O/E Line Item Entry Items Grid Columns

In O/E Line Item Entry, after items selected for an order are accepted, the items appear in the Items grid. Certain defaults from the Order Entry Main tab become defaults for each line item. However, if a change is made to data for a line item, that individual line’s data is used instead of the default.

Certain columns in the Items grid are changeable and others are not. Changeable columns generally are displayed in a different color. To edit data in a column for a line item, scroll to a changeable column, then click the column. You can also use the Tab key to move to each changeable column in the grid. Enter the required data and press the Enter key to accept the change(s).

Images\warning.gif Certain columns that are changeable when you create an order may not be changeable after the order has been entered, picked (in part or in full), confirmed, adjusted for inventory, or closed.

The following table lists the columns in the Items grid, whether the column can be changed, and a description of the column.

Column Name

Can Change?


Line #


This column displays an internal line number assigned to each return order line item. This column is only available for return orders.

Return Code


This column displays the return code for each line item. This column is only available for return orders.

Adj. Type


This column displays Price or Inventory to indicate whether each return order line item is a price or inventory adjustment. This column is only available for return orders.

Receive Goods


The check box in this column is selected for return order line items if products will be received back into the warehouse. This column is only available for return orders.

Qty Returned


This column displays the quantity returned for each return order line item. This column is only available for return orders.

Product Code


This column displays the product code for the each line item.

Product Name


This column displays the product name for each line item. A change will only be affected for this line item. If you want to permanently change a product's name, use Product Maintenance.



This column displays the shipping location for each line item. A location other than the default shipping location from the Main tab in Order Entry is selected during line item entry when a product cannot be sold from the default location, or when there is insufficient inventory in the default shipping location. In either case, a warning message appears, and asks you whether you want to select another location. If you then click the Yes button, you are prompted to select another location from the Location Selection window. The Location Selection window displays available, on order, future, and backorder quantities for each valid selling/shipping location. An alternate location is selected based on this data by double-clicking the location.

Price Matrix Override


The check box in this column is selected if a price matrix was manually selected for the order line item.

Price Book


This column displays the price book used to price each line item (if applicable).

Price Source


This column displays the price source for each line item depending upon the pricing resolution. For more information, see Price Logic FAQ.

If the price is manually entered in the Price field or column for a line item, this column displays MANUAL. If the price is manually entered in the VAT-Inclusive Price field or column, this column displays MANUAL-VAT.

Qty Ordered


This column displays the quantity ordered for each line item. Changing this quantity may have an impact on any backordered, allocated, or future quantities.

Note If you manually entered a price, then change this quantity, and the Override a manually entered price on quantity change check box is selected for your user ID in User Extended Options, the line item price is automatically recalculated.



This column displays the unit of measure for each line item.

Qty Alloc


This column displays the quantity allocated for each line item. A line item's quantity can be changed; however, it cannot be greater than the quantity ordered.

Qty Backord


This column displays the quantity backordered for each line item.

Qty Future


This column displays the quantity for future allocations for each line item. This quantity is determined by the order's required date and the number of days entered in the Allocate X Business Days before Required Date field on the Warehouse tab in Product Location Maintenance.

Qty Picked


This column displays the quantity picked for each line item. This quantity is automatically entered after an order is processed and picked or picked and confirmed.

Qty on Pick Demands


This column displays the quantity on pick demands for each line item.

Unit Price


This column displays the unit price for each line item. For more information, see Price Logic FAQ.

Price Adj


This column displays adjustments to a unit price. A positive adjustment will increase the extended unit price while a negative adjustment will decrease the extended unit price, signifying a price discount. For more information, see Price Logic FAQ.

Unit Ext. Price


This column displays the extended unit price for each line item. This is the sum of the unit price and price adjustment for each line item.

Extended Price


This column displays the extended price for each line item. Usually, this is the unit price plus or minus any price adjustments, times the quantity ordered. For cancelled line items, this is the unit price plus or minus any price adjustments, times either the quantity ordered (if the quantity ordered is equal to the quantity picked) or the quantity picked (if the quantity ordered is not equal to the quantity picked). As a result, this may equal zero if a line item is cancelled without being picked.

Est. Marg. %


This column displays the percentage of estimated margin for each line item. The percentage will not take into account any line item additional charges.

Required Date


This column displays the required date entered on the Main tab in Order Entry.

Cancel Backorder


The check box in this column is selected or cleared based on whether the Cancel Backorder check box on the Options tab in Customer Maintenance is selected or cleared for the order's customer.

If the check box in this column is selected for a line item, and the line item is fully backordered, the backordered quantity is cancelled when a pick demand is printed for the order.

If the check box in this column is selected for a line item, and the line item is partially backordered, the backordered quantity is cancelled when inventory is adjusted for a pick demand for the line item.

