Journal Entry Edit

If you edit this topic, review Journal Entry.

Menu Path: General Ledger Images\bluerarw.gif Journals Images\bluerarw.gif Journal Entry Edit


Edit unposted journal entries.


Use Journal Entry Edit to edit a journal entry before manually posting it. This window is identical to Journal Entry except for the Journal Entry # field and the Update Journal Entry ribbon button. The journal entry number is the number of the entry you want to edit. Note that you only have the option of selecting unposted entries that are not on hold.

Editing Journal Entries

The process for editing a journal entry is similar to the process for making the initial entry.

To edit journal entries:

  1. If your company uses consolidation ledgers, verify the ledger ID for which you want to edit a journal entry is entered in the Ledger ID field.

  2. Enter a journal entry number in the Journal Entry # field. Information for the journal entry appears.

  3. Update the journal entry information, as required.

  4. Click the Update Journal Entry button in the ribbon. The Confirm Update dialog box appears, and allows you to confirm you want to replace the original journal entry.

  5. Click the Yes button. The journal entry is updated.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Journal Entry Edit window.


Click this button to clear all entered information for a journal entry you are editing.

Update Journal Entry

Click this button to save an updated journal entry. After you click this button, you are asked to confirm that you want to replace the original journal entry.

Note If the Direct Post radio button is selected, the journal entry is posted immediately to the general ledger.

Company Analysis

Click this button to display G/L Company Analysis, which allows you to view journal entries for companies. Company values are defined in Ledger Maintenance.

Project Maintenance

Click this button to display Project Maintenance, which allows you to define or edit projects.


Click this button to display G/L Journal Hash Totals, which allows you to double-check your entry by adding account element numbers together.


Click this button to display Detail Remark, which allows you to enter a remark for a journal entry.

Profitability Information

Click this button to display Journal Line Profitability Entry, which allows you to view or enter customer, product, and supplier profitability information for a selected journal entry line.

Ribbon Batch Tab Buttons




Click this button to display Select a New Batch, which allows you to select a previously created batch.


Click this button to display Open a New Batch, which allows you to create a new batch.


Click this button to display Close A Batch, which allows you to close a batch.


Click this button to display Edit A Batch, which allows you to edit an existing batch.


Click this button to display Journal Entry Post, which allows you to post journal entries for the selected batch.

General Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Journal Entry #

Enter the journal entry number you want to edit, or click the Lookup button to select a journal entry number.

Posting Option

Select one of the following options to indicate how the chart of accounts should be updated when journal entries are generated:

  • Manual Post - Require the journal entry to be manually posted to the general ledger.

  • Hold for Review - Place the journal entry on hold for manual review before posting to the general ledger.

  • Direct Post - Update the general ledger automatically as soon as the journal entry is made (without requiring manual posting).

Note You cannot edit a directly posted entry after generation. To correct an erroneous entry, you must make a reversing, or adjusting, journal entry. You cannot edit or post on-hold entries until you review and release them from hold.

Ledger ID

Enter a ledger ID for the journal entry, or click the Lookup button to select a ledger ID.

Note This field is only available if at least one consolidation ledger is set up.

Posting Period

Click the Lookup button to select the general ledger accounting period against which the current journal entry is being made.

Posting Year

Click the Lookup button to select the general ledger accounting year against which the current journal entry is being made.

Note You can only change the year if you are authorized to make adjustments to prior years.

This field defaults to the current year.

VAT Date

Enter the VAT date used to determine the exchange rate for the journal entry, or click the drop-down arrow to select the VAT date. This defaults to the current date.

Note This field is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

Batch #

This field displays the batch number against which the journal entry is being made. The batch number can be used to group journal entries for later reporting or analysis. Use the buttons on the Batch tab in the ribbon to select, open, close, and edit batches.

Tax Only Adjustment

Select this check box to indicate that the journal entry is solely for tax adjustment purposes.

EXAMPLE You depreciate assets one way for financial reporting and another way for tax reporting. You can make a tax-only adjustment journal entry that allows you to see the financials for tax reporting without affecting your regular general ledger for financial reporting.

Save As Recurring Entry

Select this check box to save the journal entry as a recurring entry. When you select this check box, the Recurring Entry Definition window appears, and allows you to set up the recurring entry.


