Wireless Warehouse Overview

The Wireless Warehouse module is designed to improve the accuracy and efficiency of warehouse operations. The basic premise is that all warehouse tasks are put in a task queue, and tasks can be automatically or manually assigned to warehouse users based on rules. Warehouse managers can manage the queue dynamically to adjust to the level of workload and urgency of tasks.

Task Types and the Task Queue

Tasks are categorized by task type (cycle counting, picking, etc.). As tasks are created, they accumulate in the task queue. The rules determine the priority and assignment of tasks to specific users. The following task types can be assigned to users:

Warehouse Users and Teams

To simplify maintenance, warehouse users can be assigned to warehouse teams. Each warehouse team is designated with the task types it can perform within specific locations (warehouses), zones, and warehouse areas.

To allow for flexibility, a warehouse user can be designated with the task types they can perform within specific locations (warehouses), zones, and warehouse areas. The warehouse user-level rules take precedence over the team-level rules.

Example Warehouse user Joe is part of the A team. The A team is allowed to pick in the NJ location for all zones and warehouse areas. Joe is set up to be allowed to cycle count. Everyone in the A team can pick, but only Joe can pick and cycle count.

The rules are flexible enough to allow all warehouse users to perform all task types for all zones of a location, or to only allow a specific task type for a specific zone in a specific location.

Warehouse Locations and Zones

Sometimes, warehouse locations are contiguous physically (building A is located next to building B), and warehouse teams can perform work in either location. To accommodate this requirement, a warehouse team can set up rules for more than one location and zone.

Each zone has options in terms of what needs to be scanned (validated) - the bin, the product or both. This allows for flexibility when setting up the rules. Additionally, in some zones, for some task types, you may want to use wireless warehouse or not (e.g., use paper). So, Wireless Warehouse does not have to be an "all or nothing" proposition. It can be phased in by zone and by task type to allow for an orderly implementation.

Warehouse Task Management

Warehouse managers maintain total control of the work tasks of their locations and zones in Warehouse Task Management. They can set it up to function automatically, or they can actively manage it. Tasks can be prioritized and automatically assigned to the next eligible warehouse user. Tasks can be manually assigned and re-prioritized.

Small tasks can be merged together into larger tasks to allow a warehouse user to be more efficient. For example, this would enable one person to perform multiple putaway tasks at the same time.

Large tasks can be split up into smaller tasks so that more than one warehouse user can work on it. For example, a very large putaway task can be broken up and put away by multiple warehouse users.

Warehouse Productivity Statistics

Warehouse managers have the power to dynamically view statistics, in summary or detail, to evaluate warehouse user productivity and performance. This information can lead to better efficiency and more accountability of results.

Wireless Warehouse Setup

To use the Wireless Warehouse module, the following setup must be done:

  1. In User Profile Maintenance, designate users as eligible for assignment to warehouse tasks. To be eligible, you must select Wireless Warehouse Only or Apprise and Wireless Warehouse for the Type of Access field. Select Apprise and Wireless Warehouse for managers that also can be assigned warehouse tasks. In User Extended Options, users should be designated with a default shipping location. Users also must be set up with a user inventory bin (typically, a bin should be set up with their name first). This is used during picking so that when a product is picked from a real bin, it is transferred to the user’s bin temporarily so that cycle counting can be accomplished accurately.

  2. In Warehouse Team Maintenance, set up warehouse teams. A team is a group of users that are allowed to perform the same task types. The purpose of a team is to be able to create and manage rules by team instead of for each warehouse user. Great care and thought should be given to the creation of teams.

  3. In Warehouse Team Task Type Maintenance, assign task type/location/zone rules to warehouse teams.

  4. In Warehouse Team User Maintenance, assign eligible users to warehouse teams.

  5. In Warehouse User Task Type Maintenance, assign task type/location/zone rules to warehouse users. These rules take precedence over warehouse team rules.

  6. In Zone Task Options, set up zone options for scanning and using Wireless Warehouse.

  7. Set up laydown bin options. For more information, see Laydown Bin FAQ.

  8. Set up label printing options. For more information, see Label Printing FAQ.