Order Entry System Overview

This topic includes an introduction to the Order Entry system. It also describes the basic flow of different types of orders, describing the major steps for each process.

The following sections are included in this topic:

Introduction to Order Entry

Order Entry allows you to enter sales orders, customer returns and credits, transfers, quotes, and group (spread) orders. It also allows you to process backorders. The system is designed to handle each category individually by the simple entry of an order class. By default, the Order Entry window displays the order class selected for your user ID. You can set up the default order class for your user ID in User Extended Options. However, each individual order can also be changed to reflect a different order class. Each type of order class requires different treatment for processing.

There are six types of orders that are available in the system. All order types are entered in Order Entry in the Customer Service module. The options are:

Orders can also be created for internal customers. For more information, see Internal Requisitions.

Note Many of the order entry windows automatically begin in New or Update mode. You are in New or Update mode when the action buttons OK and Cancel appear in the ribbon. Only click these buttons to accept the entire order or cancel without accepting the order.

Sales Orders

To process sales orders, perform the following procedures:

  1. Create a sales order (allocates inventory). 

  2. Generate pick demands.

  3. Confirm pick demands (the order cannot be edited after this process).

  4. Adjust inventory (decreases inventory and resolves general ledger accounts).

If general ledger accounts resolve correctly, you can create and print invoices (which retrieves the cost of products). If accounts do not resolve correctly, you will receive a mail message, and you must use Pick Demand Account Resolution Update to manually select accounts.

  1. Create invoices (print invoices).

  2. Post invoices (posts invoices to the general ledger).

To release backordered products, perform manual or automatic inventory allocation, and then follow procedures B through F above to complete the process.

For more information on sales order processing, see Sales Order Process Flow.

Each procedure performed for sales order processing is described in more detail below.

Create a Sales Order

To create a sales order:

  1. Open Order Entry. Notice that the window appears in New mode so you can create a new order.

Note Do not click the OK button in the ribbon until you have finished entering the entire order.

  1. On the Main tab, enter the customer name or code to display the defaults for the customer.

  2. Enter additional order information. Verify that the order class entered in the Order Class field is a Sales type order class.

  3. Enter any order notes or remarks by clicking the Notes or Remarks button in the ribbon. For more information, see Notes Entry or Remark Entry.

  4. If you want to change the bill-to address, click the Bill To tab and enter the data.

  5. If you want to change the ship-to address, click the Ship To tab and enter the data.

  6. Click the Edit Items button in the ribbon to display O/E Line Item Entry, which allows you to enter the products included in the order.

  7. Enter the product code of the ordered product in the Product Code field.

  8. If you want to view detail information for the product, click the Details button in the ribbon. The Detail for Product window appears. Close this window when you are finished viewing product information.

  9. Enter the quantity ordered in the Quantity field, and then press the Tab key.

If express order entry is enabled, the system will enter the line item after the quantity is entered and the Tab key is pressed, and you can skip to step 14.

If express order entry is not enabled, the U/M field is selected.

  1. Either change the unit of measure or press the Tab key.

  2. If you need to change the price and are authorized to change prices, enter the correct price in the Unit Price field.

  3. To accept the line item, click the Enter button.

  4. Repeat steps 8-13 for additional line items on the order.

  5. Enter any notes or remarks for a line item by selecting it, and clicking the Notes or Remarks button in the ribbon. For more information, see Notes Entry or Remark Entry.

  6. Enter any additional charges for a line item by selecting it, and clicking the Additional Charges button in the ribbon. For more information, see Additional Charge Entry.

  7. Click the OK button in the ribbon when you are finished entering line items for the sales order.

  8. To add additional charges to the sales order, click the Additional Charges tab in Order Entry, and enter the additional charges.

  9. Click the OK button in the ribbon and the system will create the order. The order number assigned to the order is displayed. The window is in New mode, so you can create another order.

  10. Click the Cancel button in the ribbon. The Question dialog box appears, and asks you to confirm whether you want to cancel.

  11. Click the Yes button.

  12. Click the Exit button in the ribbon to close Order Entry.

Note You can use the Relationships tab in Order Entry to display pick demands and invoices associated with an order.

Generate Pick Demands

To generate pick demands:

  1. Open Pick Demand Create and Print.

  2. Enter a shipping location in the Shipping Location field. Notice that the default location is based on your user ID.

  3. Select the orders for which to create pick demands. You can specify to create pick demands for specific zones, pick groups, customers, order numbers, required dates, shippers, sales locations, customer pick groups, or order classes.

  4. Click the Print Options tab, and select whether to output pick demands to the screen, a file, a printer, an email, or Excel.