Enter a brief description of the journal entry or source.

System ID

Enter the system ID for the journal entry, or click the Lookup button to select a system ID. This field is only available if the selected ledger for the journal entry is used by multiple system ID's.


Click the Lookup button to select the currency for the journal entry values. When the journal entry is posted, the currency is converted to the currency of the general ledger with the most recent conversion rate.

Conversion Rate to

Enter the exchange rate between the currency entered in the Currency field and the default general ledger currency. This defaults to the current exchange rate set up in Currency Exchange Rate Maintenance. This field is only available if the currency in the Currency field is not the default general ledger currency.

Reversing Entry

Select one of the following options to indicate if you want to generate a reversing entry:

  • No - Do not generate a reversing entry. If you want to generate a reversing entry later, you can do so in Ad Hoc Reversing Journal Entry.

  • Manual Reversal  - Use Manual Reversing Journal Entry to make the reversing entry.

  • Automatic Reversal - Generate a reversing entry when you save the current journal entry. If you select this option, select a period and year for the reversing entry.

Reversing to Period

Click the Lookup button to select the period for the reversing entry. This defaults to the next open period. This field is only available if you select the Automatic Reversal radio button.

Reversing to Year

Click the Lookup button to select the year for the reversing entry. This defaults to the year for the next open period. This field is only available if you select the Automatic Reversal radio button.


Enter a remark for the journal entry.

Transaction Date

Enter the date of the transaction for the journal entry, or click the drop-down arrow to select the date of the transaction. This defaults to the current date.

G/L Account

Enter a general ledger account number for the account against which a credit or debit amount is being entered, or click one of the Lookup buttons to select a general ledger account number or description.

G/L Elements

Click this button to display G/L Prompting, which allows you to enter a general ledger account by account element.


Click this button to select a general ledger account from the accounts in a journal template after you enter a template ID in the Template ID field.

DR Amount

Enter an amount to apply as a debit for the journal entry.

CR Amount

Enter an amount to apply as a credit for the journal entry.

Project #

Enter the project number against which the specific detail credit or debit entry being made applies, or click the Lookup button to select a project number. For information on setting up projects, see Project Maintenance.

Note This field is mandatory if the account requires a project number, as defined in Account Maintenance.

The project number must be a valid project number. If you are authorized to do so, you can dynamically define new project numbers when you enter a journal entry.

Template ID

Enter a journal template ID, or click the Lookup button to select a template ID. After you enter a template ID, you can click Template to select an account from the template. Journal templates can be set up in Journal Entry Template Maintenance.

Bank Reconciliation Date

If you are entering a journal entry for a cash account, enter the bank reconciliation date for the journal entry. This field is only available if you enter a cash account in the G/L Account field.

VAT Entry

This check box is selected by default if you enter a VAT account in the G/L Account field.

Note This check box is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

Input VAT/Output VAT

These radio buttons indicate whether the credit or debit is for input or output VAT if the VAT Entry check box is selected.

Note These radio buttons are only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.


This field displays the country for the VAT class entered in the VAT Class Code field.

VAT Class Code

Enter a VAT class for the journal entry if it is a VAT entry, or click the Lookup button to select a VAT class. For information on setting up VAT classes, see VAT Class Maintenance.

This field is only enabled if you enter a VAT account in the G/L Account field.

Current VAT Rate

This field displays the current VAT rate for the VAT class entered in the VAT Class Code field.

VAT Basis

Enter a VAT basis for the credit or debit. This field is only enabled if the VAT Entry check box is selected.

Note This field is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.


Enter your company's VAT ID for the credit or debit, or click the Lookup button to select a VAT ID. For information on setting up VAT IDs, see VAT ID Maintenance.

Note This field is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.


Click this button to add the debit or credit to the journal entry.


Click this button to remove the debit or credit selected in the grid from the journal entry.


Click this button to clear all fields for the debit or credit you are entering.


This grid displays information for all credits and debits for the journal entry. The total amount of all credits must equal the total amount for all debits. Double-click a credit or debit to remove it from the grid, and then edit or delete it.

Total Debits

This field displays the total debits for the journal entry.

Total Credits

This field displays the total credits for the journal entry.


This field displays the difference between total credits and total debits for the journal entry.