Note This check box only functions in conjunction with pick demands printed for the line item (e.g., the customer will accept delivery of what can be shipped initially, but does not want the remainder of that line item). If no pick demand is printed for an order, and the Cancel after Date column is empty, the line item will remain open indefinitely.

Backorder Released on


This column displays the last date on which any backordered item was released.

Cancel after Date


A line item will be cancelled the next day from the date assigned in this column, regardless of being allocated or backordered. In Pick Demand Create and Print, sales order line items with a cancel-after date before today are often automatically cancelled (e.g., the customer does not want the line item if it cannot be shipped prior to the cancel after date). For more information, see Cancelling Backorders FAQ.

You cannot set a cancel-after date for special order and configuration kit line items.

Promise Date


Enter the promise date for backordered line items, or click the drop-down arrow to select a date. The promise date is the date by which you expect to fill the backorder. The promise date defaults automatically if Enter is selected for the Backorder Promise Date field in Customer Service Control Maintenance. You can access the Promise Date Calculation window, which you can use to calculate a promise date, by selecting a backordered line item and clicking the Promise Date button in the ribbon.



This column displays the product category for each line item.

Total Item Price


This column displays the total price for each line item. This includes any additional charges that are selected to post with items.

Tax Amount


This column displays tax amounts associated with a line item. This is tax over and above any tax included in the price of the product.

Tax Incl


The check box in this column is selected if tax is included in the price of the product.

Unit Weight


This column displays the unit weight for each line item.

Extended Weight


This column displays the extended unit weight for each line item. The calculation is determined by multiplying each unit weight by the quantity ordered.

Unit Volume


This column displays the unit volume for each line item.

Extended Volume


This column displays the extended unit volume for each line item. The calculation is determined by multiplying each unit volume by the quantity ordered.

On Hold


The check box in this column is selected if a product is placed on hold due to backorders. If this check box is cleared, the product can be shipped.

Drop Ship


The check box in this column indicates whether line items are drop-ship items (products that are ordered and delivered without ever being receipted into a warehouse location). You cannot select this check box for a line item if the check box in the Spec. Order column is selected or if the product has been set up in Product Location Maintenance to not allow it to be drop-shipped. Drop shipped items must be ordered in Drop Ship and Special Order Create. If a line item is a drop ship line item, the Rel. Supp column must contain a valid supplier code. The check box in this column is disabled for transfer and customer consignment orders.

Rel. Supp


This column displays the related supplier's supplier code for items if the check box in the Drop Ship or Spec. Order column is selected. A supplier code can be changed only for drop shipped or special order items.

Rel. PO#


This column displays the related purchase order number for a drop-ship line item.

Freight Free


The check box in this column is selected if the line item is freight free. It defaults to the selection on the Main tab in Order Entry. If the Freight Free check box is selected on the Main tab (or the price matrix for the line item is marked as freight free), the Freight Free check box is selected for the line item. Any changes to a line item's freight status impacts only that specific line item; the setting on the Main tab is not changed.

Est. Cost


This column displays the estimated cost for each line item. The estimated cost can only be changed (increased or decreased) for items that are drop ship or special order. If no product cost is found, the estimated cost defaults to 0.00.

Est. Marg


This column displays the monetary estimated margin for each line item. Any amount for line item additional charges is not included. It is calculated as the unit extended price minus the estimated cost for each line item.

Spec. Order


The check box in this column is selected if the line item is a special order item. Special order items are similar to drop ship items except that these items arrive into your company's warehouse location, but are not stocked. Special order items are delivered from your company instead of directly from a supplier. If a line item is a special order item, the Rel. Supp column must contain a valid supplier code. No additional quantity is allocated for special order items (because they are not stocked); however, backordered quantities are removed. As with drop-ship items, special order items must be purchased in Drop Ship and Special Order Create. Special order items can be created on the fly in Order Entry using the New Item button only if you have the appropriate setup in the On the Fly Product Creation field in User Extended Options. For more information, see Products on the Fly. The check box in this column is disabled for transfer and customer consignment orders.



The check box in this column is cleared by default. Select this check box to mark a product as miscellaneous. This status is only informational, and allows you to track products for any purpose.

Cost Over


The check box in this column is selected if the value in the Est. Cost column is edited. The estimated cost can only be edited for items that are drop ship or special order.

Qty Received


This column displays the quantity received for each return order line item. This column is only available for return orders.

Fully Received


The check box in this column is selected for return order line items if inventory was fully received. This column is only available for return orders.

Prc.Chg. Reas


This column can change based on setup. For more information, see Price Change Reason Code FAQ.

Prc.Chg. Comments


This column can change based on setup. For more information, see Price Change Reason Code FAQ.



