Accounts Payable Overview

This topic contains an overview of the Accounts Payable module. It discusses creating a voucher, accounts payable/purchase order reconciliation, payment selections, and check printing. It also covers one-step payment, reconciling through the cash manager, recurring vouchers, closing and opening periods and years for the Accounts Payable module, and posting to the general ledger.

Select one of the following:

Introduction to Accounts Payable Vouchers

An accounts payable voucher can be associated with a purchase order or a standalone voucher can be created for a purchase. This section explains how to enter a voucher.

Entering a Voucher

Vouchers are created in Voucher Entry. This window allows you to create vouchers for invoices, credit memos (additional billing), and debit memos (credits from the supplier) by clicking the Lookup button for the Type field and double-clicking the type you want. Note that a batch number is required. To open a batch for a selection of vouchers, click the Batch tab in the ribbon. The ribbon buttons allow you to create a batch number with a control total, or select an existing batch.

A voucher number is automatically assigned by the system when a voucher is created.

To enter a voucher, you first enter a supplier, or click the Lookup button to select a supplier. When the supplier is selected, default information is entered for most of the fields. If you are entering a voucher for a one-time supplier, you can enter the voucher information and select the Temp Supplier check box, then enter the information for the supplier. You can also click the Supplier button in the ribbon to enter new suppliers in Supplier Maintenance. You will be required to complete the information based on the invoice that you have received, such as the reference number, invoice date, and amount. You can click the Remit-To button in the ribbon to display the default remit-to address or select a different address. Remarks for printing or notes for internal information can be attached to the voucher by clicking the appropriate ribbon button and entering the information as needed. Verify the posting period and year are for the correct time interval. To generate the voucher, click the Enter Invoice button in the ribbon. The voucher is created.

The following steps are an example of a voucher entry workflow:

  1. Supplier invoices are approved and filed.

  2. Incoming mail is reviewed and distributed to the Manager responsible for the invoices.

  3. All accounts payable invoices are approved by the Regional Manager.

  4. After invoices are approved, the invoices are stored in a folder to be entered into Apprise.

  5. A new accounts payable batch is opened in Voucher Entry. Each batch represents a specific week's accounts payable vouchers.

  6. Vouchers for the week are entered in Voucher Entry.

  7. Notes are used to describe what each voucher is for.

  8. The Supplier Purchase Report is printed.

  9. The report is audited for errors; in particular, errors caused by invalid general ledger accounts.

  10. Errors are corrected in Voucher Edit.

  11. Vouchers are posted in Accounts Payable Post.

  12. The batch of vouchers is closed in Voucher Entry.

Standalone Vouchers

Standalone vouchers are not associated with purchase orders. The account number that should be used will have to be determined because this is required information. For a single account, you can enter the account in the Expense Account field. If a voucher affects several accounts, then you must select the Multiple radio button. This will hide the Expense Account field and instead display the Enter Expense Accounts button in the ribbon. When you click this button, the A/P and Expense Accounts Entry window appears, and allows you to select the accounts and create the voucher. Before you create the voucher, double-check the payment terms of the voucher, because the system will default the terms to the supplier's default payment terms. If the payment method is anything other than check, you need to indicate it in the Payment Method field.

To enter a standalone voucher in Voucher Entry:

  1. Select the supplier.

  2. Review the remit-to address.

  3. Select the voucher type: invoice, credit memo, or debit memo.

  4. Review the posting period and year.

  5. Enter the voucher date.

  6. Enter the reference number.

  7. Enter the amount of the voucher.

  8. Enter the account number that the voucher will affect (expense). If several accounts are required select the Multiple radio button.

  9. Review the payment terms and payment method. Remember that this determines how the payment is processed.

  10. Click the Remarks and/or Notes button in the ribbon to enter remarks and/or notes for the voucher.

  11. For single expense account entry, click the Enter Invoice button in the ribbon.

For multiple expense account entry, click the Enter Expense Accounts button in the ribbon. Indicate the expense accounts and distribution and click the Enter Voucher button in the ribbon to create the voucher.

  1. Notice the voucher number assigned.

  2. Post the batch if you are not running direct post for the Accounts Payable module. For more information, see Posting to the General Ledger.

