NOTE For general information on using imports, see Imports FAQ.
The following tables list the format for importing a header, line item, additional charge, order pack list, or line item pack list record in Order Import.
Column |
Position |
Field |
Maximum Length |
Format |
Required |
Description |
A |
1 |
Record Type |
3 |
Character |
Yes |
Enter HDR to specify the record is a header record. |
B |
2 |
Customer Code |
12 |
Character |
Yes, only if a customer name or phone number is not entered |
Enter a valid customer code for the order. For information on setting up customer codes, see Customer Maintenance. |
C |
3 |
Customer Name |
40 |
Character |
Yes, only if a customer code or phone number is not entered |
Enter a customer name for the order. For information on setting up customer names, see Customer Maintenance. |
D |
4 |
Phone |
16 |
Character |
Yes, only if a customer code or name is not entered |
Enter the phone number of the order placer. If a customer code is not entered for the order, the software identifies the customer based on this phone number. The format of the telephone number is set up in Country Maintenance. |
E |
5 |
Order Class |
10 |
Character |
Yes, only if a default order class is not set up for the trading partner, customer, or user |
Enter a valid order class for the order. For information on setting up order classes, see Order Class Maintenance. If this field is blank, a default order class can be assigned by user or by customer. For more information, see Order Class Default FAQ. |
F |
6 |
Customer Purchase Order Number |
20 |
Character |
Yes, only if a customer purchase order number is required for the customer |
Enter the customer's purchase order number (if it is provided by the customer). This must be a unique number if the Deny radio button is selected for the Import Duplicate PO Number option set up for the order class of the order in Order Class Maintenance. |
G |
7 |
Required Date |
10 |
99/99/9999 |
No |
Enter the date by which the customer wants the order shipped. This defaults based on settings in Customer Service Control Maintenance and settings for the EDI trading partner, customer, and/or location unless you are using fleet delivery functionality. The required date controls when the line items on the order are allocated, any date-effective pricing (if Required Date is selected in the Pricing Option field in Order Class Maintenance), and credit checking (based on the number of days entered in the Future Credit Check Days field on the Credit Options tab in Customer Credit Rule Maintenance). |
H |
8 |
Notes |
10,000 |
Character |
No |
Enter notes on the customer's order. |
I |
9 |
Remarks |
10,000 |
Character |
No |
Enter remarks on the customer's order. |
J |
10 |
Documents for Remarks |
22 |
Character |
No |
Enter the documents on which to print the order remarks. If you enter more than one document, use commas as delimiters between the documents. You can enter the following documents:
K |
11 |
Bill-To Address ID |
4 |
Character |
No |
Enter the customer's bill-to address ID for the order. If this field is left blank, data from the individual bill-to address fields in the import file are used. If those fields are blank, the bill-to address ID defaults from the bill-to address ID related to the ship-to address for the order. If there is no related bill-to address ID for the ship-to address, the bill-to address defaults from the customer's primary bill-to address. If no primary bill-to address is set up, the bill-to address defaults to the first active bill-to address for the customer. |
L |
12 |
Bill-To Address Attention |
30 |
Character |
No |
Enter the main contact of the customer who should receive invoices for the bill-to address. If this field is blank, it defaults from the bill-to address ID entered for the Bill-To Address ID field, or if that field is blank, from the bill-to address ID related to the ship-to address for the order. If there is no related bill-to address ID for the ship-to address, it defaults from the customer's primary bill-to address. If no primary bill-to address is set up, the bill-to address defaults to the first active bill-to address for the customer. |
M |
13 |
Bill-To Address Name |
40 |
Character |
No |
Enter the customer's bill-to address name for the order. If this field is blank, it defaults from the bill-to address ID entered for the Bill-To Address ID field, or if that field is blank, from the bill-to address ID related to the ship-to address for the order. If there is no related bill-to address ID for the ship-to address, it defaults from the customer's primary bill-to address. If no primary bill-to address is set up, the bill-to address defaults to the first active bill-to address for the customer. |
N |
14 |
Bill-To Address 1 |
60 |
Character |
No |
Enter the first line of the customer's bill-to address. If this field is blank, it defaults from the bill-to address ID entered for the Bill-To Address ID field, or if that field is blank, from the bill-to address ID related to the ship-to address for the order. If there is no related bill-to address ID for the ship-to address, it defaults from the customer's primary bill-to address. If no primary bill-to address is set up, the bill-to address defaults to the first active bill-to address for the customer. |
O |
15 |
Bill-To Address 2 |
60 |
Character |
No |
Enter the second line of the customer's bill-to address. If this field is blank, it defaults from the bill-to address ID entered for the Bill-To Address ID field, or if that field is blank, from the bill-to address ID related to the ship-to address for the order. If there is no related bill-to address ID for the ship-to address, it defaults from the customer's primary bill-to address. If no primary bill-to address is set up, the bill-to address defaults to the first active bill-to address for the customer. |
P |
16 |
Bill-To Address City |
40 |
Character |
No |
Enter the city of the customer's bill-to address. If this field is blank, it defaults from the bill-to address ID entered for the Bill-To Address ID field, or if that field is blank, from the bill-to address ID related to the ship-to address for the order. If there is no related bill-to address ID for the ship-to address, it defaults from the customer's primary bill-to address. If no primary bill-to address is set up, the bill-to address defaults to the first active bill-to address for the customer. |
Q |
17 |
Bill-To Address State/Province |
3 |
Character |
No |
Enter the state or province of the customer's bill-to address. If this field is blank, it defaults from the bill-to address ID entered for the Bill-To Address ID field, or if that field is blank, from the bill-to address ID related to the ship-to address for the order. If there is no related bill-to address ID for the ship-to address, it defaults from the customer's primary bill-to address. If no primary bill-to address is set up, the bill-to address defaults to the first active bill-to address for the customer. |
R |
18 |
Bill-To Address Postal Code |
10 |
Character |
No |
Enter the postal code of the customer's bill-to address. The format of the postal code is set up for the country in Country Maintenance, and can optionally be set up to be validated. For more information on postal codes, see Postal Code Maintenance. If this field is blank, it defaults from the bill-to address ID entered for the Bill-To Address ID field, or if that field is blank, from the bill-to address ID related to the ship-to address for the order. If there is no related bill-to address ID for the ship-to address, it defaults from the customer's primary bill-to address. If no primary bill-to address is set up, the bill-to address defaults to the first active bill-to address for the customer. |
S |
19 |
Bill-To Address Country |
10 |
Character |
No |
Enter the country of the customer's bill-to address. If this field is blank, it defaults from the bill-to address ID entered for the Bill-To Address ID field, or if that field is blank, from the bill-to address ID related to the ship-to address for the order. If there is no related bill-to address ID for the ship-to address, it defaults from the customer's primary bill-to address. If no primary bill-to address is set up, the bill-to address defaults to the first active bill-to address for the customer. |
T |
20 |
Ship-To Address ID |
8 |
Character |
No |
Enter the customer's ship-to address ID for the order. If this field is left blank, data from the individual ship-to address fields in the import file are used. If those fields are blank, the ship-to address defaults from the customer's primary ship-to address. If no primary ship-to address is set up, the ship-to address defaults to the first active ship-to address for the customer. |
U |
21 |
Ship-To Address Attention |
30 |
Character |
No |
Enter the main contact of the customer who should receive invoices for the ship-to address. If this field is blank, it defaults from the ship-to address ID entered for the Ship-To Address ID field, or if that field is blank from the customer's primary ship-to address. If no primary ship-to address is set up, the ship-to address defaults to the first active ship-to address for the customer. |
V |
22 |