  5. Click the Print button in the ribbon. The pick demands are generated and output.

  6. Click the Exit button in the ribbon to close Pick Demand Create and Print.

Note Generating pick demands changes the status of an order to In Pick.

Confirm Pick Demands

To confirm pick demands:

  1. Open Pick Demand Confirm.

  2. Enter a shipping location prefix in the Location field, or click the Lookup button to select a shipping location prefix.

  3. Enter a pick demand number in the Pick Demand field, or click the Lookup button to select a pick demand number. The customer code, order number, customer name, and confirm date are entered automatically. Line items for the pick demand appear in the Items to Be Picked grid.

Note If you enter the wrong pick demand number, you must click the Cancel button in the ribbon before you can select a different pick demand number.

  1. Enter the user ID of the picker and packer in the Picked By and Packed By fields.

  2. If you want to confirm the pick demand with the recommended quantity, click the As Is button in the ribbon. The software automatically enters the picked quantity in the Picked Qty column in the Items to Be Picked grid. If there is a line item that cannot be filled for the order, the system will not complete the item and will allow you to enter the information. This condition can be the result of several discrepancies. For example, the recommended bin may have been emptied by a posted inventory adjustment before the order was picked and it no longer has quantity. The system will recognize this and not enter a value in the Picked Qty column. Caution must be taken if lot or serial numbers are used if changes are made to an order and not recorded in the system.

  3. If you do not want to use the recommend quantities, double-click a line item or select the line item and click the Pick button in the ribbon to display Pick Demand Product Selection. In this window, you can enter the quantity and select a bin. If several bins are used to fill the quantity shipped, then enter the individual quantities for each bin. As the entries are made, notice the value in the To be Picked field decreases and the value in the Total Picked field increases. After completion of the data entry, click the OK button in the ribbon to return to Pick Demand Confirm.

Note If you want to cancel a backordered line item, select the line item, and then select the Cancel Backorder check box.

  1. Click the Packages tab to enter package information. The weight of the order is displayed with a package number. The weight and tracking number can be changed for each package.

  2. If additional charges are required for the order, click the Additional Charges tab. Select the type of charge, select whether the charge is an amount or percent, and enter the appropriate amount. To accept the charge, click the Enter button and the grid will display the information.

  3. If all data has been entered for confirmation, click the OK button in the ribbon. The pick demand is confirmed.

  4. Click the Exit button in the ribbon to close Pick Demand Confirm.

Note Confirming pick demands changes the status of an order to Confirmed.

Adjust Inventory

Adjusting inventory resolves general ledger accounts. If the accounts resolve correctly, the software allows you to create the sales invoice for the customer. It also updates inventory quantities, if affected.

To adjust inventory:

  1. Open Confirmed Pick Demand Inventory Adjust.

  2. Select filtering options to specify orders for inventory adjustment. You can indicate the sales or shipping locations, customer, shipper, pick demand, and/or route. You can also indicate a specific order or customer purchase order number.

  3. Click the Show Data button in the ribbon. The Results tab displays the pick demands that meet the criteria you selected in step 2.

  4. If you want to adjust inventory for all displayed pick demands, skip to step 6.

If you want to only adjust inventory for specific pick demands, select the check box in the Adjust column of each pick demand for which you want to adjust inventory. You can click the Select All button in the ribbon to select the check box in the Adjust column for all displayed pick demands.

  1. If you want to also adjust inventory for additional pick demands that are not displayed, click the Select tab, and repeat steps 2-4. The pick demands already selected for inventory adjustment remain selected even if you change the filter criteria on the Select tab.

  2. Click the Print Options tab, and select options for the Inventory Adjustment Report that is output when you adjust inventory for pick demands.

  3. If you selected specific pick demands for inventory adjustment, click the Adjust Selected button in the ribbon. If you want to adjust inventory for all pick demands that meet the criteria you selected in step 2, click the Adjust All button in the ribbon. Inventory is adjusted for the pick demands, and the Inventory Adjustment Report is output.

  4. Click the Exit button in the ribbon to close Confirmed Pick Demand Inventory Adjust.

Note Adjusting inventory for confirmed pick demands changes the status of an order to Fully Confirmed.

Create Invoices

To create invoices:

  1. Open Invoice Create and Print.

  2. Select filtering options to specify orders to invoice. You can select to limit the invoices by one or all shipping and/or sales locations. You can also select to filter by customers, shippers, order classes, orders, pick demands, waves, and routes.

  3. Enter the invoice date and posting period in the Invoice Date and Posting Period fields. You must enter an invoice date.

  4. Verify the batch number. If it is not correct, click the Select button in the ribbon to select a different batch. You must use a batch number.

