Wireless Warehouse Verify and Ship Process Flow

Use the Verify and Ship process to verify the packages and/or pallets loaded on the truck to create a record that the packages/pallets left the warehouse. This is used with bills of lading, as the product is rolled onto the truck.

To perform the process, use the following steps:

  1. Set up zone options for the Wireless Warehouse verify and ship task.

    1. In Zone Maintenance, select a zone in which the verify and ship task will occur, and click the Update button in the ribbon.

    2. If you want to allow Wireless Warehouse users to use the verify and ship task for unprocessed bills of lading, click the Other Options tab, and select the Allow Verify and Ship of Unprocessed Bill of Lading check box. Usually, you will only select this check box if you are loading the truck at the same time as picking occurs.

    3. Click the Task Options button in the ribbon.

    4. In Zone Task Options, verify that Verify and Ship is selected as a task type for the zone.

    5. Set up options for the Verify and Ship task type.

      1. Double-click Verify and Ship in the Task Types grid to display verify and ship task options.

      2. Click the Update button in the ribbon.

      3. Select Handheld or Both in the Task Option field to allow Wireless Warehouse users to perform verify and ship tasks.

      4. Select the Pickup Scan check box if you want to require a scan when a package or pallet is being picked up for loading into the truck. This is useful if you want to verify that the correct package is being loaded onto the truck before the loading occurs, as an extra confirmation that the correct package is being loaded.

      5. Select whether or not products are loaded in reverse stop order in the Load Order field. Use a reverse stop load order to require that products that will be delivered last are put on the truck first.

      6. Click the OK button in the ribbon to save options for the verify and ship task type.

    6. Click the Exit button in the ribbon.

    7. Repeat substeps a to f for all zones that will be used for the Wireless Warehouse verify and ship task.

  2. Process and print a bill of lading for the order you are shipping in Bill of Lading Print.

  3. Physically move products into the truck and use a handheld device to record the movement. This is performed by the warehouse employee.

    1. At the Wireless Warehouse Handheld Menu, enter Initiate Task. The Initiate Task menu appears. For more information on this menu, see Wireless Warehouse Handheld Menu.

    2. Enter Verify and Ship. The verify and ship task screen appears. For more information, see Wireless Warehouse - Verify and Ship.

    3. Scan or enter the bill of lading or bill of lading truck number for the billing of lading printed in substep b.

    4. If you are required to scan the package, pallet, or UCC128 number when you pick up the package or pallet, scan the number, or enter it in the Pickup Scan field. If you are not required to scan the number, when you pick up the package or pallet, continue to the next substep.

    5. Load the package or pallet in the truck, then scan the package, pallet, or UCC128 number, or enter it in the Load Scan field.

    6. Repeat substeps d to e for all packages or pallets on the bill of lading. When you have loaded the last package or pallet, you are asked whether you want to finalize the bill of lading.

    7. Click Yes. You have completed the task and the menu appears. When you click Yes, you automatically send the ASN and the system adjusts inventory.