Accounts Payable/Purchase Order Reconciliation

A voucher that is associated with a purchase order must go through reconciliation. The method of entering the voucher is the same except the Select button in the ribbon is clicked before the amount is entered. This displays Voucher PO Selection, which allows the purchase order or orders to be selected and the items to be selected for reconciliation for the voucher. Selection of the purchase orders is accomplished by double-clicking the purchase orders that are associated with the voucher. Items available for selection appear in the Available Items grid. When items are selected, the items are moved to the Selected Items grid. Selecting an item is accomplished by either double-clicking the item, or selecting the item and clicking the right-arrow button. Since the system updates the inventory cost files when the voucher is created, pricing changes are made if necessary to reflect the correct cost. If the voucher is incorrect, you will need to follow your company procedures for correcting the costs. After selecting the items listed on the vendor's invoice and making any changes necessary, click the Reconcile button in the ribbon. The A/P PO Reconciliation window appears, and allows you to enter the amounts to reconcile. You can then click the OK button in the ribbon to return to Voucher Entry with the A/P Amount field displaying the total amount of the items. The voucher amount should be entered if different and the general ledger accounts and amounts for the difference will be added when you click the Enter Expense Accounts button in the ribbon. The tax, if applicable, will already be added into the general ledger accounts displayed. For more information, see Accounts Payable - Purchase Order Reconciliation Process Flow.

To enter an accounts payable/purchase order reconciliation voucher in Voucher Entry:

  1. Select the supplier.

  2. Review the remit-to address.

  3. Select the voucher type: invoice, credit memo, or debit memo.

  4. Review the posting period and year.

  5. Enter the invoice or memo date.

  6. Enter the reference number.

  7. Click the Select button in the ribbon.

  8. Select the purchase orders for the voucher.

  9. Select the items listed on the supplier invoice.

  10. Make cost corrections, if necessary.

  11. Click the Reconcile button in the ribbon.

  12. Edit the amount of the voucher, if necessary.

  13. Click the OK button in the ribbon.

  14. Review the payment terms and payment method. Remember that this determines how the payment is processed.

  15. Click the Remarks and/or Notes button in the ribbon to enter remarks and/or notes for the voucher.

  16. Click the Enter Expense Accounts button in the ribbon to enter the account number that this voucher will affect (expense) for the difference between the total amount for the items and the voucher amount.

  17. Click the Enter Voucher button to create the voucher.

  18. Notice the voucher number assigned.

  19. Post the batch if you are not running direct post for the Accounts Payable module. For more information, see Posting to the General Ledger.


Introduction to Accounts Payable Payments

The system is designed to handle payments of all types. Checks, direct deposits, wire transfers, manual checks, and any number of payment methods are selected and processed efficiently by using Check Print, Direct Deposit Payment Entry, or Payment Entry. Vouchers can also be put on hold.

Payment Selection

Payments are selected for both checks and non-checks in Voucher Payment Select. If a voucher needs to be held and not paid, the system allows this in Voucher On Hold Update.

A payment batch number must be used for payment selection; when you make the payment, the batch used will be the batch selected here. You may use the Batch tab in the ribbon to open a new batch with a control total, or you can continue to use a number already open. You can filter displayed payments by date, payment method , and voucher currency.

You can select to display payments for a single supplier, all suppliers, or a supplier division. If you have selected All in the Payment Method field, the first voucher you select will determine the payment method that the system will use. The system will only allow one payment method at a time for voucher selections. When all parameters are selected, you may position the grid at a starting voucher number by entering the starting number in the Position to Voucher # field, and clicking the Position button. To view information for a specific voucher, select the voucher and click the View button. To select the voucher for payment, or select all of the vouchers for payment, just click the appropriate button and the selection will move to the bottom grid. Partial payments can be made by clicking the Amount button. This will display Update Payment Amount for Voucher for paying the voucher short, writing off, or simply paying a partial amount.  The total cash requirement is totaled at the bottom of the Voucher Payment Select window so that you can stay aware of the amount of the payments you are about to pay. The Remarks button in the ribbon can be used to enter remarks printed on the stub of the check. If the Accounts Payable module is set up with an amount that requires check approval, selected checks must be approved in Voucher Payment Authorize.

The Write Checks button in the ribbon is available in Voucher Payment Select for check batches that do not have to be approved. To use this function, click the button and continue printing the checks.

To select vouchers for payment:

  1. If you do not want a voucher available for payment selection, put it on hold in Voucher On Hold Update.

  2. In Voucher Payment Select, select whether you want to pay vouchers for a single supplier, all suppliers, or a supplier division. If you select a single supplier or supplier division, enter the supplier or supplier division.