  5. If you want to print a summary report, select the Print Summary Report check box.

  6. Click the Print Options tab, and select whether you want to output invoices to the screen, a file, a printer, Excel, or a contact email.

  7. Click the Print button in the ribbon. Invoices are created and the number of invoices created is displayed.

  8. Click the Exit button in the ribbon to close Invoice Create and Print.

Post Invoices

To post invoices to the general ledger:

  1. Open Invoice Post.

  2. Select the posting period and year.

  3. Select the transaction types you want to post (invoices, transfers, customer consignments, royalty adjustments, or all).

  4. Enter a batch for posting in the Batch # field or select the All radio button to post all batches.

  5. Click the Print Options tab, and select whether you want to output the posting report to the screen, a file, a printer, an email, or Excel.

  6. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The Confirm Posting dialog box appears, and asks you to confirm you want to post invoices.

  7. Click the Yes button. The A/R Invoice Posting to G/L Report is output, and the posting is completed.

  8. Click the Exit button in the ribbon to close Invoice Post.

Releasing a Backorder

The following two windows can be used to release a backorder:

NOTE Settings in Customer Service Control Maintenance determine backorder inventory allocations and methods that can be used.

To release specific backorders:

  1. Open Product Backorder Allocate.

  2. Select a location for the backorder release. Selection of a location will allow the display of products that have quantities available for backorder release.

  3. If you want to release orders for specific criteria, select filter criteria.

  4. Clear the Only Show Products That Must be Released Manually check box if you want to view all backordered products.

  5. Select whether you want to sort backordered products by name, code, or search name.

  6. If you want to select a specific product, enter the product name, code, or search name in the Position to field. You must enter a value that corresponds to your selection in step 5.

  7. Click the Show Data button in the ribbon. The Results tab is selected, and displays the backordered products that fit the options selected in steps 2-6.

  8. Select a backordered product in the Backordered Products grid. The backorders for the highlighted product display in the Backorders grid.

  9. Double-click a backorder in the Backorders grid to display Line Items, which allows you to view line items for the order. Click the Exit button in the ribbon when you are finished reviewing line items.

  10. Review the quantities available and backordered. If you want to release a single order, select the order you want to release.

  11. Click the Release Line button in the ribbon to release the selected order, or click the Release All button in the ribbon to release all backorders for the product.

  12. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The backorder is released.

  13. Click the Exit button in the ribbon to close Product Backorder Allocate.

To automatically release backorders:

  1. Open Automatic Backorder Allocate.

  2. Clear the All check box, and select a specific location for which to release backorders, or leave the All check box selected to release backorders for all locations.

  3. Select whether to release backorders for sales orders, transfer orders, or all orders.

  4. Click the Print Options tab, and select processing options.

  5. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The number of backorders that are released is displayed.

For more information on releasing backorders, see Backorder Releasing Process Flow.

Return Orders

You can use return orders to process returned merchandise or make price adjustments for the customer. The table below lists the process flow for both methods.

Process Flow For Return Orders (Price Adjustment)

Process Flow For Return Orders (Merchandise)


  1. Create a return order. You must enter a return code. The return order cannot be edited.

  2. Create invoices. If the general ledger accounts resolve correctly, this creates credit for the customer and finishes the return order. If the accounts do not resolve correctly, use Pick Demand Account Resolution Update to manually select accounts, then create invoices.

  3. Post invoices to the general ledger.

  1. Create a return order. You must enter a return code. For information on creating return codes, see Return Code Maintenance. The return order cannot be edited. A receiving ticket is automatically created. (The receiving ticket number displays on the Relationships tab in Order Entry.) If you are not receiving inventory, proceed to procedure D.

  2. Receive returned merchandise (enter the quantity received).

  3. Confirm the return order receipt. A disposition code is required. Quantity is confirmed here. The disposition code may contain general ledger account masks. You can also optionally adjust inventory during this procedure. If you do, you can skip to procedure E.

  4. Adjust inventory for a return order for which you are not receiving inventory, or for a return order for which you did not adjust inventory when confirming the return order receipt.

  5. Review the return order. Confirm the order and price. Proceed to procedure F.

  6. Create invoices. Create credit for the customer and finish the return order (inventory schedule updated).

  7. Post invoices to the general ledger.

For more information on return orders, see Return Order Process Flow and Return Orders Diagram.

Each procedure performed for return order processing is described in more detail below.

Create a Return Order

To create a return order:

  1. Open Order Entry. Notice that the window appears in New mode so you can create a new order.

Note Do not click the OK button in the ribbon until you have finished entering the entire order.

  1. On the Main tab, enter the customer name or code to display the defaults for the customer.

  2. Enter additional order information. Verify that the order class entered in the Order Class field is a Returns type order class.

