Special Order Process Flow

The special order process is designed to enable the creation of a sales order for a customer and generate a purchase order for the supplier of the ordered items. The step of processing the voucher(s) and invoicing the customer is also necessary to complete the special order process. A single customer's order can contain drop-ship products, regular shippable products, and/or special order products.

To perform the complete process:

  1. In Order Entry, enter the order, as follows:

  1. Enter a customer code or name in the Customer Code or Customer Name field.

  2. Enter a Sales type order class in the Order Class field.

  3. Verify/change order entry and customer defaults, such as the shipping and sales location, ship complete, ship backorder complete, freight free, sales representative, payment terms, etc.

  4. Verify/change the order required date entered in the Required Date field.

  5. Add order notes and/or remarks if necessary using the Notes or Remarks button in the ribbon.

  6. Click the Ship To tab, and verify/change the ship-to address information.

  7. Click the Bill To tab, and verify/change the bill-to address information.

  8. Click the Additional Charges tab, and add additional charges if necessary.

  9. Click the Edit Items button in the ribbon. The O/E Line Item Entry window appears.

  10. Enter a product code in the Product Code field.

  11. Enter the quantity to order in the Quantity field, and then press the Tab key.

  12. If you are not using express order entry, verify/change the unit of measure, price, and price adjustment, then click the Enter button to enter the line item in the Items grid.

If you are using express order entry, the line item appears in the Items grid automatically.

  1. Verify all settings in the Items grid, and select the check box in the Spec. Ord column. If you are using freight calculations, verify the check box in the Freight Free column is cleared.

  2. Add line item additional charges if necessary using the Additional Charges button in the ribbon.

  3. Repeat substeps j to o to add other products to the order if necessary.

  4. Click the OK button in the ribbon.

  5. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The order is created. The order status is now Open.

  1. In Drop Ship and Special Order Create, create the purchase order for the special order, as follows:

  1. Clear the Create Drop Ship PO's check box if you want to only create purchase orders for special orders.

  2. Click the Show Data button in the ribbon. The order you created in step 1 should appear in the grid on the Results tab if the customer order's shipping location is the default shipping location. If the order does not appear, change the shipping location. You can also change the other filter criteria to display the correct order.

  3. Select the check box in the Create column of the grid for the order you created in step 1.

  4. Click the Print Options tab, and verify the process option and output options.

  5. Click the Create Selected Purchase Orders button in the ribbon to create the purchase order and output a summary report defining created purchase order numbers.

  1. In Purchase Order Maintenance, enter the purchase order number of the purchase order created in step 2 in the Purchase Order # field, and review the purchase order. Notice the purchase order status is Ordered.

  2. In Container Management and Shipment Management, enter container and shipment information for the purchase order products. This step is optional and should only be performed if you are tracking by container and shipment.
  3. In Receiving Entry, receive the products for the purchase order.

    1. Enter the ship-to location prefix for the warehouse in which products are being received in the Ship To Location field.

    2. Enter the dock in which products are being received in the Dock field.

    3. If you are receiving specific containers, select the Containers radio button. Otherwise, leave the Purchases radio button selected.

    4. If you are receiving purchase orders, and you want to receive for a single supplier, buyer, or originator, clear the All Suppliers, All Buyers, or All Originators check box, and enter the supplier, buyer, or originator in the Supplier, Buyer, or Originator field.

      If you are receiving containers and you want to receive for a single shipper or shipment, clear the All Shippers or All Shipments check box, and enter the shipper or shipment number in the Shipper or Shipment Number field.

    1. Click the Show Data button in the ribbon if you changed any settings in substep d or changed any settings in substeps a or b, and then left the Purchases radio button selected in substep c.

    2. If there are many purchase orders or containers and you want to find a specific one, enter it in the Position To Purchase Order or Position To Container Number field.

    3. Select a purchase order or container in the grid, and click the Receipt button in the ribbon. The Purchase Order Receipt window appears, and allows you to continue the receiving process.

    4. Enter a bill of lading number in the BOL field.

    5. Enter a receipt date if it is not the current (default) date in the Receipt Date field.

    6. Enter a receipt time in the Receipt Time field, and click the Lookup button to select AM or PM.

    7. To receive a line item as is, select the line item and click the As Is button in the ribbon, and then skip to substep r. When you click this button, the values in the Received Qty column in the Line Items grid are set to the values in the Expected Qty column.

Note When receiving a container of a shipment, special care needs to be taken if the shipment has additional charges associated with it. Generally, to ensure correct allocation of additional charges to a container, the container should be received only if the expected quantity equals the received quantity. If you try to receive a container where the expected quantity does not equal the received quantity, you will receive a warning message. For more information, see Purchase Additional Charges and Landed Cost FAQ.

    1. If you will not receive line items as is, select a line item, and then click the Receive Item button. The PO Item Receipt window appears.

    2. Enter the receipt quantity (if it is other than the expected quantity) in the Receipt Qty field. You can also click the Lookup button to adjust the unit of measure. If the product is tracked by lot or serial number, enter the lot or serial number associated with the product.