Ship-To Address Name |
40 |
Character |
No |
Enter the customer's ship-to address name for the order. If this field is blank, it defaults from the ship-to address ID entered for the Ship-To Address ID field, or if that field is blank from the customer's primary ship-to address. If no primary ship-to address is set up, the ship-to address defaults to the first active ship-to address for the customer. |
W |
23 |
Ship-To Address 1 |
60 |
Character |
No |
Enter the first line of the customer's ship-to address. If this field is blank, it defaults from the ship-to address ID entered for the Ship-To Address ID field, or if that field is blank from the customer's primary ship-to address. If no primary ship-to address is set up, the ship-to address defaults to the first active ship-to address for the customer. |
X |
24 |
Ship-To Address 2 |
60 |
Character |
No |
Enter the second line of the customer's ship-to address. If this field is blank, it defaults from the ship-to address ID entered for the Ship-To Address ID field, or if that field is blank from the customer's primary ship-to address. If no primary ship-to address is set up, the ship-to address defaults to the first active ship-to address for the customer. |
Y |
25 |
Ship-To Address City |
40 |
Character |
No |
Enter the city of the customer's ship-to address. If this field is blank, it defaults from the ship-to address ID entered for the Ship-To Address ID field, or if that field is blank from the customer's primary ship-to address. If no primary ship-to address is set up, the ship-to address defaults to the first active ship-to address for the customer. |
Z |
26 |
Ship-To Address State/Province |
3 |
Character |
No |
Enter the state or province of the customer's ship-to address. If this field is blank, it defaults from the ship-to address ID entered for the Ship-To Address ID field, or if that field is blank from the customer's primary ship-to address. If no primary ship-to address is set up, the ship-to address defaults to the first active ship-to address for the customer. |
AA |
27 |
Ship-To Address Postal Code |
10 |
Character |
No |
Enter the postal code of the customer's ship-to address. The format of the postal code is set up for the country in Country Maintenance, and can optionally be set up to be validated. For more information on postal codes, see Postal Code Maintenance. If this field is blank, it defaults from the ship-to address ID entered for the Ship-To Address ID field, or if that field is blank from the customer's primary ship-to address. If no primary ship-to address is set up, the ship-to address defaults to the first active ship-to address for the customer. |
AB |
28 |
Ship-To Address Country |
10 |
Character |
No |
Enter the country of the customer's ship-to address. If this field is blank, it defaults from the ship-to address ID entered for the Ship-To Address ID field, or if that field is blank from the customer's primary ship-to address. If no primary ship-to address is set up, the ship-to address defaults to the first active ship-to address for the customer. |
AC |
29 |
Shipping Location |
3 |
Character |
No |
Enter a valid shipping location prefix for the physical location from which the products on the order will ship. If this field is blank, it defaults from the shipping location for your user ID entered in User Extended Options, or if the Use Customer Location for option is Both or Shipping in Accounts Receivable Control Maintenance, from the selected customer ship-to address or the customer. Also, if you are importing a new ship-to address, this defaults from the customer. For information on locations, see Sales Location / Shipping Location. |
AD |
30 |
Order Date |
10 |
99/99/9999 |
No |
Enter the date the order was placed. Note If this is left blank, it defaults to the current date. |
AE |
31 |
Free Field |
120 |
Character |
No |
This is an optional free field that can be used to store data in the order for later retrieval. |
AF |
32 |
Terms Code |
12 |
Character |
No |
Enter a valid payment terms code for the order. If this field is left blank, the payment terms code defaults from the customer's credit rules. For more information on setting up payment terms, see Payment Terms Maintenance. |
AG |
33 |
Freight Free |
3 |
Yes/No |
No |
Enter Yes if you do not want to directly bill the customer for freight charges on the order. Enter No to indicate the order is not freight free. If you leave this field blank, it defaults to Yes if the order's order class or freight collection terms are set up to default to freight free, or if the Orders Default as Freight Free check box is selected on the Options tab in Customer Maintenance (and the order class freight collection terms do not override the customer setting). Otherwise, if you leave this field blank, the field defaults to No. For more information, see Freight Free or Partial Freight Free Orders. |
AH |
34 |
Ship Complete |
3 |
Yes/No |
No |
Enter Yes if the order must be shipped complete (no backorders). If certain items on an order have not been allocated due to backorders or future allocations, this order will not be shipped unless all items are allocated and ready to be shipped. Enter No if the order does not need to be shipped complete. If you leave this field blank, it defaults to No. Note You cannot enter Yes for this field and the Ship Backorder Complete field. You also cannot enter Yes for this field if the Ship Backorders Complete check box is selected for the order's customer in Customer Maintenance. |
AI |
35 |
Ship Backorder Complete |
3 |
Yes/No |
No |
Enter Yes if backordered products on the order must be shipped all at the same time after inventory is adjusted for the first pick demand for the order. Enter No if backordered products do not need to be shipped at the same time. If you leave this field blank, it defaults to No. Note You cannot enter Yes for this field and the Ship Complete field. You also cannot enter Yes for this field if the Ship Orders Complete check box is selected for the order's customer in Customer Maintenance. |
AJ |
36 |
Shipper ID |
12 |
Character |
No |
Enter a valid shipper ID of the freight carrier for the order. For information on setting up shippers, see Shipper Maintenance. If this field is blank, the shipper defaults from the first shipper entered in the following hierarchy:
AK |
37 |
Sale Type |
8 |
Character |
No |
Enter a valid sale type for the order. If this field is blank, it defaults to the default sales type for your user ID (entered in User Extended Options). For information on setting up sale types, see Sales Type Maintenance. |
AL |
38 |
Sales Location |
3 |
Character |
No |
Enter a valid sales location prefix. The sales location is used for sales analysis and pricing. If this field is blank for a sales order, it defaults from the sales location for your user ID entered in User Extended Options, or if the Use Customer Location for option is Both or Sales in Accounts Receivable Control Maintenance, from the selected customer ship-to address or the customer. Also, if you are importing a new ship-to address, this defaults from the customer. If this field is blank for a transfer order, and if the Default Trans to Location to Sales Location check box is selected in Customer Service Control Maintenance, this defaults to the transfer-to location. If that check box is cleared and this field is blank, this defaults from the default sales location for the user. For information on setting up locations, see Location Maintenance. |
AM |
39 |
Miscellaneous Data |
200 |
Character |
No |
Enter miscellaneous data used for reporting or customer modifications. |
AN |
40 |
Internal Web Key |
8 |
Internal Web key |
No |
This is an internal key that should not be used. |
AO |
41 |
Order Placer |
30 |
Character |
No |
Enter the person placing the order. You can enter any name in this field or a contact entered for the customer on the Contacts tab in Customer Maintenance. |
AP |
42 |
Credit Card Type |
12 |
Character |
No |
Enter the credit card type if the customer is paying by credit card. You must enter a valid credit card payment terms. |
AQ |
43 |
This field is not used. Leave this field blank. | ||||
AR |
44 |
Credit Card Expiration Date |
10 |
99/99/9999 or 99/9999 |
No |
Enter the credit card expiration date if the customer is paying by credit card. If you prefer to import the month and year of the expiration date in separate fields, use the Credit Card Expiration Month and Credit Card Expiration Year fields (positions 120-121). |
AS |
45 |
Credit Card Name |
30 |
Character |
No |
Enter the credit card holder’s name if the customer is paying by credit card. |
AT |
46 |
Sales Representative 1 |
12 |
Character |
Yes, only if no sales representative is set up for the customer ship-to address and the customer |
Enter a valid primary sales representative for the order. If this field is blank, it defaults from the sales representative entered for the customer's ship-to address in the Sales Rep 1 field on the Ship-To tab in Customer Maintenance. If that field is blank, it defaults from the sales representative entered for the customer in the Sales Representative 1 field on the Sales tab in Customer Maintenance. |
AU |
47 |
Sales Representative 2 |
12 |