  3. If you have an associated invoice number, enter it in the Associated Invoice field. The option selected for the Allow Return of Products not on a Selected Invoice radio set in Customer Service Control Maintenance controls whether an associated invoice is required.

  4. Enter any order notes or remarks by clicking the Notes or Remarks button in the ribbon. For more information, see Notes Entry or Remark Entry.

  5. If you want to change the bill-to address, click the Bill To tab and enter the data.

  6. If you want to change the ship-to address, click the Ship To tab and enter the data.

  7. Click the Edit Items button in the ribbon to display O/E Line Item Entry, which allows you to enter the products included in the return order.

  8. Enter the product code of the product being returned in the Product Code field, and press the Tab key.

  9. Enter the quantity of the product being returned in the Quantity field, and press the Tab key.

  10. Either change the unit of measure or press the Tab key.

  11. If you need to change the price and are authorized to change prices, enter the correct price in the Unit Price field.

  12. Enter a return code in the Return Code field, or click the Lookup button and select a return code.

  13. Select the adjustment type. If you select the Inventory radio button, select whether you plan to receive inventory.

Note If you select the Price radio button, you can create an invoice as soon as you finish creating the return order. For the steps to create the invoice, see Create Invoices. If you select the Inventory radio button, and select not to receive inventory, you can adjust inventory as soon as you finish creating the return order. For the steps to adjust inventory, see Adjust Inventory.

  1. To accept the line item, click the Enter button.

  2. Repeat steps 9-15 for additional line items on the order.

  3. Enter any notes or remarks for a line item by selecting it, and clicking the Notes or Remarks button in the ribbon. For more information, see Notes Entry or Remark Entry.

  4. Enter any additional charges for a line item by selecting it, and clicking the Additional Charges button in the ribbon. For more information, see Additional Charge Entry.

  5. Click the OK button in the ribbon when you are finished entering line items for the return order.

  6. To add additional charges to the return order, click the Additional Charges tab in Order Entry, and enter the additional charges.

  7. Click the OK button in the ribbon and the system will create the order (and a receiving ticket if you are receiving inventory). The order number assigned to the order is displayed.

  8. Click the Cancel button in the ribbon. The Question dialog box appears, and asks you to confirm whether you want to cancel.

  9. Click the Yes button.

  10. Click the Exit button in the ribbon to close Order Entry.

Note You can use the Relationships tab in Order Entry to display pick demands and invoices associated with an order.

If you created a return order for a price adjustment, the next step is to create an invoice. If you created an inventory return order, the next step is to receive returned merchandise.

Receive Returned Merchandise

To verify received quantities match return order quantities:

  1. Open Return Order Receiving Entry.

  2. Enter a shipping location prefix in the Shipping Location Prefix field. Notice that the default location is based on your user ID.

  3. Clear the All Customers check box, and select the customer from which you are receiving products, or leave the All Customers check box selected to receive from all customers.

  4. Select whether you want to view pending or completed orders.

  5. Click the Show Data button in the ribbon to display return orders in the Return Orders grid. You can enter an order number in the Position to Order # field to display orders starting with that order number.

  6. Double-click a return order in the Return Orders grid, or click the Receive button in the ribbon. The Return Order Receipt window appears, and allows you to enter the received quantities for each line item.

  7. If the order quantity is the same as the received quantity, click the As Is button in the ribbon to completely receive the products. If the order quantity is not the same as the received quantity, enter the received quantity in the Received Qty column in the grid.

  8. Click the Receive button in the ribbon after all data is entered. The receipt number is displayed.

  9. Click the Exit button in the ribbon to close Return Order Receiving Entry.

Note If you have not received all products or a partial quantity, the order is left open for future receipts.

Confirm the Return Order Receipt

After you have received returned merchandise, you can confirm the return order receipt. Confirming the receipt allows you to:

To confirm the return order receipt:

  1. Open Return Order Receipt Confirm.

  2. Enter the receipt number in the Receipt # field, or click the Lookup button and select a receipt. To select a receipt for a specific customer, you can enter a customer code in the Customer Code field, and then click the Lookup button for the Receipt # field. After you enter a receipt number, the Items to be Returned grid displays the lines of the selected order and the quantities that are received.

  3. Select a line in the Items to be Returned grid. If the quantities are correct, click the As Is button in the ribbon, and the window displays fields that allow you to enter a disposition code and bin. You can also click the Return button in the ribbon. If you click the Return button, the Receipt Item Return window appears. This window is the last determining factor as to the dispersal of the merchandise and the accounts that are affected.

  4. If you clicked the As Is button in step 3, enter the disposition code and select the bin for the receipt, then click the OK button.