    3. Click the Enter button to accept the receipt quantity. The product appears in the Receipts grid. The Receipt Complete check box is automatically selected if products have been received in full. It can also be selected manually if you no longer want to receive any other on-order products. Doing so removes the on-order quantity from the inventory matrix. When the receipt is marked as complete here, the check box for the line item is selected in the Rcpt. Cmp column in the Items grid In PO Line Item Entry.

    4. You can add additional charges, notes, and remarks for the product that is being receipted by clicking the Add Charges, Notes, or Remarks button in the ribbon.

    5. You can use the up and down arrow buttons to display other products that are to be received. These are the products that are displayed in the Items tab in Purchase Order Receipt.

    6. Click the OK button to return to the Purchase Order Receipt window.

    7. Click the Add Items button if you want to add other products to a purchase order that is being received. The PO Receipt Item Entry window appears. Select a product code or name, and enter the quantity to be added. You can also select a supplier product code. Click the Enter button to add the product, and click the Exit button in the ribbon to return to the Purchase Order Receipt window.

Note The Add Items button is only available if the Can Enter Additional Receipt Items check box is selected for your user ID in User Extended Options.

    1. You can attach a receiving image file to the receipt by entering a valid file name and path in the Receiving Image field.

    2. Click the Additional Charges tab if you want to create additional charges for the purchase order that is being received. Enter a charge type in the Type field. You can also add a comment to the additional charge. Click the Enter button to accept the charge. For more information on additional charges, see Purchase Additional Charge Maintenance.

    3. Click the Print Options tab and select options for outputting the Receiving Entry Report.

    4. Click the Print button in the ribbon to output the Receiving Entry Report.

    5. Click the OK button in the ribbon to save the receipt information you processed and create a receipt number. The receipt number is displayed. If the supplier for the receipt is set up to print receiving labels, the Question dialog box appears and asks you if you want to print the labels. Click the Yes button to print receiving labels or click the No button if you do not want to print receiving labels. If you click the Yes button, see Receiving Labels Print for information on printing receiving labels.

After all products are received for a purchase order, the purchase order status is Fully Received. When you receive products for a special order a pick demand is automatically created. The pick demand follows all applicable consolidation rules.

Note The created pick demand cannot be cancelled.

  1. In Inventory Receipt Post, post the purchase order receipts.

    1. Enter the period and year for which to post receipts, or if you want to post all receipts, select the All Periods check box.

    2. Enter the location prefix or name for which to post receipts, or if you want to post receipts for all locations, select the All Locations check box.

    3. If you want to post receipts for a specific range of dates, clear the All Dates check box, and enter the range of dates.

    4. Click the Print Options tab, and select output options for the posting report.

    5. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The Confirm Posting dialog box appears, and asks you to confirm you want to post.

    6. Click the OK button. The receipts are posted and the posting report is output based on the options you selected in substep d. The posting is complete.

  2. In Pick Demand Confirm, confirm the pick demand. The order status is now Partially Confirmed if not all ordered products were picked and confirmed or Fully Confirmed if all ordered products were picked and confirmed.

Note You can confirm less than the ordered quantity if you want to follow the standard sales order process flow for the order. If you confirm less than the ordered quantity and the order is not set up to cancel backorders, the sales order goes on back order. This causes the inventory for the special order to become available to any order. If you plan to pick the product for the special order, you can release the backorder or move the product to a bin that is not available (so the product is not picked for another order).

  1. In Confirmed Pick Demand Inventory Adjust, adjust inventory for the pick demand(s) confirmed in step 7. If you have unresolved accounts, correct or update the general ledger accounts in Pick Demand Account Resolution Update. Users set up for general ledger account exceptions in Location Exception Notification Setup will receive an email if errors occurred.

  2. In Invoice Create and Print, create the customer's invoice. You can create and print the invoice at one time, or create the invoice, and later print the invoice in Invoice Print.

  3. In Invoice Post, post the customer's invoice to the general ledger. The posting period and year must be the invoice's posting period and year selected in step 9. This will set the customer's order and invoice status as Closed and Invoiced, and post to EIS and other history tables.

  4. In Voucher Entry, enter an accounts payable voucher for the merchandise, selecting the supplier, and reconciling with the purchase order for the special order.

Note Using the As Is button in the ribbon in A/P PO Reconciliation sets the voucher status as Fully Invoiced, and that in turn sets the purchase order status as Closed. A closed purchase order cannot be edited for amendments.

  1. In Voucher Entry, enter an accounts payable voucher for invoices from other suppliers for additional purchase order or shipment charges, and reconcile the voucher.

Note Additional charges of type Other cannot be reconciled before reconciling the merchandise voucher. No additional charges can be added to a purchase order or shipment after the merchandise is reconciled.

  1. Post and/or pay the voucher(s). If you prefer, you can skip this step and post/pay at a later time. Post in Accounts Payable Post. For more information on paying vouchers, see Accounts Payable - Purchase Order Reconciliation Process Flow.