Character |
No |
Enter a valid secondary sales representative for this order. If this field is blank, it defaults from the sales representative entered for the customer's ship-to address in the Sales Rep 2 field on the Ship-To tab in Customer Maintenance. If that field is blank, it defaults from the sales representative entered for the customer in the Sales Representative 2 field on the Sales tab in Customer Maintenance. |
AV |
48 |
User-Defined Date 1 |
10 |
99/99/9999 |
No |
Enter the appropriate date for the first user-defined date field. This field is set up on the User Labels tab in Customer Service Control Maintenance. |
AW |
49 |
User-Defined Date 2 |
10 |
99/99/9999 |
No |
Enter the appropriate date for the second user-defined date field. This field is set up on the User Labels tab in Customer Service Control Maintenance. |
AX |
50 |
User-Defined Date 3 |
10 |
99/99/9999 |
No |
Enter the appropriate date for the third user-defined date field. This field is set up on the User Labels tab in Customer Service Control Maintenance. |
AY |
51 |
User-Defined Date 4 |
10 |
99/99/9999 |
No |
Enter the appropriate date for the fourth user-defined date field. This field is set up on the User Labels tab in Customer Service Control Maintenance. |
AZ |
52 |
User-Defined Date 5 |
10 |
99/99/9999 |
No |
Enter the appropriate date for the fifth user-defined date field. This field is set up on the User Labels tab in Customer Service Control Maintenance. |
BA |
53 |
User-Defined Date 6 |
10 |
99/99/9999 |
No |
Enter the appropriate date for the sixth user-defined date field. This field is set up on the User Labels tab in Customer Service Control Maintenance. |
BB |
54 |
User-Defined Date 7 |
10 |
99/99/9999 |
No |
Enter the appropriate date for the seventh user-defined date field. This field is set up on the User Labels tab in Customer Service Control Maintenance. |
BC |
55 |
User-Defined Date 8 |
10 |
99/99/9999 |
No |
Enter the appropriate date for the eighth user-defined date field. This field is set up on the User Labels tab in Customer Service Control Maintenance. |
BD |
56 |
User-Defined Date 9 |
10 |
99/99/9999 |
No |
Enter the appropriate date for the ninth user-defined date field. This field is set up on the User Labels tab in Customer Service Control Maintenance. |
BE |
57 |
User-Defined Date 10 |
10 |
99/99/9999 |
No |
Enter the appropriate date for the tenth user-defined date field. This field is set up on the User Labels tab in Customer Service Control Maintenance. |
BF |
58 |
Earliest Ship Date |
10 |
99/99/9999 |
No |
Enter the earliest ship date for the order. |
BG |
59 |
Latest Ship Date |
10 |
99/99/9999 |
No |
Enter the latest ship date for the order. |
BH |
60 |
Associated Invoice |
12 |
Character |
No |
Enter a valid associated invoice if the order is a return order. |
BI |
61 |
Transfer-To Location |
3 |
Character |
Yes, only if the order is a transfer order |
Enter a valid location prefix to which to transfer products if the order is a transfer order. For information on setting up location prefixes, see Location Maintenance. |
BJ |
62 |
Shipping Method |
6 |
Character |
No |
Enter one of the following shipping methods: Air or Ground. You can set up separate shipping rules for customers based on the shipping method. For more information on setting up customer shipping rules, see Customer Shipping Rule Maintenance. |
BK |
63 |
Price Books |
Character |
No |
Enter valid price books for the order. Separate each price book with the following delimiter character: | Example PriceBookA|PriceBookB|PriceBookC A price book is a grouping for price calculations. The order of price books in this field determines the price book hierarchy for the order. Prices at the top of the hierarchy are used before prices lower in the hierarchy (unless the system or customer is set up to use the best price). For information on setting up price books, see Price Book Maintenance. |
BL |
64 |
Pick Group |
20 |
Character |
No |
Enter a product pick group for the order. For information on setting up product pick groups, see Product Pick Group Maintenance. You can only enter a pick group for new orders that have no lines. If you enter a pick group, only products in the pick group can be entered for an order. |
BM |
65 |
Ship Available at Cancel |
3 |
Yes/No |
No |
Enter Yes to ship available products and cancel order lines for unavailable products if any line item on an order is past its cancel-after date. If you enter Yes, pick demands can be created for any available and allocated quantity on the order, even if the order is marked to be shipped complete. The remainder of the order (the unallocated quantities) are then cancelled. Only use this field if you enter Yes for the Ship Complete or Ship Backorder Complete fields. |
BN |
66 |
C-TPAT Importer of Record Number |
20 |
Character |
No |
Enter the C-TPAT importer of record number for the bill-to address of the order. |
BO |
67 |
Freight Collection |
25 |
Character |
No |
Enter the freight collection terms code for the order. For information on setting up freight collection terms codes, see Freight Collection Terms Maintenance. These terms print on the pick demand (based on the first order on a pick demand if you are using pick demand consolidation). If you leave this field blank, it defaults from the freight collection terms for the customer ship-to address, or if that is blank, from the customer. |
BP |
68 |
Tax Jurisdiction |
12 |
Character |
No |
Enter a valid sales tax jurisdiction for the customer. If this field is blank, it defaults to the sales tax jurisdiction for the customer's ship-to address. For information on setting up sales tax jurisdictions, see Sales Tax Jurisdiction Maintenance. NOTE If the system is integrated with AvaTax, leave this field blank. The system automatically sets the value for this field as None. |
BQ |
69 |
VAT Taxable |
3 |
Yes/No |
No |
Enter Yes or Y if VAT is assessed for the order. Enter No or N if VAT is not assessed for the order. This field defaults to Yes if this field is blank and the following conditions are true:
This field defaults to No If any of the above conditions are not met and the field is blank. |
BR |
70 |
VAT Exempt Reason Code |
20 |
Character |
Yes, only if the ship-from and ship-to country for the order are the same VAT-taxable country and No or N is entered for the VAT Taxable field for the order |
If the order is not VAT taxable, but is being shipped from and to the same VAT-taxable country, enter a VAT exempt reason code to explain why the order is exempt from VAT. For information on setting up VAT exempt reason codes, see VAT Exempt Reason Maintenance. If Yes or Y is entered for the VAT Taxable field (position 69), any VAT exempt reason code entered for this field is ignored. |
BS |
71 |
Bill-To Address County |
20 |
Character |
No |
Enter the county of the customer's bill-to address for the order. If this field is blank, it defaults from the bill-to address ID entered for the Bill-To Address ID field, or if that field is blank, from the bill-to address ID related to the ship-to address for the order. If there is no related bill-to address ID for the ship-to address, it defaults from the customer's primary bill-to address. If no primary bill-to address is set up, the bill-to address defaults to the first active bill-to address for the customer. |
BT |
72 |
Ship-To Address County |
20 |
Character |
No |
Enter the county of the customer's ship-to address for the order. If this field is blank, it defaults from the ship-to address ID entered for the Ship-To Address ID field, or if that field is blank from the customer's primary ship-to address. If no primary ship-to address is set up, the ship-to address defaults to the first active ship-to address for the customer. |
BU |
73 |
Manual Hold |
3 |
Yes/No |
No |
Enter Yes or Y to place the order on manual hold. |
BV |
74 |
Sales Contract Code |
20 |
Character |
No |
Enter the sales contract code for the order. This code is informational only. If you leave this field blank, it defaults to the sales contract for which the Auto Select Contract check box is selected in Sales Contract Maintenance. Note If the sales contract code you enter does not exist, it is created automatically. |
BW |
75 |
Bill-To Address 3 |
60 |
Character |
No |
Enter the third line of the customer's bill-to address. If this field is blank, it defaults from the bill-to address ID entered for the Bill-To Address ID field, or if that field is blank, from the bill-to address ID related to the ship-to address for the order. If there is no related bill-to address ID for the ship-to address, it defaults from the customer's primary bill-to address. If no primary bill-to address is set up, the bill-to address defaults to the first active bill-to address for the customer. |
BX |
76 |
Ship-To Address 3 |
60 |
Character |
No |
Enter the third line of the customer's ship-to address. If this field is blank, it defaults from the ship-to address ID entered for the Ship-To Address ID field, or if that field is blank from the customer's primary ship-to address. If no primary ship-to address is set up, the ship-to address defaults to the first active ship-to address for the customer. |
BY |
77 |
Alternate PO |
60 |
Character |