If you clicked the Return button in the ribbon in step 3, enter the disposition code, quantity returned, and bin, click the Enter button in the ribbon, and then click the OK button in the ribbon. One product can have several disposition codes. but the total quantity returned must equal the total quantity dispersed. You can click the Delete button in the ribbon if you incorrectly entered a line item (this will allow you to reenter the line item).

  1. If you do not want to adjust inventory for the return order receipt, clear the Adjust Inventory check box.

  2. To add additional charges to the order, click the Additional Charges tab in Return Order Receipt Confirm, and enter the additional charges.

  3. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The return order receipt is confirmed.

Note Before you click the OK button, you can click the Cancel button in the ribbon to cancel an entry.

  1. Click the Exit button in the ribbon to close Return Order Receipt Confirm.

Adjust Inventory

Adjusting inventory resolves general ledger accounts. If the accounts resolve correctly, the software allows you to create the sales invoice for the customer. It also updates inventory quantities, if affected.

Note You only adjust inventory for inventory returns if you specified that no product would be received when you created the return, or if you did not adjust inventory when confirming the return order receipt.

To adjust inventory:

  1. Open Confirmed Pick Demand Inventory Adjust.

  2. Select filtering options to specify orders for inventory adjustment. You can indicate the sales or shipping locations, customer, shipper, pick demand/return order receipt, and/or route. You can also indicate a specific order or customer purchase order number.

  3. Click the Show Data button in the ribbon. The Results tab displays the pick demands and return order receipts that meet the criteria you selected in step 2.

  4. If you want to adjust inventory for all displayed pick demands and return order receipts, skip to step 6.

If you want to only adjust inventory for specific pick demands and return order receipts, select the check box in the Adjust column of each pick demand or return order receipt for which you want to adjust inventory. You can click the Select All button in the ribbon to select the check box in the Adjust column for all displayed pick demands and return order receipts.

  1. If you want to also adjust inventory for additional pick demands or return order receipts that are not displayed, click the Select tab, and repeat steps 2-4. The pick demands and return order receipts already selected for inventory adjustment remain selected even if you change the filter criteria on the Select tab.

  2. Click the Print Options tab, and select options for the Inventory Adjustment Report that is output when you adjust inventory for pick demands and return order receipts.

  3. If you selected specific pick demands and return order receipts for inventory adjustment, click the Adjust Selected button in the ribbon. If you want to adjust inventory for all pick demands and return order receipts that meet the criteria you selected in step 2, click the Adjust All button in the ribbon. Inventory is adjusted for the pick demands, and the Inventory Adjustment Report is output.

  4. Click the Exit button in the ribbon to close Confirmed Pick Demand Inventory Adjust.

Review the Return Order

To verify the return order and price:

  1. Open Return Order Credit Memo Authorize.

  2. Enter a customer code or name in the Customer Code or Customer Name field, or click the Lookup button and select a customer.

  3. Enter an order number in the Order Number field, or click the Lookup button and select an order number.

  4. Enter a return number in the Return Ticket # field, or click the Lookup button and select a return number. The Line Items grid displays the line items for the order.

  5. To view more details for the order, click the View Order button. The Line Items window appears. Close this window when you are finished viewing order information.

  6. If you want to change line item prices, enter new prices in the Unit Price and/or Price Adjustment columns in the Line Items grid.

  7. To add additional charges to the order, click the Additional Charges tab, and enter the additional charges. To add additional charges to a selected line item, click the Item Charges button, and enter the charges.

  8. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The changes are saved.

  9. Click the Exit button in the ribbon to close Return Order Credit Memo Authorize.

Create Invoices

To create invoices (credit memos):

  1. Open Invoice Create and Print.

  2. Select filtering options to specify orders to invoice. You can select to limit the invoices by one or all shipping and/or sales locations. You can also select to filter by customers, shippers, order classes, orders, pick demands/return order receipts, waves, and routes.

  3. Enter the invoice date and posting period in the Invoice Date and Posting Period fields. You must enter an invoice date.

  4. Verify the batch number. If it is not correct, click the Select button in the ribbon to select a different batch. You must use a batch number.

  5. If you want to print a summary report, select the Print Summary Report check box.

  6. Click the Print Options tab, and select whether you want to output invoices to the screen, a file, a printer, Excel, or a contact email.

  7. Click the Print button in the ribbon. Invoices are created and the number of invoices created is displayed.

  8. Click the Exit button in the ribbon to close Invoice Create and Print.

Post Invoices

To post invoices (credit memos) to the general ledger:

  1. Open Invoice Post.

  2. Select the posting period and year.

  3. Select the transaction types you want to post (invoices, transfers, customer consignments, royalty adjustments, or all).

