Material Issue

Menu Path: Manufacturing Images\bluerarw.gif Work Order Processing Images\bluerarw.gif Material Issue



Use Material Issue to issue component products for work orders from specific bins in a warehouse location, and print the work orders. The printed work order displays the bin from which materials should be taken for the material issue, and the step-by-step instructions for manufacturing.

Issuing Materials

To issue materials:

  1. Enter the location for which you want to issue materials in the Location field.

  2. Select filter criteria to filter the work orders for which you are issuing materials. If you want to issue materials for a specific work order only, enter the work order number in the From field to the right of the All Work Orders check box.

  3. If you want to output work orders for which materials are not required, select the Print Tickets with No Material check box.

  4. Click the Show Data button in the ribbon. The Preview tab displays the finished goods for work orders that meet the criteria you selected in step 2.

  5. If you want to view individual components, select the Components radio button.

  6. If you only want to issue materials for specific operations or components, either select the check box in the Select grid column to fully issue products, or enter a quantity to issue in the Qty Selected column. If you selected the Components radio button in step 5, and want to select the check box in the Select grid column for all displayed components with available inventory, select the Select All check box

  7. Click the Print Options tab and select output options for the work orders.

  8. If you want to issue materials and output work orders for all work orders displayed on the Preview tab, click the Print button in the ribbon. If you selected operations or components in step 6, instead click the Print Selected button in the ribbon to issue materials and output the work orders. After you click the Print or Print Selected button, the work orders are output. The materials are issued. If material cannot be issued because component products are not available in the required unit of measure, an alert report is output. You can use this report to determine the reason material cannot be issued.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Material Issue window.

Show Data

Click this button to display products on the Preview tab that meet the criteria selected on the Main tab.


Click this button to issue products for all work orders displayed on the Preview tab, and output the work orders based on the settings on the Print Options tab.

Print Selected

Click this button to issue products displayed on the Preview tab for which the check box is selected in the Select column in the Work Order Products grid, and to output the work orders based on the settings on the Print Options tab.

Component Inventory Inquiry

Click this button to display Component Inventory Inquiry, which allows you to view inventory of components for a selected work order. This button is only available if you select the Goods radio button on the Preview tab.

Component Availability Inquiry

Click this button to display Component Availability Inquiry, which allows you to view inventory for a selected component. This button is only available if you select the Components radio button on the Preview tab.

Work Order Allocate

Click this button to display Work Order Allocate, which allows you to display all component products (raw materials) that are on back order for a selected location, and manually release component products that are on work orders.

Fields and Buttons

Field or Button



Enter a location prefix or code for which to issue material, or click one of the Lookup buttons to select a location prefix or name.

WMS Export Method

Click the Lookup button and select one of the following methods for exporting data for work orders to a WMS:

  • API - Export work order data to a WMS using an API.

  • No - Do not export work order data to a WMS.

  • WMS - Export work order data to a WMS.

This overrides the default settings for the location.

This field is only available if the location for the work orders uses a third-party WMS and users are allowed to change the export method for work orders in the location.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


All Work Orders

Select this check box to display materials for all work orders. This check box is cleared by default.

From (Work Order)

Enter the first work order in a range of work orders for which to display materials, or click the Lookup button to select a work order. This field is only enabled if the All Work Orders check box is cleared.

To (Work Order)

Enter the last work order in a range of work orders for which to display materials, or click the Lookup button to select a work order. This field is only enabled if the All Work Orders check box is cleared.

All Products

Select this check box to display materials for all products. This check box is selected by default.

Code (Product)

Enter a product code for which to display materials, or click the Lookup button to select a product code. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Products check box.

Name (Product)

Enter a product name for which to display materials, or click the Lookup button to select a product name. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Products check box.

All Operations

Select this check box to display materials for all operations. This check box is selected by default.

Code (Operation)

Enter an operation code for which to display materials, or click the Lookup button to select an operation code. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Operations check box.

Name (Operation)

Enter an operation name for which to display materials, or click the Lookup button to select an operation name. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Operations check box.

All Work Centers

Select this check box to display materials for all work centers. This check box is selected by default.

Code (Work Center)

Enter a work center code for which to display materials, or click the Lookup button to select a work center code. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Work Centers check box.

Name (Work Center)

Enter a work center name for which to display materials, or click the Lookup button to select a work center name. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Work Centers check box.

All Billing Customers

Select this check box to display materials required for orders for all billing customers. This check box is selected by default.

Code (Billing Customer)

Enter a billing customer code to display materials required for orders for the billing customer, or click the Lookup button to select a billing customer code. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Billing Customers check box.

Note If a sales order for the specified billing customer is included on a work order, the entire work order quantity appears, even if the work order also includes sales orders for other billing customers.

Name (Billing Customer)

Enter a billing customer name to display materials required for orders for the billing customer, or click the Lookup button to select a billing customer code. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Billing Customers check box.

Note If a sales order for the specified billing customer is included on a work order, the entire work order quantity appears, even if the work order also includes sales orders for other billing customers.