No |
Enter an alternate purchase order number for the order. You can use this number to consolidate invoices for multiple sales orders if the by BOL/Alt-PO/Bill invoice consolidation method is selected for the customer. |
BZ |
78 |
EDI Trade ID |
25 |
Character |
Yes, only if the customer is associated with more than one trading partner and no default trading partner is set up for the customer |
Enter the EDI trading partner ID for the order. If the customer is associated with only a single trading partner, you can leave this field blank, and it will default to that trading partner ID. If the customer is associated with multiple trading partners, you can leave this field blank and it will default to the default trading partner for the customer. Leave this field blank if the customer is not associated with an EDI trading partner. |
CA |
79 |
Drop Ship Commission Billing Customer Code |
12 |
Character |
Yes, only if the order class is marked as being used for drop-ship commission orders |
Enter the billing customer code if the order is a drop-ship commission order. This is typically a customer set up for the supplier of the products for the order. For more information, see Drop-Ship Commission Orders FAQ. |
CB |
80 |
Order User-Defined 1 |
400 |
Character, Date, Decimal, Integer, or Logical |
No |
Enter the appropriate user-defined information for the order. The labels, formats, and validations for this field are set up in User Defined Fields Maintenance. |
CC |
81 |
Order User-Defined 2 |
400 |
Character, Date, Decimal, Integer, or Logical |
No |
Enter the appropriate user-defined information for the order. The labels, formats, and validations for this field are set up in User Defined Fields Maintenance. |
CD |
82 |
Order User-Defined 3 |
400 |
Character, Date, Decimal, Integer, or Logical |
No |
Enter the appropriate user-defined information for the order. The labels, formats, and validations for this field are set up in User Defined Fields Maintenance. |
CE |
83 |
Order User-Defined 4 |
400 |
Character, Date, Decimal, Integer, or Logical |
No |
Enter the appropriate user-defined information for the order. The labels, formats, and validations for this field are set up in User Defined Fields Maintenance. |
CF |
84 |
Order User-Defined 5 |
400 |
Character, Date, Decimal, Integer, or Logical |
No |
Enter the appropriate user-defined information for the order. The labels, formats, and validations for this field are set up in User Defined Fields Maintenance. |
CG |
85 |
Order User-Defined 6 |
400 |
Character, Date, Decimal, Integer, or Logical |
No |
Enter the appropriate user-defined information for the order. The labels, formats, and validations for this field are set up in User Defined Fields Maintenance. |
CH |
86 |
Order User-Defined 7 |
400 |
Character, Date, Decimal, Integer, or Logical |
No |
Enter the appropriate user-defined information for the order. The labels, formats, and validations for this field are set up in User Defined Fields Maintenance. |
CI |
87 |
Order User-Defined 8 |
400 |
Character, Date, Decimal, Integer, or Logical |
No |
Enter the appropriate user-defined information for the order. The labels, formats, and validations for this field are set up in User Defined Fields Maintenance. |
CJ |
88 |
Order User-Defined 9 |
400 |
Character, Date, Decimal, Integer, or Logical |
No |
Enter the appropriate user-defined information for the order. The labels, formats, and validations for this field are set up in User Defined Fields Maintenance. |
CK |
89 |
Order User-Defined 10 |
400 |
Character, Date, Decimal, Integer, or Logical |
No |
Enter the appropriate user-defined information for the order. The labels, formats, and validations for this field are set up in User Defined Fields Maintenance. |
CL |
90 |
Order User-Defined 11 |
400 |
Character, Date, Decimal, Integer, or Logical |
No |
Enter the appropriate user-defined information for the order. The labels, formats, and validations for this field are set up in User Defined Fields Maintenance. |
CM |
91 |
Order User-Defined 12 |
400 |
Character, Date, Decimal, Integer, or Logical |
No |
Enter the appropriate user-defined information for the order. The labels, formats, and validations for this field are set up in User Defined Fields Maintenance. |
CN |
92 |
Order User-Defined 13 |
400 |
Character, Date, Decimal, Integer, or Logical |
No |
Enter the appropriate user-defined information for the order. The labels, formats, and validations for this field are set up in User Defined Fields Maintenance. |
CO |
93 |
Order User-Defined 14 |
400 |
Character, Date, Decimal, Integer, or Logical |
No |
Enter the appropriate user-defined information for the order. The labels, formats, and validations for this field are set up in User Defined Fields Maintenance. |
CP |
94 |
Order User-Defined 15 |
400 |
Character, Date, Decimal, Integer, or Logical |
No |
Enter the appropriate user-defined information for the order. The labels, formats, and validations for this field are set up in User Defined Fields Maintenance. |
CQ |
95 |
Order User-Defined 16 |
400 |
Character, Date, Decimal, Integer, or Logical |
No |
Enter the appropriate user-defined information for the order. The labels, formats, and validations for this field are set up in User Defined Fields Maintenance. |
CR |
96 |
Order User-Defined 17 |
400 |
Character, Date, Decimal, Integer, or Logical |
No |
Enter the appropriate user-defined information for the order. The labels, formats, and validations for this field are set up in User Defined Fields Maintenance. |
CS |
97 |
Order User-Defined 18 |
400 |
Character, Date, Decimal, Integer, or Logical |
No |
Enter the appropriate user-defined information for the order. The labels, formats, and validations for this field are set up in User Defined Fields Maintenance. |
CT |
98 |
Order User-Defined 19 |
400 |
Character, Date, Decimal, Integer, or Logical |
No |
Enter the appropriate user-defined information for the order. The labels, formats, and validations for this field are set up in User Defined Fields Maintenance. |
CU |
99 |
Order User-Defined 20 |
400 |
Character, Date, Decimal, Integer, or Logical |
No |
Enter the appropriate user-defined information for the order. The labels, formats, and validations for this field are set up in User Defined Fields Maintenance. |
CV |
100 |
Department Number |
20 |
Character |
No |
Enter the department number for the order. Sometimes, especially with EDI orders from mass merchants, a department number is required for an order. |
CW |
101 |
EDI Spare 1 |
8 |
Character |
No |
Enter the appropriate EDI data. |
CX |
102 |
EDI Spare 2 |
8 |
Character |
No |
Enter the appropriate EDI data. |
CY |
103 |
EDI Spare 3 |
8 |
Character |
No |
Enter the appropriate EDI data. |
CZ |
104 |
EDI Spare 4 |
8 |
Character |
No |
Enter the appropriate EDI data. |
DA |
105 |
EDI Spare 5 |
8 |
Character |
No |
Enter the appropriate EDI data. |
DB |
106 |
Miscellaneous Data 1 |
60 |
Character |
No |
Enter the appropriate miscellaneous data. |
DC |
107 |
Miscellaneous Data 2 |
60 |
Character |
No |
Enter the appropriate miscellaneous data. |
DD |
108 |
Acknowledgment Option |
4 |
Character |
No |
Enter a value to indicate whether to send an order acknowledgment to the EDI trading partner associated with the order. Select one of the following options:
If this field is blank, the option entered for the trading partner in Order Acknowledgment Options is used to determine if an order acknowledgment task is created. For information on order acknowledgment tasks, see EDI Order Acknowledgment Task Management. |
DE |
109 |
Return Authorization Number |
12 |
Character |
No |
Enter the return authorization number (if it is different from the return order number). This field is only used for Return type orders. For more information on return orders, see Return Orders FAQ. |
DF |
110 |
Generate Replacement Sales Order |
3 |
Yes/No |
No |
Enter Yes to enable the creation of a replacement sales order for a return order. This field is only used for return orders for order classes that are set up to allow generation of replacement sales orders. |
DG |
111 |
Payment Account ID |
50 |
Character |
No |
If you are using Worldpay for credit card processing, enter the customer's payment account ID for the order. |
DH |
112 |
Credit Card Last 4 Digits |
4 |
Character |
No |
If you are using Worldpay for credit card processing, enter the last four digits of the credit card associated with the order. |
DI |
113 |
Credit Card Authorization Code |
10 |
Character |
No |
Enter the credit card authorization code if a credit card was already authorized for the order. |
DJ |
114 |
Credit Card Authorization Amount |
10 |
->>,>>9.99 |
No |
Enter the authorization amount if a credit card was already authorized for the order. |
DK |
115 |
Credit Card Result Code |
4 |
>>>9 |
No |
Enter a credit card authorization result code for the order. |
DL |
116 |
Credit Card Result Message |
80 |
Character |
No |
Enter a credit card authorization result message for the order. |
DM |
117 |
Credit Card Transaction Code |
12 |
Character |
No |
Enter a credit card authorization transaction code for the order. |
DN |
118 |
Bill-To Address Email |
150 |
Character |
No |
