Backorder Releasing Process Flow

When an order is not fully allocated because products are on backorder, the order can be shipped after you have sufficient inventory of the backordered products. To do this, backorders must be released either manually or by batch (automatic). The backorder inventory allocation methods that can be used to release backorders are set up by selecting or clearing the Only Release Backorders Manually check box on the Warehouse tab in Product Location Maintenance. If selected, you can only release backorders manually. If the check box is cleared, both manual and batch release operations are possible. Furthermore, the software also uses the backorder release priority hierarchy to determine the order in which backorders are released.

Releasing Backorders Automatically

Releasing backorders automatically allows you to release backordered inventory for a specific or all shipping locations.

To release backorders automatically:

  1. In Automatic Backorder Allocate, clear the All check box, and enter a shipping location for the backorder release in the Location Prefix or Location Name field, or leave the All check box selected to include all shipping locations.

  2. Select the type of orders to release.

  3. Click the Print Options tab.

  4. Select the process option for the release job.

  5. Click the OK button in the ribbon to run the batch backorder release program.

Releasing Backorders Manually by Products

Releasing backorders by product allows you to select a product and release the related orders.

To release backorders manually by product:

  1. In Product Backorder Allocate, select a shipping location for the backorder release. This will allow the display of products that have quantities available for backorder release based on the backorder release priority set for each product’s product-location in Product Location Maintenance.

  2. If you want to release orders for specific criteria, select filter criteria.

  3. Select the Only Show Products That Must be Released Manually check box if you want to only view products that must be manually released.

  4. Select a sort option. If you want to display a specific product first, enter the product name, code, or search name in the Position to field.

  5. Click the Show Data button in the ribbon. Products that are on backorder at the selected location and have available inventory appear in the Backordered Products grid on the Results tab.

  6. Select a product for which you want to release backorders. The backorders for the selected product display in the Backorders grid.

  7. If you want to display line items for an order in Line Items, double-click an order in the Backorders grid.

  8. If you want to release all backorders, click the Release All button in the ribbon. If you want to release a specific backorder, select it, and then click the Release Line button in the ribbon. The quantity in the Qty to Release column in the Backorders grid defaults to the backordered quantity.

  9. If you want to release less than the default quantity, manually enter the quantity to be released for each order in the Qty to Release column in the Backorders grid. Notice the fields below the grid. These fields indicate what is currently available for release for each selected product.

  10. Before accepting to release order(s), you can display orders based on an alternate backorder release priority. To do this, click the Select tab, use the up/down arrow buttons to select the order you want to use, and click the Apply button.

  11. Click the OK button in the ribbon to accept the backorder release.

Note You can also cancel a backordered line item by selecting an order’s line item in the Backorders grid, clicking the Cancel Line button in the ribbon, and clicking the OK button in the ribbon.

Releasing Backorders Manually by Customers

Releasing backorders by customer allows you to release backorders by a specified shipping location and by customer orders.

To release backorders manually by customer:

  1. In Customer Backorder Allocate, select a shipping location for the backorder release. This will allow the display of products that have quantities available for backorder release based on the backorder release priority defined on the Effect on Inventory tab in Customer Service Control Maintenance.

  2. If you want to release orders for specific criteria, select filter criteria.

  3. Select the Only Show Products That Must be Released Manually check box if you want to only view products that must be manually released.

  4. Select a sort option. If you want to display a specific product code, product name, or sales representative first, enter the product code, product name, or sales representative in the Position to field.

  5. Click the Show Data button in the ribbon. Customers with orders on backorder at the selected location appear in the Customers with Backorders grid on the Results tab.

  6. Select a customer for which you want to release backorders in the Customers with Backorders grid. Backordered lines for the customer appear in the Backordered Lines grid.

  7. If you want to view customer information in Customer Inquiry, double-click a customer in the Customers with Backorders grid.

  8. If you want to display line items for an order line in Line Items, double-click an order line in the Backordered Lines grid.

Note The Backordered Lines grid displays all customer backordered lines regardless of quantity availability. The Available field displays the current available quantity for each selected line item. This indicates whether the line item can be released. If insufficient available quantity exists for an order’s line item, 0 displays in the Qty to Release column for the line item.

  1. If you want to release all backorders, click the Release All button in the ribbon. If you want to release all order lines for a specific backorder, select it, and then click the Release Order button in the ribbon. If you want to release a specific backorder line item, click the Release Line button in the ribbon. The quantity in the Qty to Release column in the Backorders grid defaults to the backordered quantity.

  2. If you want to release less than the default quantity, manually enter the quantity to be released for each order in the Qty to Release column in the Backordered Lines grid.

  3. Before accepting to release order(s), you can display orders based on an alternate backorder release priority listing. To do this, click the Select tab, use the up/down arrow buttons to select the order you want to use, and click the Apply button.

  4. Click the OK button in the ribbon to accept the backorder release.

Note You can also cancel a backordered line item by selecting an order’s line item in the Backordered Lines grid, clicking the Cancel Line button in the ribbon, and clicking the OK button in the ribbon.

Backorder Credit Checking

Orders can also be placed through credit checking rules after any backordered products are released (either by manual or automatic backorder release) by selecting the Credit Check Backorders check box in Customer Credit Rule Maintenance. If orders are on hold, their release will take place in Credit Hold Inquiry and/or Margin Hold Management.

Post Release Processing

After backorders are released, you must follow the same procedure as for sales orders. The order must be picked, confirmed, adjusted for inventory, and invoiced. Perform the following:

  1. Generate pick demands for released products.

  2. Confirm the pick demand. The order cannot be edited after this step. This allows for cancellation of backordered products.

  3. Adjust inventory (this decreases inventory and resolves general ledger account masks).

  4. If general ledger account masks correctly resolve, create and print invoices (this retrieves the cost of products).

  5. If account masks do not resolve, you will receive an email message. Go to Pick Demand Account Resolution Update and manually select accounts. Create invoices.

  6. Post invoices (posts invoices to the general ledger).