All Customers

Select this check box to display materials required for orders for all customers. This check box is selected by default.

Code (Customer)

Enter a customer code to display materials required for orders for the customer, or click the Lookup button to select a customer code. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Customers check box.

Note If a sales order for the specified customer is included on a work order, the entire work order quantity appears, even if the work order also includes sales orders for other customers.

Name (Customer)

Enter a customer name to display materials required for orders for the customer, or click the Lookup button to select a customer code. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Customers check box.

Note If a sales order for the specified customer is included on a work order, the entire work order quantity appears, even if the work order also includes sales orders for other customers.

Print Tickets with No Material

Select this check box to output work orders for which no material is required. This check box is selected or cleared by default based on whether the Print Tickets with No Material check box is selected or cleared in Manufacturing Control Maintenance.

Skip Printing Material Issue for WMS

Select this check box to not output work orders when exporting material issue data to the WMS. This check box is only available if the location for the work orders is set up to use a third-party WMS. This check box is selected by default if the Skip Printing Material Issue for WMS check box is selected for the location on the WMS tab in Location Maintenance.

Preview Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button



Select whether to display manufactured goods or components.

Select All

Select this check box to select the check box in the Select grid column for all displayed components with available inventory. After you select this check box, you can clear it to clear the check box in the Select grid column for all displayed components. This check box is only enabled if you select the Components radio button.

Work Order Products

This grid displays products for work orders that meet the criteria selected on the Main tab.

If the Goods radio button is selected this grid displays the finished goods for each operation for the work orders. Double-click a product to display Component Inventory Inquiry, which allows you to view inventory for components required to build the product.

If the Components radio button is selected, this grid displays the individual components for the work orders. Double-click a component to display Component Availability Inquiry, which allows you to view inventory for the component.

Select the check box in the Select column if you want to fully issue products, or enter the quantity to issue in the Qty Selected column.

Print Options Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Output Option

Select one of the following output options:

  • Screen - Output to a PDF so you can immediately view the report. If you select this option, you cannot output using Scheduling Assistant.

  • File - Output to a PDF, Excel, Access, or delimited file to be stored for later use. If you select this option, specify the file type and either the output folder or file name.

  • Printer - Output to a selected printer. If you select this option, specify a printer in the Printer field and the number of copies to print in the Number of Copies field.

  • Email - Output to your default email application. If you select this option, you are prompted to select recipients for the email, then an email is created with the report attached as a PDF file.

  • Excel - Output directly to Excel. You can specify the location of the Excel application in the Spreadsheet File field in User Profile Maintenance. If you output to Excel, the report may include additional information. If you select this option and select to output to Scheduling Assistant, you are prompted to select recipients for an email, and Scheduling Assistant sends an email with the report attached as an Excel file.

Save Report File

Select this check box to save the Crystal Reports report (.rpt) file for the report to the folder entered in the Report Working Directory field for your user ID in User Profile Maintenance. You can use the report file to customize the report. For more information, see Crystal Reports FAQ. This check box is only available if you select the Screen radio button.

Save Access Database File

Select this check box to save the Access database (.mdb) file for the report to the folder entered in the Report Working Directory field for your user ID in User Profile Maintenance. You can use the Access database file to customize the report. For more information, see Crystal Reports FAQ. This check box is only available if you select the Screen radio button.

Output File Type

Select whether to output to a PDF, Excel, Access, or delimited (CSV, DAT, or TXT) file. These radio buttons are only available if you select the File radio button.

Specify File Name

Select this check box to specify the file name of the output report. This check box is only available if you select the File radio button.

Output Directory

Enter the location for the output report, or click the Lookup button to navigate to and select a location. This field is only available if the Specify File Name check box is cleared.

Output File Name

Enter a location and file name for the output report, or click the Lookup button to navigate to and select a location and file name. The file extension of the file name should match the selected output file type. This field is only available if you select the Specify File Name check box.

Excel Format Name

Enter an Excel format name, or click the Lookup button to select an Excel format name. Excel formats can be set up to specify which fields are output to Excel, and the order and sort order of the fields. This field is only available if you select the Excel radio button.

Format Maintenance

Click this button to display Excel Format Maintenance, which allows you to set up Excel formats. This button is only available if you select the Excel radio button.

Save As Type

Click the Lookup button to select whether to save the delimited file as a CSV, DAT, or TXT file. This field is only available if you select the Delimited radio button, and only enabled if the Specify File Name check box is cleared.

Include header

Select this check box to include a row of header information in the exported delimited file, which labels the data. This check box is only available if you select the Delimited radio button.


Enter a comma (,), caret (^), or vertical bar (|) as a delimiter for the exported delimited file. This field is only available if you select the Delimited radio button.

Enclosing Character

If you want to use single or double quotation marks around data exported to a delimited file, enter ' or " in this field. Even if this field is left blank, text fields that have commas or carriage returns are enclosed in quotes. This field is only available if you select the Delimited radio button.


Click the Lookup button to select a printer. This field is only available if you select the Printer radio button.


Enter a subject for the report email. This field is only available if you select the Email radio button. If you leave this field blank, the subject is the report title.