  3. Select the payment method. Remember that anything other than checks and direct deposits must be completed in Payment Entry.

  4. Select the parameters that you prefer and then click the Display Vouchers button.

  5. Select the vouchers that you want to pay, moving these vouchers to the lower grid.

  6. For any vouchers to be partially paid, select the voucher, and click the Amount button.

  7. Use the total cash requirement amount to verify the correct payments are selected.

  8. Click the Remarks button in the ribbon if you want to add remarks.

  9. Run Vouchers Selected for Payment Report for reference.

  10. Click the Write Checks button in the ribbon to make check payments immediately, or the Exit button in the ribbon to pay selected vouchers at a later time.

Check Approval

You may require that all checks, or checks over a certain amount require approval before they can be printed. This option is set up in Accounts Payable Control Maintenance. Check approval is performed in Voucher Payment Authorize. This window allows you to edit the amounts of the vouchers for payment, approve single or all checks, or deselect vouchers for payment by clicking the appropriate button. Approval of the payments allows checks to be printed in Check Print.

Check Printing

The system requires you to select a cash account number and the batch number of the selected vouchers to print checks in Check Print. If you need to view a listing of the items to be paid, click the Details button in the ribbon. Check the posting period and year for accuracy. The number of checks to be printed is displayed. The starting check number defaults to the next available number for the cash account selected, but you may change it. Remember, each cash account has a unique check number system, and duplicate numbers within an account are not permitted. Remember to date your checks correctly. If you need to print a test check, click the Print Test Check button in the ribbon. This will allow you preview the check form, and optionally void the starting check. To view contents of a check before printing, click the Preview Checks button in the ribbon.

Because a report for each check run is automatically printed, select output options for the report on the Print Options tab. The checks themselves will always output to the printer when you click the Print button in the ribbon.

To print checks in Check Print:

  1. Select the cash account or use the system default cash account.

  2. Check the posting period and year.

  3. Select a batch number or use the default batch number.

  4. Check the currency.

  5. Check the starting check number.

  6. Enter the date to appear on the checks.

  7. Select the output option for the report.

  8. To print a test check and void the starting default number if needed, click the Print Test Check button in the ribbon.

  9. To view a check preview before printing, click the Preview Checks button in the ribbon.

  10. Click the Print button in the ribbon.

  11. Post the batch if you are not running direct post for the Accounts Payable module. For more information, see Posting to the General Ledger.

Check Reprinting and Renumbering

The system allows you to reprint checks in case of a printer or other problem. To reprint the checks, use Check Reprint Utility. Select the cash account, and the enter a range of check numbers or one check number for the selected account. If you want to view check information before printing, click the View Checks button in the ribbon. Select the report output, and then click the Reprint button in the ribbon to print the checks.

To renumber checks, use Check Renumber Utility. Select the cash account, and the system will allow you to select a range of checks or one check to renumber for the selected account. Enter the starting check number in the New Starting Number field, click the OK button and then confirm the renumbering. You can use Check Reprint Utility to print the checks with the new numbers.

Note You can only reprint or renumber checks that have not been reconciled.

Check Voiding

If it is necessary for you to void a check, use Payment Void. Select the cash account and select a range of checks or a single check to void for the selected account. Notice the Payment Method field, which allow you to select the payment method for voiding. If you select Checks, you may preview the checks before voiding them. A remark field is provided for adding a voiding remark to the checks; this will help eliminate future problems. After you are satisfied with the information entered, click the Void or Void All button in the ribbon to void the payments, and then confirm the void. To keep a record of the voided checks, run Voided Payment Report. When the check list is printed, the report will indicate that the check was voided. If the payment was not a check, you may run Payment Register Report for a complete listing, which includes all types of payments. Vouchers that were paid by the voided check will return to ready for payment status.

Other Payment Types

Any non-check payments selected in Voucher Payment Select need to be completed in Direct Deposit Payment Entry or Payment Entry.

To enter non-check payments:

  1. Select the vouchers for payment in Voucher Payment Select with a payment method other than check.

  2. In Direct Deposit Payment Entry or Payment Entry, select the supplier.

  3. Select the cash account.

  4. If necessary, select the payment method.

  5. When the available vouchers appear, select the voucher(s) for payment completion.

  6. Select the posting period and year.

  7. If necessary, enter the payment ID.

  8. Select the payment date.

  9. Review the currency.

  10. Enter a remark if one is needed.

  11. Click the Complete Payment button in the ribbon.

  12. Post the payments if you are not running direct post for the Accounts Payable module. For more information, see Posting to the General Ledger.