Enter the email address of the customer's bill-to address. If this field is blank, it defaults from the bill-to address ID entered for the Bill-To Address ID field, or if that field is blank, from the bill-to address ID related to the ship-to address for the order. If there is no related bill-to address ID for the ship-to address, it defaults from the customer's primary bill-to address. If no primary bill-to address is set up, the bill-to address defaults to the first active bill-to address for the customer. |
DO |
119 |
Ship-To Address Email |
150 |
Character |
No |
Enter the email address of the customer's ship-to address. If this field is blank, it defaults from the ship-to address ID entered for the Ship-To Address ID field, or if that field is blank from the customer's primary ship-to address. If no primary ship-to address is set up, the ship-to address defaults to the first active ship-to address for the customer. |
DP |
120 |
Credit Card Expiration Month |
2 |
99 |
No |
Enter the credit card expiration month if the customer is paying by credit card. If you prefer to import the credit card expiration month and year in a single field, use the Credit Card Expiration Date field (position 44). |
DQ |
121 |
Credit Card Expiration Year |
4 |
9999 |
No |
Enter the credit card expiration year if the customer is paying by credit card. If you prefer to import the credit card expiration month and year in a single field, use the Credit Card Expiration Date field (position 44). |
DR |
122 |
Freight Cap Percentage |
6 |
>>9.99 |
No |
Enter the freight cap percentage for the sales order. If the calculated freight for a sales order exceeds this percentage of the order or shipment total, the freight is set equal to the calculated amount for this percentage. Example You enter 10 in this field for a sales order for $100. The freight is calculated for the order as $12. However, this is greater than 10 percent of $100 ($10), so the freight for the order is limited to $10. This percentage defaults from the customer. This field is only used if the order is not marked as freight free. |
DS |
123 |
Manual Hold Reason |
20 |
Character |
No |
Enter a manual hold reason code if you entered Yes or Y for the Manual Hold field (position 73). For information on setting up manual hold reason codes, see Manual Hold Reason Maintenance. |
DT |
124 |
Manual Hold Note |
255 |
Character |
No |
Enter information about why you are putting the order on hold if you entered Yes or Y for the Manual Hold field (position 73). |
DU |
125 |
Shipper Account ID |
20 |
Character |
No |
Enter the shipper account ID for the ship-to address of the order. If this is blank, and the order is for a distribution center, this field defaults from the distribution center. Otherwise, this field defaults from the customer's primary ship-to address. |
DV |
126 |
Excise ID |
30 |
Character |
No |
Enter the excise tax ID for the ship-to address if the address is a tax warehouse. This defaults from the customer's ship-to address or the EDI distribution center. |
DW |
127 |
Order Key |
50 |
Character |
No |
This field is used only for Aptean eCommerce orders. To import an eCommerce order manually, use the format <eCommerce order number>|<Site ID>. For example, eCommerce order number is 30 and the Site ID is Test, enter 30|Test. The eCommerce order number should be the same as what is displayed on the eCommerce site. Site ID is defined in Aptean eCommerce Site Maintenance. |
DX |
128 |
Bill-To Address Fax Number |
30 |
Character |
No |
Enter the fax number unformatted (no hyphens, spaces, or parentheses) of the customer's bill-to address. If this field is blank, it defaults from the bill-to address ID entered for the Bill-To Address ID field, or if that field is blank, from the bill-to address ID related to the ship-to address for the order. If there is no related bill-to address ID for the ship-to address, it defaults from the customer's primary bill-to address. If no primary bill-to address is set up, the bill-to address defaults to the first active bill-to address for the customer. |
DY |
129 |
Ship-To Address Fax Number |
30 |
Character |
No |
Enter the fax number unformatted (no hyphens, spaces, or parentheses) of the customer's ship-to address. If this field is blank, it defaults from the ship-to address ID entered for the Ship-To Address ID field, or if that field is blank from the customer's primary ship-to address. If no primary ship-to address is set up, the ship-to address defaults to the first active ship-to address for the customer. |
DZ |
130 |
Project Number |
15 |
Character |
No |
Enter a valid general ledger project number for the order. For information on setting up projects, see Project Maintenance. |
EA |
131 |
Order Priority |
4 |
9999 |
No |
Enter the order priority. The priority is one component of determining the automated sequence of releasing backorders. For more information, see Backorder Release Priority. |
EB |
132 |
Ship-To Address Phone Number |
12 |
Character |
No |
Enter the phone number unformatted (no hyphens, spaces, or parentheses) for the customer's ship-to address. The format of the telephone number is set up in Country Maintenance. If this field is blank, it defaults from the ship-to address ID entered for the Ship-To Address ID field, or if that field is blank from the customer's primary ship-to address. If no primary ship-to address is set up, the ship-to address defaults to the first active ship-to address for the customer. |
EC |
133 |
Bill-To Address Phone Number |
12 |
Character |
No |
Enter the phone number unformatted (no hyphens, spaces, or parentheses) for the customer's bill-to address. The format of the telephone number is set up in Country Maintenance. If this field is blank, it defaults from the bill-to address ID entered for the Bill-To Address ID field, or if that field is blank, from the bill-to address ID related to the ship-to address for the order. If there is no related bill-to address ID for the ship-to address, it defaults from the customer's primary bill-to address. If no primary bill-to address is set up, the bill-to address defaults to the first active bill-to address for the customer. |
ED |
134 |
Currency |
8 |
Character |
No |
Enter a valid currency for the order. If this field is blank, it defaults to the currency for the customer. If there is no currency for the customer, this defaults to the currency for the functional ledger. |
EE |
135 |
Ship-To Address VAT Group |
20 |
Character |
No |
Enter a VAT group code for the ship-to address (if applicable). If this field is blank, it defaults to the VAT group for the customer ship-to address, or if no VAT group is associated with the ship-to address, the VAT group for the customer. For information on setting up VAT groups, see VAT Group Maintenance. |
EF |
136 |
Residential Delivery |
4 |
Character |
No |
Enter one of the following to indicate the shipper is delivering to a residential address:
If this field is blank, it defaults to None. |
EG |
137 |
Saturday Delivery |
4 |
Character |
No |
Enter one of the following to indicate the shipper is delivering on a Saturday:
If this field is blank, it defaults to None. |
EH |
138 |
Call Before Delivery |
4 |
Character |
No |
Enter one of the following to indicate the shipper must call before delivery:
If this field is blank, it defaults to None. |
EI |
139 |
Liftgate Delivery |
4 |
Character |
No |
Enter one of the following to indicate the shipper must use a liftgate for delivery:
If this field is blank, it defaults to None. |
EJ |
140 |
Inside Delivery |
4 |
Character |
No |
Enter one of the following to indicate the shipper must perform inside delivery:
If this field is blank, it defaults to None. |
EK |
141 |
Signature Required |
4 |
Character |
No |
Enter one of the following to indicate the shipper must obtain a signature for delivery:
If this field is blank, it defaults to None. |
EL |
142 |
EDI Order Date |
10 |
No |
Enter the date of the EDI order. |
EM |
143 |
EDI Order Time |
8 |
No |
Enter the time of the EDI order. |
EN |
144 |
Tax Exempt |
3 |
Yes/No |
No |
Enter Yes if the order is exempt from tax. Enter No if the order is not exempt from tax. If this field is left blank, this field defaults to:
EO |
145 |
State/Province Tax Exempt Number |
20 |
Character |
If AvaTax is integrated, and the value for the Tax Exempt field is Yes, then any one of the following field becomes a required field:
If AvaTax is not integrated, and the value for the Tax Exempt field is Yes, then this field becomes a required field. |
Enter the state/province tax exempt number for the customer. If the Tax Exempt field is blank, it defaults to the state/province tax exempt number for the customer's ship-to address. |
EP |
146 |
Entity Use Code |
25 |
Character |
If AvaTax is integrated, and the value for the Tax Exempt field is Yes, then any one of the following fields becomes a required field:
If AvaTax is not integrated, then this field is not required. |
If AvaTax is integrated, enter an entity use code for the customer. If AvaTax is not integrated, leave the field blank. If the Tax Exempt field is blank, it defaults to the entity use code for the customer's ship-to address. |
Column |
Position |
Field |
Maximum Length |
Format |
Required |