  4. Enter a batch for posting in the Batch # field or select the All radio button to post all batches.

  5. Click the Print Options tab, and select whether you want to output the posting report to the screen, a file, a printer, an email, or Excel.

  6. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The Confirm Posting dialog box appears, and asks you to confirm you want to post invoices.

  7. Click the Yes button. The A/R Invoice Posting to G/L Report is output, and the posting is completed.

  8. Click the Exit button in the ribbon to close Invoice Post.

Transfer Orders

To process transfer orders, perform the following procedures:

  1. Create a transfer order at the shipping location (allocates inventory).

  2. Generate pick demands at the shipping location.

  3. Confirm pick demands at the shipping location.

  4. Adjust inventory. This automatically generates the purchase order for the receiving location and updates the on-order quantity.

  5. Prep transfer orders at the shipping location (relieves inventory).

  6. Post transfer orders for the shipping location (posts to the general ledger).

  7. Receive inventory from the purchase order at the receiving location (updates quantities).

  8. Post inventory receipts at the receiving location (posts to the general ledger).

For more information on transfer order processing, see Transfer Order Process Flow.

Each procedure performed for transfer order processing is described in more detail below.

Create a Transfer Order at the Shipping Location

To create a transfer order:

  1. Open Order Entry. Notice that the window appears in New mode so you can create a new order.

Note Do not click the OK button in the ribbon until you have finished entering the entire order.

  1. On the Main tab, enter an order class in the Order Class field that is a Transfer type order class.

  2. Enter the location prefix or name to which you are transferring in the Transfer to Prefix or Transfer To fields, or click one of the Lookup buttons and select the location.

  3. Enter any additional order information.

  4. If you want to view open orders, click the Order button in the ribbon to display Customer Order Inquiry. Close Customer Order Inquiry when you are finished viewing open orders.

  5. Enter any order notes or remarks by clicking the Notes or Remarks button in the ribbon. For more information, see Notes Entry or Remark Entry.

  6. If you want to change the ship-to address, click the Ship To tab and enter the data.

  7. Click the Edit Items button in the ribbon to display O/E Line Item Entry, which allows you to enter the products included in the transfer order.

  8. Enter the product code of the product to transfer in the Product Code field, and press the Tab key.

  9. If you want to view detail information for the product, click the Details button in the ribbon. The Detail for Product window appears. Close this window when you are finished viewing product information.

  10. Enter the quantity ordered in the Quantity field, and then press the Tab key.

If express order entry is enabled, the system will enter the line item after the quantity is entered and the Tab key is pressed, and you can skip to step 14.

If express order entry is not enabled, the U/M field is selected.

  1. Either change the unit of measure or press the Tab key.

  2. To accept the line item, click the Enter button.

  3. Repeat steps 9-13 for additional line items on the order.

  4. Enter any notes or remarks for a line item by selecting it, and clicking the Notes or Remarks button in the ribbon. For more information, see Notes Entry or Remark Entry.

  5. Click the OK button in the ribbon when you are finished entering line items for the transfer order.

  6. Click the OK button in the ribbon and the system will create the transfer order. The order number assigned to the order is displayed. The window is in New mode, so you can create another order.

  7. Click the Cancel button in the ribbon. The Question dialog box appears, and asks you to confirm whether you want to cancel.

  8. Click the Yes button.

  9. Click the Exit button in the ribbon to close Order Entry.

Note You can use the Relationships tab in Order Entry to display pick demands and purchase orders associated with a transfer order.

Generate Pick Demands (shipping location)

To generate pick demands:

  1. Open Pick Demand Create and Print.

  2. Enter a shipping location in the Shipping Location field. Notice that the default location is based on your user ID.

  3. Select the orders for which to create pick demands. You can specify to create pick demands for specific zones, pick groups, customers, order numbers, required dates, shippers, sales locations, customer pick groups, or order classes.

  4. Click the Print Options tab, and select whether to print pick demands to the screen, a file, a printer, an email, or Excel.

  5. Click the Print button in the ribbon. The pick demands are generated and output.

  6. Click the Exit button in the ribbon to close Pick Demand Create and Print.

Note Generating pick demands changes the status of an order to In Pick.

Confirm Pick Demands (shipping location)

To confirm pick demands:

  1. Open Pick Demand Confirm.

  2. Enter a shipping location prefix in the Location field, or click the Lookup button to select a shipping location prefix.

  3. Enter a pick demand number in the Pick Demand field, or click the Lookup button to select a pick demand number. The order number and confirm date are entered automatically. Line items for the pick demand appear in the Items to Be Picked grid.

Note If you enter the wrong pick demand number, you must click the Cancel button in the ribbon before you can select a different pick demand number.