The check box in this column indicates whether the product can be re-allocated to another customer. This defaults from the Allow Re-Allocation check box on the Warehouse tab in Product Location Maintenance.

Cust Rsrv. Qty


This column displays the quantity being allocated from the customer’s reservation quantity (this will reduce the customer’s reservation quantity by this quantity). For more information, see Product Inventory Reservation Maintenance.



This check box in this column indicates whether each line item has been cancelled.

Direct Ship


The check box in this column indicates whether each line item is to be direct shipped. After a line item is entered, select this check box to mark it as a direct shipped item. For more information, see Blanket Purchase Order Process Flow.

Note You cannot select this check box for fixed or configuration kits.

Forecast Hold


This check box in this column indicates whether this line item is on forecast hold. For more information, see DRP - Forecast Hold FAQ.

Fcst. Released Date


This column displays the date the line item was released from forecast hold. For more information, see DRP - Forecast Hold FAQ.

Fcst. Released by


This column displays the user that released this line item from forecast hold. For more information, see DRP - Forecast Hold FAQ.

Use Override Commission Rate


Select the check box in this column to use a commission override rate for a line item. If you select this check box, enter the override rate in the Commission Override Rate column.

Commission Override Rate


If you have the security to override (the Allow user to override sales commission rate check box is selected for your user ID in User Extended Options), and if there are commission override records created that match the criteria of an item being ordered, the commission rate can be manually overridden. For more information, see Commission Override Maintenance.

Color Code


This column displays the color code associated with the product. For information on setting up color codes, see Color Maintenance.

Style Code


This column displays the style code associated with the product. For information on setting up style codes, see Style Maintenance.

Product Line


This column displays the product line associated with the product. For information on setting up product lines, see Product Line Maintenance.



This column displays the size associated with the product. For information on setting up sizes, see Size Maintenance.

EDI Spare 1


Enter additional EDI information for each line item.

Note You can only enter information in this column if the Can update EDI spare fields in Order Entry check box is selected for your user ID in User Extended Options

EDI Spare 2


Enter additional EDI information for each line item.

Note You can only enter information in this column if the Can update EDI spare fields in Order Entry check box is selected for your user ID in User Extended Options

EDI Spare 3


Enter additional EDI information for each line item.

Note You can only enter information in this column if the Can update EDI spare fields in Order Entry check box is selected for your user ID in User Extended Options

EDI Spare 4


Enter additional EDI information for each line item.

Note You can only enter information in this column if the Can update EDI spare fields in Order Entry check box is selected for your user ID in User Extended Options

EDI Spare 5


Enter additional EDI information for each line item.

Note You can only enter information in this column if the Can update EDI spare fields in Order Entry check box is selected for your user ID in User Extended Options

Misc Data 1


Enter additional miscellaneous information for each line item.

Misc Data 2


Enter additional miscellaneous information for each line item.

Rel. WO Num


This column displays the related work order number for each line item.

Released Qty


This column displays the released quantity for each line item.

Entered Price


This column displays the price generated by the system or manually entered in the Price or VAT-Inclusive Price field or column for each line item.

Line Item Hold


Select the check box in this column to put a line item on hold. If this check box is selected, the line item cannot be picked or added to a planned bill of lading.

Note You can select multiple line items using the Shift or Ctrl keys, and then click the Hold Selected or Release Selected buttons in the ribbon to select or clear this check box for the selected line items.

Sales Contract Code


Enter the sales contract code associated with each line item, or double-click to select a sales contract code. For information on setting up sales contracts, see Sales Contract Maintenance.

VAT Taxable


The check box is selected in this column for each line item that is VAT taxable.

Sample Reason Code


This column displays the sample reason code for each sample line item.

VAT Exempt Reason Code


If a line item is not VAT taxable, but is on a VAT-taxable order, this column displays a VAT exempt reason code to explain why the product is exempt from VAT.

Require Customer Linkage


The check box is selected in this column for each sample line item associated with a sample reason code that requires a customer to be entered for the line item.

VAT Class Code


This column displays the VAT class used to calculate VAT for each line item that is VAT taxable.

Sample Customer Code


This column displays the customer code of the customer that will receive each sample line item.

VAT Rate


This column displays the VAT percentage for each line item, which is the rate for the VAT class associated with the line item.

VAT-Inclusive Price


Enter the price of the product being ordered for each line item, including VAT.

Sample Customer Name


This column displays the customer name of the customer that will receive each sample line item.

Billback Override Rate


This column displays the billback override rate for each sample line item (if one was entered).

Unrounded VAT Amount


This column displays the unrounded amount of VAT for each VAT-taxable line item, which is equal to the VAT rate of the product/location multiplied by the sum of the price and price adjustment.