Description |
A |
1 |
Record Type |
3 |
Character |
Yes |
Enter ITM to specify the record is a line item record. |
B |
2 |
Product Code |
40 |
Character |
Yes, only if a customer product code is not entered for the Customer Product Code field (position 61) |
Enter the product code of the ordered product. Note If a product synonym is set up for a product in Product Synonym Maintenance, you can enter the product synonym code for this field instead of the product code. If you want to use a customer product code, enter it in the Customer Product Code field (position 61). |
C |
3 |
Product Name |
40 |
Character |
No |
Enter the name of the ordered product. |
D |
4 |
Quantity |
12 |
>>>,>>>,>>9.99 |
Yes |
Enter the quantity of the ordered product. This must be a valid quantity (based on order minimum, order multiple, etc.) for the shipping location. |
E |
5 |
Unit of Measure Usage Name |
4 |
Character |
No |
Enter a valid unit of measure usage name in which the quantity of the product is ordered. This 4-digit unit of measure usage name can be used instead of the 8-digit code used in position 16 in the line item record. If both that field and this field are blank, this defaults to the product's selling unit of measure. If both fields are entered, the unit of measure code is used instead of the unit of measure usage name. |
F |
6 |
Unit Price |
12 |
>,>>>,>>9.9999 |
No |
Enter the unit price for the product. If VAT is assessed for the product, you can enter this amount with or without VAT included. If you enter the amount with VAT included, enter Yes or Y in the Unit Price Includes VAT field. |
G |
7 |
Unit Price Adjustment |
13 |
->,>>>,>>9.9999 |
No |
Enter a negative amount that will reduce the unit price, or a positive amount that will increase it. |
H |
8 |
Extended Price |
15 |
->>>,>>>,>>9.9999 |
No |
Enter the line item extended amount. |
I |
9 |
Required Date |
10 |
99/99/9999 |
No |
This field is not used. The order required date is used for all line items. |
J |
10 |
Cancel After Date |
10 |
99/99/9999 |
No |
Enter the date after which to cancel the line item. If this field is left blank, automatic cancellation will not occur. |
K |
11 |
Notes |
10,000 |
Character |
No |
Enter notes for the line item. |
L |
12 |
Remarks |
10,000 |
Character |
No |
Enter remarks for the line item. |
M |
13 |
Remarks Documents |
20 |
Character |
No |
Enter the documents on which to print the line item remarks. If you enter more than one document, use commas as delimiters between the documents. You can enter the following documents:
N |
14 |
Drop Ship |
3 |
Yes/No |
No |
Enter Yes if the line item is to be drop shipped. This field defaults to No. If you enter Yes, you cannot enter Yes for the Special Item field, and you must enter a related supplier for the Supplier Code field. Note You cannot enter Yes if the product is a kit. |
O |
15 |
Supplier Code |
15 |
Character |
Yes, only if the line item is a drop ship or special order line item |
Enter the supplier code for a drop ship or special order line item. |
P |
16 |
Unit of Measure |
8 |
Character |
No |
Enter a valid unit of measure in which the quantity is ordered. This 8-digit code can be used instead of the 4-digit unit of measure usage name used in position 5 in the line item record. If both that field and this field are blank, this defaults to the product's selling unit of measure. If both fields are entered, the unit of measure code is used instead of the unit of measure usage name. |
Q |
17 |
Return Code |
10 |
Character |
Yes, only if the order is a return |
Enter a return code if the line item is for a return order. For information on setting up return codes, see Return Code Maintenance. |
R |
18 |
Adjustment Type |
9 |
Character |
Yes, only if the order is a return |
Enter an adjustment type if the line item is for a return order. Enter one of the following:
S |
19 |
Plan to Receive |
3 |
Yes/No |
Yes, only if the order is a return |
Enter Yes if you entered Inventory for the Adjustment Type field, and the product will be received back into inventory for a return order. |
T |
20 |
Special Item |
3 |
Yes/No |
No |
Enter Yes if the line item is a special order item. This field defaults to No. If you enter Yes, you cannot enter Yes for the Drop Ship field, and you must enter a related supplier for the Supplier Code field. |
U |
21 |
Shipping Location |
3 |
Character |
No |
Enter a valid shipping location prefix for the line item. |
V |
22 |
VAT Taxable |
3 |
Yes/No |
No |
Enter Yes or Y if VAT is assessed for the line item. Enter No or N if VAT is not assessed for the line item. |
W |
23 |
VAT Exempt Reason Code |
20 |
Character |
Yes, only if the ship-from and ship-to country for the order are the same VAT-taxable country and No or N is entered for the VAT Taxable field for the line item |
If the product is not VAT taxable, but is on a VAT-taxable order, enter a VAT exempt reason code to explain why the product is exempt from VAT. For information on setting up VAT exempt reason codes, see VAT Exempt Reason Maintenance. This defaults from the order header. |
X |
24 |
Unit Price Includes VAT |
3 |
Yes/No |
No |
Enter Yes or Y if the unit price entered in the Unit Price field includes VAT. Enter No or N if the unit price entered in the Unit Price field does not include VAT. If this field is blank, this value defaults from the customer settings. If the customer is not set up to specify whether the price includes or does not include VAT, this value defaults from the EDI trading partner. |
Y |
25 |
Sales Contract Code |
20 |
Character |
No |
Enter a valid sales contract code associated with the line item. If you leave this field blank, it defaults to the sales contract for which the Auto Select Contract check box is selected in Sales Contract Maintenance. |
Z |
26 |
Sample Reason |
12 |
Character |
Yes, only if the order is a sample sales order or sample inventory return order, and there is no default sample reason set up in Sample Reason Maintenance |
If the line item is a sample ordered by a sales representative, enter a valid sample reason code for the line item. For information on setting up sample reason codes, see Sample Reason Maintenance. If this field is blank, it defaults to the default sample reason code set up in Sample Reason Maintenance. |
AA |
27 |
Sample Customer Code |
12 |
Character |
Yes, only if the sample reason entered for the Sample Reason field (position 26) is set up to require a customer to be entered |
If the line item is a sample ordered by a sales representative, enter the customer code of the customer that will receive the sample line item. |
AB |
28 |
Sample Comment |
255 |
Character |
No |
If the line item is a sample ordered by a sales representative, enter a comment to describe the reason for the sample line item. |
AC |
29 |
Billback Override Rate |
6 |
>>9.99 |
No |
If the line item is a sample ordered by a sales representative, and the billback rate is not the rate set up for the supplier, enter an override billback rate for the line item. You can only enter a rate if you are allowed to override sample rates and the sample reason for the line item is set up to allow override rates. |
AD |
30 |
Commission Cost Charge Type |
12 |
Character |
No |
Enter a valid drop-ship commission additional charge if the line item is on a drop-ship commission order for which commissions are based on costs. For more information, see Drop-Ship Commission Orders FAQ. For information on setting up additional charge types, see Order Entry Additional Charge Maintenance. If this field is blank, it defaults from the product/location. |
AE |
31 |
Commission Unit Cost |
14 |
Integer |
No |
If you entered an additional charge type for the Commission Cost Charge Type field (position 30), and you want to override a cost matrix commission amount, enter the commission cost per unit for the line item. For more information, see Drop-Ship Commission Orders FAQ. |
AF |
32 |
Order Item User Defined 1 |
400 |
Character, Date, Decimal, Integer, or Logical |
No |
Enter the appropriate user-defined information for the line item. The labels, formats, and validations for this field are set up in User Defined Fields Maintenance. |
AG |
33 |
Order Item User Defined 2 |
400 |
Character, Date, Decimal, Integer, or Logical |
No |
Enter the appropriate user-defined information for the line item. The labels, formats, and validations for this field are set up in User Defined Fields Maintenance. |
AH |
34 |
Order Item User Defined 3 |
400 |
Character, Date, Decimal, Integer, or Logical |
No |
Enter the appropriate user-defined information for the line item. The labels, formats, and validations for this field are set up in User Defined Fields Maintenance. |
AI |
35 |
Order Item User Defined 4 |
400 |
Character, Date, Decimal, Integer, or Logical |
No |
Enter the appropriate user-defined information for the line item. The labels, formats, and validations for this field are set up in User Defined Fields Maintenance. |
AJ |
36 |
Order Item User Defined 5 |
400 |
Character, Date, Decimal, Integer, or Logical |
No |
Enter the appropriate user-defined information for the line item. The labels, formats, and validations for this field are set up in User Defined Fields Maintenance. |
AK |
37 |