  1. Enter the user ID of the picker and packer in the Picked By and Packed By fields.

  2. If you want to confirm the pick demand with the recommended quantity, click the As Is button in the ribbon. The software automatically enters the picked quantity in the Picked Qty column in the Items to Be Picked grid. If there is a line item that cannot be filled for the order, the system will not complete the item and will allow you to enter the information. This condition can be the result of several discrepancies. For example, the recommended bin may have been emptied by a posted inventory adjustment before the order was picked and it no longer has quantity. The system will recognize this and not enter a value in the Picked Qty column. Caution must be taken if bin, lot, or serial numbers are used if changes are made to an order and not recorded in the system.

  3. If you do not want to use the recommend quantities, double-click a line item or select the line item and click the Pick button in the ribbon to display Pick Demand Product Selection. In this window, you can enter the quantity and select a bin. If several bins are used to fill the quantity shipped, then enter the individual quantities for each bin. As the entries are made, notice the value in the To be Picked field decreases and the value in the Total Picked field increases. After completion of the data entry, click the OK button in the ribbon to return to Pick Demand Confirm.

Note If you want to cancel a backordered line item, select the line item, and then select the Cancel Backorder check box.

  1. Click the Packages tab to enter package information. The weight of the order is displayed with a package number. The weight and tracking number can be changed for each package.

  2. If additional charges are required for the order, click the Additional Charges tab. Select the type of charge, select whether the charge is an amount or percent, and enter the appropriate amount. To accept the charge, click the Enter button and the grid will display the information.

  3. If all data has been entered for confirmation, click the OK button in the ribbon. The pick demand is confirmed.

  4. Click the Exit button in the ribbon to close Pick Demand Confirm.

Note Confirming pick demands changes the status of an order to Confirmed.

Adjust Inventory

Adjusting inventory resolves general ledger accounts. If the accounts resolve correctly, the software allows you to prep the transfer order. It also creates a purchase order for the receiving location, and updates inventory quantities, if affected.

To adjust inventory:

  1. Open Confirmed Pick Demand Inventory Adjust.

  2. Select filtering options to specify orders for inventory adjustment. You can indicate the sales or shipping locations, customer, shipper, pick demand, and/or route. You can also indicate a specific order or customer purchase order number.

  3. Click the Show Data button in the ribbon. The Results tab displays the pick demands that meet the criteria you selected in step 2.

  4. If you want to adjust inventory for all displayed pick demands, skip to step 6.

If you want to only adjust inventory for specific pick demands, select the check box in the Adjust column of each pick demand for which you want to adjust inventory. You can click the Select All button in the ribbon to select the check box in the Adjust column for all displayed pick demands.

  1. If you want to also adjust inventory for additional pick demands that are not displayed, click the Select tab, and repeat steps 2-4. The pick demands already selected for inventory adjustment remain selected even if you change the filter criteria on the Select tab.

  2. Click the Print Options tab, and select options for the Inventory Adjustment Report that is output when you adjust inventory for pick demands.

  3. If you selected specific pick demands for inventory adjustment, click the Adjust Selected button in the ribbon. If you want to adjust inventory for all pick demands that meet the criteria you selected in step 2, click the Adjust All button in the ribbon. Inventory is adjusted for the pick demands, and the Inventory Adjustment Report is output. The Transfer PO Creation Summary Report is also output.

  4. Click the Exit button in the ribbon to close Confirmed Pick Demand Inventory Adjust.

Note This procedure creates an automatic purchase order for the receiving location and updates on-order quantities for the receiving location. The purchase order can be used for receiving the inventory.

Note Adjusting inventory for confirmed pick demands changes the status of an order to Fully Confirmed.

Prep Transfer Orders

Prepping the transfer order assigns the posting period and batch for posting the transfer.

To prep the transfer order:

  1. Open Invoice Create and Print.

  2. Select filtering options to specify orders to prep. You can select to limit the orders by one or all shipping locations. You can also select to filter by shippers, order classes, orders, pick demands, waves, and routes.

  3. Select the Prep Transfer Orders radio button in the Display Options section.

  4. Enter the date and posting period in the Invoice Date and Posting Period fields. You must enter a date.

  5. Verify the batch number. If it is not correct, click the Select button in the ribbon to select a different batch. You must use a batch number.

  6. If you want to print a summary report, select the Print Summary Report check box.

  7. Click the Print Options tab, and select whether you want to output to the screen, a file, a printer, Excel, or a contact email.

  8. Click the Prep button in the ribbon. Transfer orders are prepped, and the number of prepped transfer orders is displayed.