Sample Comment

Yes (only for sample orders)

Enter a comment to describe the reason for each sample line item.

Commission Cost Charge Type

Yes (only for drop-ship commission orders)

Enter a drop-ship commission additional charge type for each line item on a drop-ship commission order for which commissions are based on costs, or double-click to select an additional charge type. For more information, see Drop-Ship Commission Orders FAQ. For information on setting up additional charge types, see Order Entry Additional Charge Maintenance. This defaults from the product/location.

Unrounded Extended VAT


This column displays the unrounded extended VAT for each line item, which equals the quantity multiplied by the VAT amount.

Commission Unit Cost

Yes (only for drop-ship commission orders)

Enter the commission cost per unit for each line item on a drop-ship commission order (if the commission is based on costs). Typically, this should default from a cost matrix based on the additional charge entered in the Commission Cost Charge Type column. For more information, see Drop-Ship Commission Orders FAQ.

Extended Commission Cost


This column displays the total commission cost for each line item, which is calculated as the commission unit cost multiplied by the quantity.

EDI Order Line Number


Enter the line number from the customer's purchase order.

Cancelled by


If a line item was cancelled, this column displays the user ID of the user that cancelled the line item.

Price Class Name


This column displays the price class name for the price matrix used for each line item.

Cancelled Date


If a line item was cancelled, this column displays the date the line item was cancelled.

Cancelled Time


If a line item was cancelled, this column displays the time the line item was cancelled.

Cancelled Reason


If a line item was cancelled, enter an order line cancel reason code, or double-click to select an order line cancel reason code. For information on setting up order line cancel reason codes, see Order Line Cancel Reason Code Maintenance.

Last Extended Unit Price


This column displays the extended unit price of each line item from the last unvoided sales order for the customer (that had the same unit of measure). This column is only available for sales and quote orders.

Cancellation Comments


If a line item was cancelled, enter any comments to describe in detail why the order line item was cancelled.

Last Price Book


This column displays the price book used for the price entered in the Last Extended Unit Price column for each line item (if applicable). This column is only available for sales and quote orders.

Line #


This column displays an internal line number assigned to each line item entered in the order.

Mix and Match Quantity


This column displays the quantity used for the price break calculation if the line item pricing is based on a mix and match price matrix.

Associated Invoice


If a return order line item is associated with an invoice for a sales order, this column displays the associated invoice number.

Replacement S/O


Select the check box in this column for line items to include on a replacement sales order for a return order. This column is only available for return orders, and only enabled for a return order if the order is set up to generate a replacement sales order.

Sales Contract Stage ID


This column displays the sales contract stage ID if the line item is associated with a sales contract stage.

Sales Contract Line Number


Enter a sales contract line number for each line item that is associated with a sales contract line number.

Ship and Debit Unit Amount


This column displays the ship and debit unit amount for each line item (if applicable). This column is only available if you are allowed to view costs.

Ship and Debit Type


This column displays one of the following ship and debit types for each line item (if applicable):

  • Units - Fixed Rebate - Calculate the rebate based on quantity breaks

  • Price - Fixed Rebate - Calculate the rebate based on a specific price

  • Units - Fixed Cost - Calculate the cost based on quantity breaks

This column is only available if you are allowed to view costs.

Margin Exception


The check box in this column is selected if the calculated margin for a line item does not pass the margin check.

Free Goods


Select the check box in this column for promotional zero-price line items for which the supplier will be billed.

Price Class Code


This column displays the price class code for the price matrix used for each line item.

Inventory Cost


This column displays the inventory cost for each line item. This column is only available if you are allowed to view costs.

Free Goods Cost


This column displays the cost for free goods for each line item (if applicable).

Free Goods Billback Amount


This column displays the billback amount for free goods for each line item (if applicable).

Pre-Billed Quantity


This column displays the quantity on the pre-bill invoice for each line item for bill and hold orders.

Customer Product Code


This column displays the customer product code for each line item if it is set up. For more information, see Customer Product Maintenance.

Customer Product Name


This column displays the customer product name for each line item if it is set up. For more information, see Customer Product Maintenance.

Extended VAT


This column displays the extended VAT amount for each line item.

Unrounded Tax Amount


This column displays the unrounded tax amount for each line item.

VAT Amount


This column displays the VAT amount for each line item.

Qty Returned - Restocked


This column displays the quantity returned and restocked for a return order after the return order receipt is confirmed. The return disposition code for the return order receipt controls whether the quantity is marked as restocked. This column is only available for return orders.

Qty Returned - Not Restocked


This column displays the quantity returned and not restocked for a return order after the return order receipt is confirmed. The return disposition code for the return order receipt controls whether the quantity is marked as not restocked. This column is only available for return orders.