Order Item User Defined 6 |
400 |
Character, Date, Decimal, Integer, or Logical |
No |
Enter the appropriate user-defined information for the line item. The labels, formats, and validations for this field are set up in User Defined Fields Maintenance. |
AL |
38 |
Order Item User Defined 7 |
400 |
Character, Date, Decimal, Integer, or Logical |
No |
Enter the appropriate user-defined information for the line item. The labels, formats, and validations for this field are set up in User Defined Fields Maintenance. |
AM |
39 |
Order Item User Defined 8 |
400 |
Character, Date, Decimal, Integer, or Logical |
No |
Enter the appropriate user-defined information for the line item. The labels, formats, and validations for this field are set up in User Defined Fields Maintenance. |
AN |
40 |
Order Item User Defined 9 |
400 |
Character, Date, Decimal, Integer, or Logical |
No |
Enter the appropriate user-defined information for the line item. The labels, formats, and validations for this field are set up in User Defined Fields Maintenance. |
AO |
41 |
Order Item User Defined 10 |
400 |
Character, Date, Decimal, Integer, or Logical |
No |
Enter the appropriate user-defined information for the line item. The labels, formats, and validations for this field are set up in User Defined Fields Maintenance. |
AP |
42 |
Order Item User Defined 11 |
400 |
Character, Date, Decimal, Integer, or Logical |
No |
Enter the appropriate user-defined information for the line item. The labels, formats, and validations for this field are set up in User Defined Fields Maintenance. |
AQ |
43 |
Order Item User Defined 12 |
400 |
Character, Date, Decimal, Integer, or Logical |
No |
Enter the appropriate user-defined information for the line item. The labels, formats, and validations for this field are set up in User Defined Fields Maintenance. |
AR |
44 |
Order Item User Defined 13 |
400 |
Character, Date, Decimal, Integer, or Logical |
No |
Enter the appropriate user-defined information for the line item. The labels, formats, and validations for this field are set up in User Defined Fields Maintenance. |
AS |
45 |
Order Item User Defined 14 |
400 |
Character, Date, Decimal, Integer, or Logical |
No |
Enter the appropriate user-defined information for the line item. The labels, formats, and validations for this field are set up in User Defined Fields Maintenance. |
AT |
46 |
Order Item User Defined 15 |
400 |
Character, Date, Decimal, Integer, or Logical |
No |
Enter the appropriate user-defined information for the line item. The labels, formats, and validations for this field are set up in User Defined Fields Maintenance. |
AU |
47 |
Order Item User Defined 16 |
400 |
Character, Date, Decimal, Integer, or Logical |
No |
Enter the appropriate user-defined information for the line item. The labels, formats, and validations for this field are set up in User Defined Fields Maintenance. |
AV |
48 |
Order Item User Defined 17 |
400 |
Character, Date, Decimal, Integer, or Logical |
No |
Enter the appropriate user-defined information for the line item. The labels, formats, and validations for this field are set up in User Defined Fields Maintenance. |
AW |
49 |
Order Item User Defined 18 |
400 |
Character, Date, Decimal, Integer, or Logical |
No |
Enter the appropriate user-defined information for the line item. The labels, formats, and validations for this field are set up in User Defined Fields Maintenance. |
AX |
50 |
Order Item User Defined 19 |
400 |
Character, Date, Decimal, Integer, or Logical |
No |
Enter the appropriate user-defined information for the line item. The labels, formats, and validations for this field are set up in User Defined Fields Maintenance. |
AY |
51 |
Order Item User Defined 20 |
400 |
Character, Date, Decimal, Integer, or Logical |
No |
Enter the appropriate user-defined information for the line item. The labels, formats, and validations for this field are set up in User Defined Fields Maintenance. |
AZ |
52 |
EDI Spare 1 |
8 |
Character |
No |
Enter the appropriate EDI data. |
BA |
53 |
EDI Spare 2 |
8 |
Character |
No |
Enter the appropriate EDI data. |
BB |
54 |
EDI Spare 3 |
8 |
Character |
No |
Enter the appropriate EDI data. |
BC |
55 |
EDI Spare 4 |
8 |
Character |
No |
Enter the appropriate EDI data. |
BD |
56 |
EDI Spare 5 |
8 |
Character |
No |
Enter the appropriate EDI data. |
BE |
57 |
Miscellaneous Data 1 |
60 |
Character |
No |
Enter the appropriate miscellaneous data. |
BF |
58 |
Miscellaneous Data 2 |
60 |
Character |
No |
Enter the appropriate miscellaneous data. |
BG |
59 |
EDI Order Line Number |
20 |
Integer |
No |
Enter the line number from the customer's purchase order. |
BH |
60 |
Generate |
3 |
Yes/No |
No |
Enter Yes to include the line item on a replacement sales order for a return order. This field is only used for return orders for which a replacement sales order will be created. |
BI |
61 |
Customer Product Code |
40 |
Character |
No |
Enter a valid customer product code for the line item. If a value is entered for this field, it overrides any value entered in the Product Code field (position 2). For information on setting up customer product codes, see Customer Product Maintenance. |
BJ |
62 |
Override Price Class |
20 |
Character |
No |
Enter a valid price class for the product/location of the order line item to use for a pricing override. If a value is entered, only pricing for this price class is used to determine the order line item price. |
BK |
63 |
Override Break Level |
2 |
Integer |
No |
If an override price class is entered for the Override Price Class field (position 62), enter the price break level (1-10) to use for calculating the price of the line item. |
BL |
64 |
Sales Contract Line Number |
4 |
>>>9 |
No |
Enter a sales contract line number for each line item that is associated with a sales contract line number. |
BM |
65 |
Direct Ship |
3 |
Yes/No |
No |
Enter Yes if the line item is to be direct shipped. If this field is blank, it defaults to No. For more information, see Direct Ship and Blanket Purchase Order Process Flow. |
BN |
66 |
Skip Companion Product Use |
3 |
Yes/No |
No |
Enter Yes to ignore the line item when calculating companion products for the order. |
BO |
67 |
Free Goods |
3 |
Yes/No |
No |
Enter Yes for promotional zero-price line items for which the supplier will be billed. |
BP |
68 |
Leave this field blank. It is not used. |
BQ |
69 |
Override Price Matrix Key |
8 |
Character |
No |
Leave this field blank. This field is only used for synchronization with the Apprise Mobile app. |
BR |
70 |
Manually Selected Price |
3 |
Yes/No |
No |
Leave this field blank. This field is only used for synchronization with the Apprise Mobile app. |
BS |
71 |
Return Order Associated Invoice |
12 |
Character |
No |
Enter a valid invoice associated with the line item if the order is a return order. |
BT |
72 |
Cancel Backorder |
3 |
Yes/No |
No |
Enter Yes to cancel the backorder quantity for the line item when a pick demand is printed for the order (if the line item is fully backordered). Enter No to not cancel the backorder quantity for the line item. This field defaults based on whether the customer is set up to cancel backorders. |
Column |
Position |
Field |
Maximum Length |
Format |
Required |
Description |
A |
1 |
Record Type |
3 |
Character |
Yes |
Enter CHG to specify the record is an additional charge record. |
B |
2 |
Type |
12 |
Character |
Yes |
Enter a valid additional charge type. For information on setting up additional charge types, see Order Entry Additional Charge Maintenance. |
C |
3 |
Amount |
14 |
>>>,>>>,>>9.9999 |
Yes, only if the charge type defaults to an amount |
Enter the amount of the additional charge. If VAT is assessed for the additional charge, you can enter this amount with or without VAT included. If you enter the amount with VAT included, enter Yes or Y in the Amount Includes VAT field. |
D |
4 |
Percentage |
8 |
>>9.9999 |
Yes, only if the charge type defaults to a percentage |
Enter the percentage of the additional charge. |
E |
5 |
Comment |
60 |
Character |
No |
Enter a comment for the additional charge. Comments are generally assigned to further define the charge. |
F |
6 |
Effect on Order |
1 |
Character |
No |
Enter - for a negative charge or + for a positive charge. This defaults to the charge sign for the additional charge type. |
G |
7 |
VAT Taxable |
3 |
Yes/No |
No |
Enter Yes or Y if VAT is assessed for the additional charge. Enter No or N if VAT is not assessed for the additional charge. |
H |
8 |
VAT Exempt Reason Code |
20 |
Character |
Yes, only if the ship-from and ship-to country for the order are the same VAT-taxable country and No or N is entered for the VAT Taxable field for the additional charge |
If the additional charge is not VAT taxable and the order is being shipped from and to the same VAT-taxable country, enter a VAT exempt reason code to explain why the additional charge is exempt from VAT. For information on setting up VAT exempt reason codes, see VAT Exempt Reason Maintenance. |
I |
9 |
Amount Includes VAT |
3 |
Yes/No |
No |
Enter Yes or Y if the additional charge amount entered in the Amount field includes VAT. Enter No or N if the additional charge amount entered in the Amount field does not include VAT. |
