Product Definition

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To use Product Definition, click the New Item button in O/E Line Item Entry.

Note The New Item button is only available if Allowed or Non Stock Only is entered in the On the Fly Product Creation field in User Extended Options.


Create a product on-the-fly.


Use Product Definition to create products on-the-fly during the order entry process.

NOTE A product created on the fly includes only a minimal amount of data, and is created for a single location. Any enhancements to the product should be updated either in Product Maintenance or by location in Product Location Maintenance. Products created on the fly are not marked as active by default.

After all relevant information is entered in this window, click OK to accept and create the new product. This will display the newly created product information in O/E Line Item Entry, and select the Qty field, prompting a value to be entered in this field. If the product is to be drop shipped, you should select the Drop Ship from Supplier check box. You can then continue to process the order to completion.

Both drop ship and special order line items must be ordered through the purchasing system in Drop Ship and Special Order Create. The only difference between the two is that purchase orders are shipped to the warehouse location for special orders and shipped directly to the customer for drop ship items. Also, there is no automatic ship confirmation during invoice entry in the Accounts Payable module that exists with drop ship orders.

Both drop ship and special order purchase orders generated in Drop Ship and Special Order Create use the following hierarchy to cost the purchase orders:

If the accounting method is standard costing for drop ship or special order items, a standard cost variance posting (if necessary) must be made during the general ledger posting routine for invoices.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Product Definition window without creating a new product.


Click this button to create a new product and close the Product Definition window.


Click this button to clear all fields.


Click this button to display Attachment Entry, which allows you to view and enter attachments for the new product.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Product Code

Enter your company’s code for the product.

Search Name

Enter the name used for searching for this product.

Product Name

Enter the product name.

Pick Method

Click the Lookup button to select the picking method for the product. For information on the available picking methods, see Pick Method.


Enter a description of the product. You can elaborate on the description by providing a detailed description of the product in the Detail Description field.


Enter the category to which the product belongs, or click the Lookup button to select a category. Placing products into categories is a way of grouping similar products. Categories are defined and maintained in Product Category Maintenance. All fields specified for the selected category are automatically entered for the new product.


Enter the default location prefix for the product, or click the Lookup button to select a location prefix. For more information on locations, see sales/shipping locations. This field may default to the shipping location entered on the Main tab in Order Entry for this order.

Name (Location)

This field displays the location name for the location prefix entered in the Location field.


Enter the product subcategory, or click the Lookup button to select a product subcategory.

Order Price

Enter the order price for the product.

Product U/M

Click the Lookup button to select a unit of measure for this product. This unit of measure is the smallest unit of measure for the product.

Default U/M

Click the Lookup button to select a default unit of measure for this product. This unit of measure is used as the default purchasing, picking, selling, and stocking unit of measure for the product.

Detail Description

Enter a detailed description of the product. Use this field to enter a description with more information than the description entered in the Description field.

Unit Weight

Enter the unit weight of the product.

Unit of Measure (Unit Weight)

Enter a unit of measure for the product's weight, or click the Lookup button to select a unit of measure. Units of measure are defined and maintained in Unit of Measure Maintenance.


Enter the volume of the product.

Unit of Measure (Cube)

Enter a unit of measure for the product's volume, or click the Lookup button to select a unit of measure. Units of measure are defined and maintained in Unit of Measure Maintenance.

Special Product Code

Enter an alphanumeric value if the product’s sales are to be tracked through special product tracking. These codes help define products that may be of greater importance, or require special attention for tracking sales. Two windows in the Executive Information Systems module track such products: Customer Special Product Analysis and Sales Representative Special Product Analysis.


These options define the type of product being created. Select Merchandise if the product is a physical good that can be a inventoried or non-inventoried (non-stocked) item. Select Service for services rendered (non-physical goods). Merchandise is selected by default.

Allow Larger U/M Picking Recommendations

Select this check box to permit a larger unit of measure to be broken to fulfill a sales order allocation for a smaller unit of measure. The alternative would be to replenish the smaller unit of measure. Upward picking takes precedence over downward picking.

Allow Smaller U/M Picking Recommendations

Select this check box to permit a larger unit of measure to be assembled from smaller units of measure to fulfill a sales order allocation.

Drop Ship Allowed

Select this check box if you want to allow this product to be drop shipped directly to a customer.

Must Drop Ship

Select this check box if the product can only be drop shipped. If you select this check box, you must also enter a primary supplier for the product.

Non Stocked Item

Select this check box if the item is not stocked in a physical location (bin, lot, or serial).

Special Order

Select this check box if the item is a special order item. This allows the product to be ordered as required by customers (similar to drop ship products). However, the products are shipped to the selected warehouse location rather than directly to the customer. Furthermore, special order products require a purchase order, therefore a primary supplier code and name are also required. Inventory is not allocated for special order products until it is received, The Est. Cost field in the Items grid in O/E Line Item Entry can only be updated for special order or drop ship products. Just as with drop ships, special order products require a purchase order with a purchase class of Special Order. Purchase orders for special order products are created in Drop Ship and Special Order Create.

Primary Supplier Code

Enter the primary supplier code for the product, or click the Lookup button to select a primary supplier code. This field is a required field if you select the Must Drop Ship or Special Order check box.

Accounting Cost

If the product being created is a drop ship or special order product, a cost is required on the purchase order that will be created for either of these items. Assigning a cost here will display the cost in the Est. Cost column in the Items grid in O/E Line Item Entry. You can change this cost if the Allowed to View Costs check box is selected for your user ID in User Profile Maintenance.

Supplier Name

Enter the primary supplier name for the product, or click the Lookup button to select a primary supplier name. This field is a required field if you select the Must Drop Ship or Special Order check box.

Price Wholesale

This field is labeled based on the value entered in the 1st List Price Label field in Customer Service Control Maintenance (if any). Enter a price to create a price source for this product. This price will default to the Unit Price column in the Items grid in O/E Line Item Entry. If you do not enter a price, the unit price is left as zero, but the price can be edited in O/E Line Item Entry.


This field is labeled based on the value entered in the 2nd List Price Label field in Customer Service Control Maintenance (if any). Enter a price to create a price source for this product.

Drop Ship

This field is labeled based on the value entered in the 3rd List Price Label field in Customer Service Control Maintenance (if any). Enter a price to create a price source for this product.

Not Used

This field is labeled based on the value entered in the 4th List Price Label field in Customer Service Control Maintenance (if any). Enter a price to create a price source for this product.