Using EDI Transaction Management

EDI Transaction Management allows you to import and export data for your EDI trading partners. For information on the forms you can use with EDI Transaction Management, see EDI Forms.

Note If your company has not licensed EDI Transaction Management, use EDI Gateway instead. For more information, see Using EDI Gateway.

Setting Up EDI Transaction Management

To set up EDI Transaction Management:

  1. In EDI Control Maintenance, set up all options on the EDI Transaction Management tab. If you want to automatically import transactions for received EDI data, select the Auto Import Inbound Documents check box. If you want to automatically create new trading partners for received EDI data for which trading partners were not manually created, select the Auto Create New Trading Partner check box. If you want to automatically create new forms for received EDI data, select the Auto Create New Forms check box.

  2. In Network Maintenance, set up information for the value-added networks (VAN's) you use to send and receive EDI data.

  3. In EDI Mapper, set up maps for each EDI transaction, using the requirements of your trading partners. For more information, see Using EDI Mapper.

  4. In EDI Trading Partner Maintenance, set up trade ID's for each trading partner with which you will exchange EDI data. For each trade ID, verify the ETM Partner check box is selected. On the Forms tab, select the inbound and outbound forms for the trading partner, and set the 850 or ORDERS to automatically import. Enter the enveloping data for the trading partner on the ETM Partner and ETM Partner Outbound Options tabs. Set up the EDI forms for the trading partner on the ETM Forms tab, and assign a map to each form. If your trading partners send EDI data, such as payment or freight terms, that is equivalent to Apprise data, set up cross references on the Cross Reference tab.

Note If you selected the Auto Create New Trading Partner check box in substep 1b, you do not need to manually create trading partners, but after the trading partners are automatically created, you should enter the trade ID and name for the trading partner in EDI Trading Partner Maintenance.

  1. In Customer Maintenance, assign the appropriate trade ID's and store ID for each EDI customer. If the customer or specific customer ship-to addresses should not receive ASN's, select the Do Not Send EDI ASN check box. If a customer should not receive EDI invoices, select the Do Not Send EDI Invoice check box. If you want to send EDI invoices to the customer, select EDI for the Invoice Method field on the A/R tab.

  2. In Supplier Maintenance, assign the appropriate trade ID for each EDI supplier (if applicable).

  3. If you will be shipping orders to your customer's distribution centers, in EDI Distribution Center Maintenance enter data for each distribution center.

  4. If customer trading partners use their own product codes for your products, set up their product codes in Customer Product Maintenance. For each customer product code, you can set up cross references for units of measure codes that your customers use. For example, if the customer uses EA to order a single unit of a product that you track in the unit of measure EACH, you can set up a cross reference to equate the two unit of measure codes.

  5. If supplier trading partners use their own product codes for your products, set up their product codes in Supplier Product Maintenance.

You can now process EDI data. Processing for the most commonly received and sent forms are described in the following sections.

Processing Received EDI Data

To process EDI data received from your VAN:

  1. In EDI Receive Process, select a VAN, then translate and import EDI data. You can set up Scheduling Assistant to automatically receive EDI data after a specific number of hours.

  2. In EDI Task Management, review received EDI data to resolve any errors that may have occurred, then process the EDI tasks.

  3. In EDI Order Release Management, review imported sales orders and release orders from EDI hold. You can now process the orders using the standard sales order process flow.

Note If necessary, you can set up specific trading partners to skip the EDI hold process.

Sending EDI Data

To send outgoing EDI Data:

  1. Export data from Apprise using the export programs on the Outbound Processing submenu in the Electronic Data Interchange module. The exported files are placed in the folder entered in the Flat File Extract Folder field for the network in Network Maintenance.

  2. In EDI Send Process, select a network, then translate the EDI data you exported in step 1. You can set up Scheduling Assistant to automatically send EDI data after a specific number of hours. The exported files are placed in the folder entered in the Send Folder field for the network in Network Maintenance. You can now view the exported data in EDI Task Management.

  3. Transmit the raw EDI data to the VAN for transmission to your trading partners. You should set this up to occur automatically on a regular basis.

Transmitting Data to a Third-Party Logistics Warehouse

If you use a third-party logistics warehouse to ship your products, you can use EDI warehouse shipping orders/advices and warehouse stock transfer shipment/receipt advices to communicate what needs to be shipped/received and what has been shipped/received. For more information on EDI warehouse shipping orders/advices and warehouse stock transfer shipment/receipt advices, see EDI Forms.

To set up processing of EDI warehouse shipping orders/advices and warehouse stock transfer shipment/receipt advices:

  1. In EDI Mapper, set up 943/944, 940/945, and/or INSDES/RECADV maps.

  2. In EDI Trading Partner Maintenance, set up a trading partner for the third-party logistics warehouse and select the 943/944, 940/945, and/or INSDES/RECADV forms and maps for the trading partner. Set up cross references for units of measure on the Cross Reference tab.

  3. In Location Maintenance, set up a location for the third-party logistics warehouse. On the Other Options tab, select the Process EDI Warehouse Shipping Orders/Advices check box and/or Process EDI 943-944 check box. Enter the trading partner you created in step 2 in the EDI Trade ID field.

  4. In Zone Task Options, set up picking tasks for all zones in the location to not create Wireless Warehouse tasks (Paper should be selected for the Task Option field).

After you have set up the location to process EDI warehouse shipping orders/advices, EDI warehouse shipping orders are generated when pick demands are printed if the Process EDI Warehouse Shipping Orders check box is left selected in Pick Demand Create and Print. You can then send EDI warehouse shipping orders and receive EDI warehouse shipping advice data using the standard EDI send and receive process.

After you have set up the location to process warehouse stock transfer shipment/receipt advices, use EDI Warehouse Stock Transfer Shipment Advice Form 943 Export to export 943s. 944s can be received in EDI Receive Process or EDI Task Management.