Column |
Position |
Field |
Maximum Length |
Format |
Required |
Description |
A |
1 |
Record Type |
5 |
Character |
Yes |
Enter HDRPL to specify the record is an order pack list record. |
B |
2 |
Order Date |
10 |
99/99/9999 |
No |
Enter the date of the order. |
C |
3 |
Order Number |
50 |
Character |
No |
Enter the order number. |
D |
4 |
Sales Division |
30 |
Character |
No |
Enter the sales division for the order. |
E |
5 |
Customer Name |
50 |
Character |
No |
Enter the customer name for the order. |
F |
6 |
Customer Number |
50 |
Character |
No |
Enter the customer number for the order. |
G |
7 |
Shipping Method |
60 |
Character |
No |
Enter the shipping method for the order. |
H |
8 |
Payment Method |
50 |
Character |
No |
Enter the payment method for the order. |
I |
9 |
Credit Type |
50 |
Character |
No |
Enter the customer's credit card type for the order. |
J |
10 |
Credit Card Last 4 Digits |
20 |
Character |
No |
Enter the last four digits of the customer's credit card for the order. |
K |
11 |
Tax Type |
50 |
Character |
No |
Enter the tax type for the order. |
L |
12 |
Return Code |
50 |
Character |
No |
Enter a return code for the order. |
M |
13 |
Receipt ID |
50 |
Character |
No |
Enter the receipt ID for the order. |
N |
14 |
Warehouse ID |
50 |
Character |
No |
Enter the warehouse ID for the order. |
O |
15 |
Contract Code |
50 |
Character |
No |
Enter the contract code for the order. |
P |
16 |
Transaction Code |
50 |
Character |
No |
Enter the transaction code for the order. |
Q |
17 |
Store Number |
50 |
Character |
No |
Enter the store number for the order. |
R |
18 |
Registry Number |
50 |
Character |
No |
Enter the registry number for the order. |
S |
19 |
Reservation Number |
50 |
Character |
No |
Enter the reservation number for the order. |
T |
20 |
Buyer's Catalog Number |
50 |
Character |
No |
Enter the buyer's catalog number for the order. |
U |
21 |
Phone Number |
30 |
Character |
No |
Enter the phone number for the order. |
V |
22 |
Email Address |
300 |
Character |
No |
Enter the email address for the order. |
W |
23 |
Website |
100 |
Character |
No |
Enter the website for the order. |
X |
24 |
Work Hours |
100 |
Character |
No |
Enter the work hours for the order. |
Y |
25 |
Sold-To Address Name |
40 |
Character |
No |
Enter the name of the person to which the order was sold. |
Z |
26 |
Sold-To Company Name |
40 |
Character |
No |
Enter the company name to which the order was sold. |
AA |
27 |
Sold-To Address 1 |
60 |
Character |
No |
Enter the first line of the sold-to address for the order. |
AB |
28 |
Sold-To Address 2 |
60 |
Character |
No |
Enter the second line of the sold-to address for the order. |
AC |
29 |
Sold-To Address 3 |
60 |
Character |
No |
Enter the third line of the sold-to address for the order. |
AD |
30 |
Sold-To City |
40 |
Character |
No |
Enter the city of the sold-to address for the order. |
AE |
31 |
Sold-To State |
30 |
Character |
No |
Enter the state of the sold-to address for the order. |
AF |
32 |
Sold-To Postal Code |
30 |
Character |
No |
Enter the postal code of the sold-to address for the order. |
AG |
33 |
Sold-To Country |
30 |
Character |
No |
Enter the country of the sold-to address for the order. |
AH |
34 |
Sold-To Phone |
30 |
Character |
No |
Enter the phone number associated with the sold-to address for the order. |
AI |
35 |
Ship-To Address Company Name |
40 |
Character |
No |
Enter the ship-to address company name for the order. |
AJ |
36 |
Shipping and Handling |
16 |
>>>,>>>,>>9.9999 |
No |
Enter the shipping and handling amount for the order. |
AK |
37 |
Shipping Fee |
16 |
>>>,>>>,>>9.9999 |
No |
Enter the shipping fee for the order. |
AL |
38 |
Tax Amount |
16 |
>>>,>>>,>>9.9999 |
No |
Enter the tax amount for the order. |
AM |
39 |
Discount Amount |
16 |
>>>,>>>,>>9.9999 |
No |
Enter the discount amount for the order. |
AN |
40 |
Gift Box |
16 |
>>>,>>>,>>9.9999 |
No |
Enter the gift box amount for the order. |
AO |
41 |
Merchandise Cost |
16 |
>>>,>>>,>>9.9999 |
No |
Enter the merchandise cost for the order. |
AP |
42 |
Order Total Amount |
16 |
>>>,>>>,>>9.9999 |
No |
Enter the total order amount. |
AQ |
43 |
Gift Message |
1000 |
Character |
No |
Enter a gift message to display on the pack list for the order. |
AR |
44 |
Pack List Message |
1000 |
Character |
No |
Enter a message to display on the pack list for the order. |
AS |
45 |
Order Message 1 |
1000 |
Character |
No |
Enter an additional message to display on the pack list for the order. |
AT |
46 |
Order Message 2 |
1000 |
Character |
No |
Enter an additional message to display on the pack list for the order. |
AU |
47 |
Order Message 3 |
1000 |
Character |
No |
Enter an additional message to display on the pack list for the order. |
AV |
48 |
Order Message 4 |
1000 |
Character |
No |
Enter an additional message to display on the pack list for the order. |
AW |
49 |
Order Message 5 |
1000 |
Character |
No |
Enter an additional message to display on the pack list for the order. |
AX |
50 |
Pack List URL |
1000 |
Character |
No |
Enter the URL which contains the pack list for the order. |
Column |
Position |
Field |
Maximum Length |
Format |
Required |
Description |
A |
1 |
Record Type |
5 |
Character |
Yes |
Enter ITMPL to specify the record is an order pack list record. |
B |
2 |
Product Code |
200 |
Character |
No |
Enter the product code for the line item. |
C |
3 |
Product Description |
1000 |
Character |
No |
Enter the product description for the line item. |
D |
4 |
25 |
Character |
No |
Enter the UPC for the line item. |
E |
5 |
Style Code |
100 |
Character |
No |
Enter the style code for the line item. |
F |
6 |
Color Code |
50 |
Character |
No |
Enter the color code for the line item. |
G |
7 |
Size Code |
50 |
Character |
No |
Enter the size code for the line item. |
H |
8 |
Size and Color |
100 |
Character |
No |
Enter the size and color for the line item. |
I |
9 |
Vendor SKU |
50 |
Character |
No |
Enter the vendor SKU for the line item. |
J |
10 |
Merchant SKU |
50 |
Character |
No |
Enter the merchant SKU for the line item. |
K |
11 |
Shopping Cart SKU |
50 |
Character |
No |
Enter the shopping cart SKU for the line item. |
L |
12 |
Manufacturer SKU |
50 |
Character |
No |
Enter the manufacturer SKU for the line item. |
M |
13 |
Return Method |
50 |
Character |
No |
Enter the return method for the line item. |
N |
14 |
Return Permit |
30 |
Character |
No |
Enter the return permit for the line item. |
O |
15 |
Return Service Postal Code |
30 |
Character |
No |
Enter the return service postal code for the line item. |
P |
16 |
Return To Partner Sort Code |
30 |
Character |
No |
Enter the return-to partner sort code for the line item. |
Q |
17 |
USPS Delivery Confirmation Number |
50 |
Character |
No |
Enter the USPS delivery confirmation number for the line item. |
R |
18 |
Label Tracking Number |
100 |
Character |
No |
Enter the label tracking number for the line item. |
S |
19 |
Tax Type |
50 |
Character |
No |
Enter the tax type for the line item. |
T |
20 |
Gift Wrap |
10 |
Character |
No |
Enter the gift wrap for the line item. |
U |
21 |
Gift Registry Number |
50 |
Character |
No |
Enter the gift registry number for the line item. |
V |
22 |
Personalization Data |
1000 |
Character |
No |
Enter personalization data for the line item. |
W |
23 |
Unit Price |
16 |
>>>,>>>,>>9.9999 |
No |
Enter the unit price for the line item. |
X |
24 |
Extended Price |
16 |
>>>,>>>,>>9.9999 |
No |
Enter the extended price for the line item. |
Y |
25 |
Shipping and Handling |
16 |
>>>,>>>,>>9.9999 |
No |
Enter the shipping and handling amount for the line item. |
Z |
26 |
Handling Fee |
16 |
>>>,>>>,>>9.9999 |
No |
Enter the handling fee for the line item. |
AA |
27 |
Shipping Fee |
16 |
>>>,>>>,>>9.9999 |
No |
Enter the shipping fee for the line item. |
AB |
28 |
Label Shipping Fee |
16 |
>>>,>>>,>>9.9999 |
No |
Enter the label shipping fee for the line item. |
AC |
29 |
Tax Amount |
16 |
>>>,>>>,>>9.9999 |
No |
Enter the tax amount for the line amount. |
AD |
30 |
Credit Amount |
16 |
>>>,>>>,>>9.9999 |
No |
Enter the credit amount for the line item. |
AE |
31 |
Pack List Message |
1000 |
Character |
No |
Enter a message to display on the pack list for the line item. |
AF |
32 |
Gift Message |
1000 |
Character |
No |
Enter a gift message to display on the pack list for the line item. |
For additional information about the fields in this import format, see Order Entry.
Before using this import, the following must be set up:
order classes
sales representatives
There must be a record of blank space(s) at the end of an import file.
You cannot enter charge records for imported transfer orders.
For imported credit card orders:
The Terms Code field (header record position 32) must be a credit card payment terms.
If a customer has a default credit card set up, you only need to import the card type.
If you import the last four digits of a credit card that was previously set up, the import determines the credit card number.
If an order fails credit card validation (for example, because of an invalid credit card number, the monetary amount cannot be authorized, there is an invalid date, etc.), then the order is imported and placed on credit card authorization hold.