One Step Voucher and Payment Entry

The system allows you to enter a voucher, create the voucher, and pay the voucher all at one time in One Step Voucher and Payment Entry. This window is divided into two sections, the top section is used for voucher entry and the bottom section is used for payment entry. Both sections. Using both sections is similar to using Voucher Entry, Voucher Payment Select, Check Print, but you cannot link the voucher to a purchase order for reconciliation.

One Step Voucher and Payment Entry is an excellent tool for entering one-time supplier purchases that have not been purchased through the system. Temporary suppliers can be created in the entry section of the window and used to process a single purchase.

To use One Step Voucher and Payment Entry:

  1. Select the supplier. The remit-to address used will be the supplier default remit-to address.

  2. Check the voucher and payment batch numbers. Use the batch ribbon buttons to change batches.

  3. Select the accounts payable account for the voucher, if other than the supplier default.

  4. Check the posting period and year.

  5. Enter the voucher date.

  6. Enter the reference number.

  7. Enter the amount of the voucher.

  8. Enter the account number that this voucher will affect (expense). If you have set up default accounts for the supplier, the first sequential account automatically appears. If several accounts are required, select the Multiple radio button.

  9. For multiple expense account entry, click the Enter Additional Accounts button in the ribbon. If you have set up default accounts for the supplier, the first one automatically appears. Indicate the expense accounts and distribution. Click the OK button in the ribbon to return to One Step Voucher and Payment Entry.

  10. Select the cash account for the payment.

  11. Select the payment method and enter the payment date.

  12. Indicate the output option for the printed report. Checks will always output to your default printer.

  13. Click the OK button in the ribbon to create the voucher and payment.

  14. Notice the voucher number assigned.

  15. Post the batch if you are not running direct post for the Accounts Payable module. For more information, see Posting to the General Ledger.

Introduction to Cash Management

Cash Management allows you to reconcile disbursements and deposits, transfer cash from one account to another, and if an error is made, reverse a reconciliation. Graphics are available for visual support.

Reconciling in Accounts Payable Payment Reconcile

Accounts Payable Payment Reconcile helps you to maintain and reconcile your cash accounts. It allows you to complete a reconciliation of your bank book to the bank statement. You select the cash account and the window displays the fields necessary. Notice that both the posted and unposted amounts are displayed. Notice the Payment Method field. Any of the methods can be reconciled. You can select a payment ID range or all payments that have not been previously reconciled. Select the payments by either double-clicking or selecting the payment and clicking the Add button to move the payment to the right grid. After your selections are complete, click the Reconcile A/P Payments button in the ribbon.

You can also click the Miscellaneous Charge Entry button in the ribbon to display Service Charge Entry. The window allows you to enter any charges that the bank may have charged to your account.

To reconcile cash accounts in Accounts Payable Payment Reconcile:

  1. Select a cash account you want to reconcile.

  2. Select the payments in the Available A/P Payment Items grid that are listed on your bank statement as having been processed. Notice the payment method.

  3. After selection is complete, click the Reconcile A/P Payments button in the ribbon.

Cash Transfers

To transfer cash from one cash account to another, use Cash Transfer Entry. This window allows you select the accounts and the transfer period. When you have entered the information, click the OK button in the ribbon to move the money. The transfer posting to the general ledger is treated as a journal entry.

Introduction to Recurring Vouchers

The software allows you to create fixed as well as variable recurring vouchers. After vouchers are created, you generate them for the accounts payable system based on your required timing.

Creating and Generating Recurring Vouchers

Recurring vouchers are an important component of any accounts payable system. The software allows you to set up both fixed and apportioned (variable) entries with the ability to manually generate them based on your timing needs. Creating a voucher is accomplished in Recurring Voucher Maintenance. This process is similar to the regular voucher entry except that you assign a meaningful recurring entry number. You may enter a description of the recurring voucher for reference. You must determine whether the voucher is fixed or apportioned. A fixed recurring entry is due with the same amount each payment while an apportioned entry allows users to change the amount of each payment. When generating the voucher, the system allows you to change the variable amount for the apportioned item. If needed, the system will allow you to change a fixed voucher amount, but not when generating the voucher. The Frequency field allows you to enter a guideline as to the occurrence of the vouchers. For example, you can select to pay a frequency of 1 time per period. That means one time a month this payment should be made. However, the system will not stop you if you need to make another payment in the same month. When closing a period, the system will alert you when a scheduled payment has not been made.

