is informational only.

1099 Information Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Requires 1099

This check box is selected if the supplier requires a 1099 to be filed.

1099 Legal Name

This field displays the legal name of the supplier for tax forms.

1099 Legal ID

This field displays the legal ID of the supplier for tax forms.

1099 Type

This field displays the 1099 form type used for the supplier. For information on setting up 1099 form types, see Form 1099 Reporting Box Maintenance.

Reporting Box

This field displays the default 1099 reporting box to use for the supplier's vouchers. For information on setting up reporting boxes, see Form 1099 Reporting Box Maintenance.

Reporting Box Label

This field displays the label for the selected reporting box.

Tax ID

This field displays the tax ID of the supplier. This field is informational only.

Goal Seek Rules Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Goal Seek Unit Code

This field displays the default goal seek unit code for supplier products. For information on setting up goal seek unit codes, see Goal Seek Unit Maintenance.

Supplier Goal Seek Rules

This grid displays supplier goal seek rules for the supplier. These rules can be used to automatically adjust recommended purchase quantities for DRP. Double-click a supplier goal seek rule to display Supplier Goal Seek Rule Maintenance, which allows you to set up and maintain supplier goal seek rules.

Contact Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button



This grid displays contacts for the supplier.  Double-click a contact to display the contact information in Contact Maintenance.

Supplier Location Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Default Lead Time

This field displays the lead time for the supplier.

Note This is the actual number of days, not the number of business calendar days.

This is used by DRP to calculate purchase order and blanket release delivery dates. This value can be overridden for specific locations in the Selected Locations grid. For more information, see DRP - Lead Time Calculation FAQ.

Default In Transit Lead Time

This field displays the default in-transit lead time for the supplier, which is the number of days between when products are shipped and received. This is used by DRP to calculate purchase order and blanket release ship dates. This value can be overridden for specific locations in the Selected Locations grid. For more information, see DRP - Lead Time Calculation FAQ.

Example If the in-transit lead time is 10 days, and the purchase order delivery date is 06/15/2020, the purchase order ship date is calculated as 06/05/2020.

This button is disabled in this window.

This button is disabled in this window.

This button is disabled in this window.

This button is disabled in this window.

Available Locations

This grid displays warehouse locations that are not currently set up with lead time values for the supplier.

Selected Locations

This grid displays lead time and in-transit lead time for specific warehouse locations.

Note This is the actual number of days, not the number of business calendar days.

The lead times in this grid override the default lead times for the supplier. For more information, see DRP - Lead Time Calculation FAQ.

Other Options Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Product Code Mask

If segmenting the product code, this field displays the portion of the segment that relates to this supplier.

Mask by Elements

This button is disabled in this window.

EDI Trade ID

This field displays the EDI trade ID for the supplier. For information on setting up EDI trading partners, see EDI Trading Partner Maintenance.

C-TPAT Country of Origin

This field displays the country code of the C-TPAT country of origin for the supplier's products.

Supplier VAT ID

This field displays the supplier's tax identification number for VAT.

Example For an Australian supplier, this is the supplier's Australian Business Number (ABN).

Default Single G/L Account in Voucher Entry

This check box is selected if vouchers for the supplier use a single general ledger account by default. If this check box is selected, the Single radio button is selected in Voucher Entry when a voucher is entered for the supplier. This overrides the default setting set up in Accounts Payable Control Maintenance.

Prevent Quantity Updates Within

This check box is selected if quantity updates cannot be made on purchase orders for the supplier.

Note If the Always Allow Quantity Change check box is selected for a user in User Extended Options, the user can always make quantity changes.


This field displays the number of days before delivery that order quantity changes can be made on a purchase order for the supplier. For containers, the earliest scheduled delivery date for a purchase order line is compared to this value. For purchase orders that are not on containers, the ship date of the purchase order line is compared to this value.

Auto Print Remittance Advice

This check box is selected if remittance advices are output for payments to the supplier entered in Direct Deposit Payment Entry or Payment Entry. If this check box is selected, remittance advices are only output to the supplier's contacts who are set up to receive remittance advices.

Profit Group Code

This field displays the scorecard profit group code for the supplier. For information on setting up scorecard profit group codes, see Scorecard Profit Group Maintenance.

Profitability Customer Option

This field displays one of the following options:

  • Require - Require customer cost allocation information to be entered in Voucher Entry or Voucher Edit when entering vouchers for the supplier.

  • Warn - Display a message after entering a voucher for a supplier in Voucher Entry or Voucher Edit without entering customer cost allocation information.

  • None - Permit vouchers to be entered for the supplier without entering customer cost allocation information in Voucher Entry or Voucher Edit.

Profitability Product Option

This field displays one of the following options:

  • Require - Require product cost allocation information to be entered in Voucher Entry or Voucher Edit when entering vouchers for the supplier.

  • Warn - Display a message after entering a voucher for a supplier in Voucher Entry or Voucher Edit without entering product cost allocation information.

  • None - Permit vouchers to be entered for the supplier without entering product cost allocation information in Voucher Entry or Voucher Edit.

Profitability Supplier Option

This field displays one of the following options:

  • Require - Require supplier cost allocation information to be entered in Voucher Entry or Voucher Edit when entering vouchers for the supplier.

  • Warn - Display a message after entering a voucher for a supplier in Voucher Entry or Voucher Edit without entering supplier cost allocation information.

  • None - Permit vouchers to be entered for the supplier without entering supplier cost allocation information in Voucher Entry or Voucher Edit.

Supplier ID

This field displays a supplier ID number assigned by a third-party for use with data extracts output in Generate Data Extract.

Distributor ID

This field displays a unique distributor ID number for use with the Vermont Information Processing (VIP) extract output in Generate Data Extract.


This check box is selected if the supplier is licensed to sell wine.


This check box is selected if the supplier is licensed to sell spirits.


This check box is selected if the supplier is licensed to sell beer.

Group Code

This field displays the cash flow supplier group for the supplier. The cash flow supplier group controls the rules for how and when cash is sent to the supplier. For information on setting up cash flow supplier groups, see Cash Flow Supplier Group Maintenance.

Available Sites

This grid displays supplier portal sites that the supplier is not allowed to access.


This button is disabled in this window.


This button is disabled in this window.

Selected Sites

This grid displays supplier portal sites that the supplier is allowed to access.

Other Information Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


User Defined 1 - 20

These fields display information for the supplier-related user-defined fields. The label names and validations for these fields are set up in User Defined Fields Maintenance.