  9. Click the Exit button in the ribbon to close Invoice Create and Print.

Post Transfer Orders (shipping location)

To post transfer orders:

  1. Open Invoice Post.

  2. Select the posting period and year.

  3. Select the Transfers radio button.

  4. Enter a batch for posting in the Batch # field or select the All radio button to post all batches.

  5. Click the Print Options tab, and select whether you want to output the posting report to the screen, a file, a printer, an email, or Excel.

  6. Click the OK button. The Confirm Posting dialog box appears, and asks you to confirm you want to post transfer orders.

  7. Click the Yes button. The A/R Invoice Posting to G/L Report is output, and the posting is completed.

  8. Click the Exit button in the ribbon to close Invoice Post.

Receive Inventory (receiving location)

To record the receipt of inventory and inventory quantities:

  1. Open Receiving Entry.

  2. Enter a shipping location in the Ship To Location field. Notice that the default location is based on your user ID.

  3. Select the Transfers radio button.

  4. Select any other filter criteria you want to use.

  5. Click the Show Data button in the ribbon to display purchase orders in the Receipts grid. You can enter an order number in the Position to Purchase Order field to display orders starting with that order number.

  6. Double-click a purchase order in the Purchase Orders grid, or click the Receipt button in the ribbon. Purchase Order Receipt appears, and allows you to enter the received quantities for each line item.

  7. If the order quantity is the same as the received quantity, click the As Is button in the ribbon to completely receive the line items. If the order quantity is not the same as the received quantity, click the Receive Item button, enter the received quantity in PO Item Receipt, and click the OK button in the ribbon.

  8. Click the OK button in the ribbon after all data is entered. The receipt number is displayed.

  9. Click the Exit button in the ribbon to close Receiving Entry.

Note If you have not received all products or a partial quantity, the order is left open for future receipts.

Post Inventory Receipts (receiving location)

To record the amount of the receipt in the user-defined clearing account:

  1. Open Inventory Receipt Post.

  2. Select periods, locations, and dates for posting.

  3. Click the Print Options tab, and select whether you want to output the posting report to the screen, a file, a printer, an email, or Excel.

  4. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The Confirm Posting dialog box appears, and asks you to confirm you want to post receipts.

  5. Click the Yes button. The PO Receipt Posting to G/L Report is output. The posting is complete.

  6. Click the Exit button in the ribbon to close Inventory Receipt Post.

Drop-Ship and Special Order Products

You can add drop shipments and special order products to a regular sales order. During order processing, only those products that are drop-shippable can be selected for drop shipments. A product/location record must exist for products with either the Must Drop Ship or Drop Ship Allowed check boxes selected (for more information, see Product Maintenance or Product Location Maintenance).

The process for entering drop ship and special order products is similar to the process for a sales order. However, for a drop-ship product, you must select a drop-ship supplier code in Order Entry if a default supplier does not exist.

In Order Entry, if a line item is for a special order product, select it, and select the check box in the Spec. Order column. If the product cannot be special ordered, a warning message appears.

For detailed information on the workflow for drop-ship orders, see Drop-Ship Orders Process Flow.

For detailed information on the workflow for special orders, see Special Order Process Flow.

After the order is generated, drop ship and special order products require purchase orders. The order entry process creates the information necessary for generating a purchase order in Drop Ship and Special Order Create. This is followed by processing the supplier’s invoice in Voucher Entry.

You can post the supplier’s invoice at this time, or post later. You can also complete the payment process for the supplier at any time. After the supplier’s invoice has been entered into the system, inventory is automatically adjusted for the customer’s sales order. After the inventory has been adjusted and any exceptions are resolved, you can create and print the customer’s invoice, and post the invoice.


To enter a quote, which does not allocate inventory, use Order Entry as if you were entering a sales order, but select an order class that is a Quote type order class.

The workflow for quotes follows the Sales Order Process Flow except that you must select an order class that is a Quote type order class.

Forecast Hold Functionality

After each sales order line is entered or updated, the product/location’s buying method and associated forecast method Forecast Hold parameter are checked. If the value is Standard for each parameter, nothing needs to be done. If the value is not Standard, the associated program logic for that value is run.

If the line item goes on forecast hold, the order is marked as on hold and the individual line is also marked as being on forecast hold. When an order line goes on forecast hold, a message appears to the user - This order line is on forecast hold. The order line grid has three columns related to: Forecast Hold, Forecast Hold Release Date, and Forecast Hold Release By.

When the Promise Date button in the ribbon is clicked in O/E Line Item Entry, the product/location’s buying method and associated forecast method Available to Promise parameter are checked. If the value is Standard for this parameter, nothing needs to be done. If the value is not Standard for this parameter, the associated program logic for that value is run.

Pick demands cannot be printed until an order is released from on-hold status.

For more information, see DRP - Buying Method FAQ and DRP - Forecast Hold FAQ.