Processing Pending Receipts

Before processing pending receipts, perform the following setup:

  1. In Dock Maintenance, create a pending receipt dock for each location that will be used to process pending receipts.

  2. In Bin Maintenance, create pending receipt bins for each bin that will be used to process pending receipts.

  3. If you will use Wireless Warehouse for processing pending receipts, set up zone options for the pending receipt create task in Zone Task Options.

To process pending receipts:

  1. Open Receiving Entry.

  2. Enter a ship-to location in the Ship To Location field.

  3. Enter a pending receipt dock in the Dock field.

  4. Select whether you are receiving purchases, transfers, containers, or releases.

  5. If you are receiving purchases and you want to receive for a single supplier, buyer, or originator, clear the All Suppliers, All Buyers, or All Originators check box, and enter the supplier, buyer, or originator in the Supplier, Buyer, or Originator field.

If you are receiving transfers and you want to receive for a single location, buyer, or originator, clear the All Locations, All Buyers, or All Originators check box, and enter the location, buyer, or originator in the Location, Buyer, or Originator field.

If you are receiving containers or releases and you want to receive for a single shipper or shipment, clear the All Shippers or All Shipments check box, and enter the shipper or shipment number in the Shipper or Shipment Number field.

  1. Click the Show Data button in the ribbon if you changed any settings in step 4 or changed any settings in steps 1 to 2, and then left the Purchases radio button selected in step 3.

  2. If there are many purchases, transfers, containers, or releases, and you want to find a specific one, enter it in the Position To Purchase Order or Position To Container Number field.

  3. If you are receiving purchases and want to view details for a purchase order, select it, and then click the View PO button in the ribbon. The Purchase Order Maintenance window appears, and allows you to view the purchase order. Close the window when you are finished viewing the details.

  4. Select a purchase order, transfer order, container, or release in the Receipts grid, and click the Receipt button in the ribbon. The Select an Empty Pending Receipt Bin window appears, and allows you to continue the receiving process.

Note If you selected a single supplier, you can select multiple purchase orders for that supplier using the Shift or Ctrl keys, and receive the purchase orders at the same time.

  1. Select a pending receipt bin in the grid.

  2. Click the Receive button in the ribbon. A pending receipt is created.

NOTE For information on creating pending receipts in Wireless Warehouse, see Wireless Warehouse - Pending Receipt Create.

  1. In Receiving Entry, select the Pending Receipts radio button. Pending receipts appear in the grid.

  2. Select the pending receipt created in step 11.

  3. Click the View Receipt button in the ribbon. The Pending Receipt Review window appears, and allows you to review and finalize the pending receipt.

  4. Use the ribbon buttons to add products to the receipt, set up license plates for the pending receipt, and/or record quality control inspection information for the pending receipt.

  5. Put away products in pick or bulk stock bins using standard processing. When all products are moved out of the pending receipt bin, you can mark the pending receipt as completed in Pending Receipt Review by clicking the Finalize Receipt button in the ribbon.