Report File Prefix

Enter a prefix for the report file name. This field is only available if you select the Email radio button.

Add Additional Comments

Select this check box if you want to include additional comments with the emailed report. If you select this check box, the Additional Comments window appears after you click the Print button in the ribbon, and allows you to enter the comments. This check box is only available if you select the Email radio button.

Print Full Heading on All Pages

Select this check box to include the entire heading from the first page of the report on all pages of the report. This check box is cleared by default, and only enabled if you select the Screen, File, Printer, or Email radio button.

Print Title Line on All Pages

Select this check box to include the report title, page number, and printed date/time on all pages of the report. This check box is selected by default and only enabled if you select the Screen, File, Printer, or Email radio button, and if the Print Full Heading on All Pages check box is cleared.

Report Language 1

Enter the first language for the report, or click the Lookup button to select a language.

Report Language 2

Enter the second language for the report, or click the Lookup button to select a language. If you enter a language in this field, the report is printed in this language and the language entered in the Report Language 1 field.

Horizontal Shading

Select this check box to include horizontal shading on alternate lines of the report to make it easier to read report data. This check box is cleared by default, and is only enabled if you select the Screen, File, Printer, or Email radio button.


Select this check box to collate the printed copies of the report (if you are printing multiple copies of the report). This check box is cleared by default, and is only enabled if you select the Printer radio button and enter a value greater than 1 in the Number of Copies field.

Example You are printing five copies of a 20 page report to distribute to five different people. Leave this check box selected, so that pages 1-20 of the first copy prints, then pages 1-20 of the second copy, etc. If you clear this check box, five copies of page 1 prints, then five copies of page 2, etc.

Horizontal Shading Color

Click the Lookup button to select the color of horizontal shading on the report. This Lookup button is only enabled if you select the Horizontal Shading check box.

Number of Copies

Enter the number of copies of the report to print. This field is only enabled if you select the Printer radio button.


Select whether the task is run now or run by Scheduling Assistant. If you select the Schedule radio button, you can specify when the task occurs, and optionally set up an alert to be created when the task completes. These radio buttons are only enabled if the Disable Scheduling Assistant check box is cleared for your user ID in User Profile Maintenance.

Note If you select the Schedule radio button, you cannot output to the screen.


Enter the time to output or process, and select AM or PM.

These fields are only enabled if the Schedule radio button is selected, and only available if the Once or Every radio button is selected.


Enter the date (or first date) to output or process. This field is only enabled if the Schedule radio button is selected, and only available if the Once or Every radio button is selected.

Task Occurs

Select one of the following options:

  • Once - Output or process at a specified date and time.

  • Every - Output or process on a recurring basis. You can select to output/process at a specific time:

    • every week on specified days

    • after a specified number of days

    • on the first or last day of each month

    • after a specified number of minutes

  • After - Output/process after a specified task is completed.

These radio buttons are only enabled if you select the Schedule radio button.


Select one of the following:

  • Day of Week - Output or process every week on the selected days.

  • Days - Output or process after a specified number of days, starting on a specified date.

  • Month - Output or process on the first or last day of each month, starting on a specified date.

  • Time - Output or process after a specified number of minutes, starting on a specified date.

These radio buttons are only available if you select the Every radio button.

Day of Week

Select the day(s) of the week to output or process.

These check boxes are only enabled if you select the Schedule radio button, and select the Every and Day of Week radio buttons.

Repeat Every X Days

Enter a number of days after which to output or process. This field is only available if you select the Days radio button.

Repeat On

Click the Lookup button and select whether to output or process on the first or last day of the month. This field is only available if you select the Month radio button.

Repeat Every X Minutes

Enter a number of minutes after which to output or process. This field is only available if you select the Time radio button.

Triggering Task Id

Click the Lookup button to select a task ID that will trigger the task. This field is only available if the After radio button is selected.

Triggering Task Name

This field displays the name of the triggering task. This field is only available if the After radio button is selected.

Triggering Task Description

This field displays the description of the triggering task. This field is only available if the After radio button is selected.

Task Description

Enter a description of the task. This can help users understand the purpose of a recurring task.

Scheduling Assistant Queue

Enter an active Scheduling Assistant queue for the task, or click the Lookup button to select a Scheduling Assistant queue. This defaults to the default queue for your user ID. This field is only enabled if you select the Schedule radio button, and you are assigned to a queue other than the Default queue.

External Email

Select this check box to send an email (outside of Apprise, using SMTP) when the task is completed.

Screen Alert

Select this check box to display an alert when the task is completed.

Internal Email

Select this check box to send an internal Apprise email when the task is completed.

Report Files

This grid displays report files set up for the report, and is only available if report files are set up for the program in Report File Maintenance. This grid includes the following columns:

  • Print - Select the check box in this column to output the report file.

  • Number of Copies - Enter the number of copies of the report file to print. This column is only available if you select the Printer radio button.

  • Report Description - This column displays the description of each report file.

  • Report Filename - This column displays the .rpt file name for each report file.

  • Report Name - This column displays the name of each report file.