You are required to enter an amount when you set up either of the recurring voucher types. Remember the apportioned amount may be changed when you generate the voucher, but will default to the entered amount. The payment method still indicates to the system how to handle the voucher, so be accurate. After entering the information, click the Enter Expense Accounts button in the ribbon to display A/P and Expense Accounts Entry. This window enables you to enter general ledger accounts for the recurring voucher. The Add Item button adds the expense item for the entry and the Add Account for Supplier button adds the account to the supplier. Adding an account to a supplier will make that account a default for the supplier in any voucher entry. Adding an expense Item for the voucher will add the item to this recurring entry only. After adding the items, click the Update button in the ribbon. This creates and saves the recurring entry in the system.

Generating the voucher for payment is performed in Recurring Voucher Create. Select the posting period and year, and make sure you are using the correct batch. The Available Standard Entries grid displays the created recurring entries. Select the ones that are to be generated by double-clicking or selecting an entry and clicking the Add button. This moves the entry to the Selected Entries grid, and displays Voucher Entry for Standard Voucher, which allows you to enter the invoice number, date, and due date. A fixed entry will not allow changes to the amount of the voucher, but an apportioned entry allows the amount to be changed. Remarks and notes for individual vouchers can be added by clicking the Remarks or Notes button in the ribbon. Click the OK button to save the voucher, and then you can proceed to the next entry. When all the selections are finished, to complete the process, click the OK button in the ribbon. The assigned voucher numbers are displayed and can now be selected for payment in Voucher Payment Select.

To set up recurring vouchers in Recurring Voucher Maintenance:

  1. Assign a recurring entry number for the recurring voucher you are creating.

  2. Select the supplier.

  3. If you need to change the remit-to address, click the Remit-To button in the ribbon.

  4. Enter a description of the recurring voucher.

  5. Enter the frequency of payment.

  6. Select whether the voucher uses a fixed or apportioned amount.

  7. Enter the amount, currency, payment terms, and payment method for the voucher.

  8. Click the Enter Expense Accounts button in the ribbon to select the accounts and distribution.

  9. Enter the expense account number and amount, and click the Add Item button until all are entered. If the account belongs to a project, select the project number before adding the expense item.

  10. When you are finished, click the Update button in the ribbon to create and save the entry.

To generate recurring vouchers in Recurring Voucher Create:

  1. Select the posting period and year and the batch number.

  2. Select the recurring entries that you need to generate.

  3. As you select each one, Voucher Entry for Standard Voucher appears for entry of the invoice number, date, and amount if a variable entry. Click the OK button in the ribbon.

  4. When all selections are complete, click the OK button in the ribbon. You are now ready to complete the accounts payable process of selection for payment and completion of payment.

Introduction to Accounts Payable End of Period and Posting

Accounts Payable Period Update allows you to change the default period to the next current period. This does not close the period. Separate windows are used to close periods, open periods, close years, and open years. Closing of a period along with the user profile setup can secure the system so that a user is unable to enter a prior period. Posting of accounts payable is dependent on the system setup. If direct posting is selected in Accounts Payable Control Maintenance, posting is done automatically. If manual posting is selected, posting is performed in Accounts Payable Post.

The Accounts Payable module allows you to change an accounts payable period default, close a period, open a period, close a year, open a new year, and still have security. When changing a default accounts payable period, you can only use the open periods. If the period you need is not available, check the closed periods. If it is closed, you need to open it in Accounts Payable Period Open. If this is a new year, use Accounts Payable Year Create to create the new year. Remember that in starting a new year, the general ledger accounting year must already be defined. You also have to use Accounts Payable Year Update to enter the new year. Changing the default period and year do not close the same period or year. You can close periods in Accounts Payable Period Close. You can close years in Accounts Payable Year Close. The system will not allow periods to close that have unposted vouchers and payments and warns you if any scheduled recurring vouchers have not been processed. The system will not allow closing the year if any periods are still open.

Remember the following:

Posting in the Accounts Payable Module

If you are running manual post for the Accounts Payable module, you must use Accounts Payable Post. This window allows you to select the posting period/year and select to post vouchers and/or payments. Make your selections, and since a report is automatically printed, select the process option. When you click the OK button in the ribbon, the system will post the information based on selected settings.

Journal entries are generated in detail or summary depending on your default posting option for the Accounts Payable module. The report will display the detail or summary entries as they appear in the general ledger.